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How are YOU Gabby? On Jun 23

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    How are YOU Gabby? On Jun 23

    How are you doing gabby? Happen to read ABs board for Sent you an ezmail ...teens!! I can relate. But how are you at this point?

    Don't know where you live so I am probably off re: time zone. Do notice you are always reaching out & talking about others (not yourself) ...How is your kid doing tonight? And everyone? Esp you?

    How are YOU Gabby? On Jun 23

    Hi Chrystal,
    Thank you so much for your concern. Ya know I didn't get your mail. In e-zbox?
    Anyway, oh boy....hard night, morning and day. Everything is done now and we are all ok.
    My son...hopefully has had a wakeup call, and will straighten up. He is basically gonna have to. (probation) He is really a good kid. What has happened is to a friend he was with. But that doesnt matter of course. He still spent the night in jail and has some scary stuff ahead of him. But his friend is gonna go to jail jail. For a while. Feel very grateful in so many ways. I think its gonna be a really good lesson for him but lucky he is just shy of 18. I really believe there arent any coincidences in life. Everything little tiny thing that happens in each moment of each day is all a piece of the story of your life. And this that happened last night is maybe something that will save his life down the road. I hope and think he learned a big lesson. Make better choices. And at least he knows dear ole mom isnt gonna come get him out of jail in the middle of the night. (killed me)
    This am was really hard cuz they wouldnt let his dad see him at all. We didnt really know much and you know how ya let your imagine run. Its not good but the waitin was gettin to me. All in all, dad got him out, court dates are set, big talks and big hugs have happened. And tonight would typically be a night I would easily put down many beers to console myself. But that isnt the case. Tomorrow is day 18 of abs for me. I am so happy I have got to this day. Last night when the cop was on the phone and then at the door.....oh my GOD...I am soooo glad I was only gettin woke up on topa, supps and hypno cd's grogginess instead of beer drinkin till im ready for beer sleep or what ever you wanna call that state. Not a good state to be dealin with what I had to deal with. See....its not a coincindence that I found this site and I am on day 17. I am happy cuz I know I am on MY WAY OUT.
    Dear God...Please keep feedin me full of this desire for a healthier life. gabby


      How are YOU Gabby? On Jun 23

      Wow, Gabby.
      Lots of positive thoughts your way today! So happy for you for being abs and handling this with such strength and clarity. It is what your son needs right now. And the cops coming to your door without you and beer breath.... whooo wheee!! OMG!! Be so proud!
      Not a coincidence? I believe not!
      TAKE CARE,


        How are YOU Gabby? On Jun 23

        WOW!!! Myb sentements also!! good job on your part Gabby, I really would have been "pounding" the beers if that happened to me an dmy son........a "not yet" they call it in son is only 14, can learn how to drive w/ me or dad in the car.....don't know the specifics, but trouble w/ the law and jail sound scary to me! Best of luck on your day 18 now!!

        I am still shooting for a day1!

        It will happen soon though, I have faith in that!!
        Mary Anne


          How are YOU Gabby? On Jun 23

          Thanks you guys,
          I do feel proud of myself. I feel happy that I have gotten this far. I feel bad for what I am about to say for all the people that are working so hard here just doin the supplements and cd's. I have to say.....with out the topa I know I wouldnt be able to be doin this. I am sooooooooooo glad for it. I feel like it is really the key thing here. I have had my moments when I wanted to drink in the last 17 days. And a cold beer really does sound good. I know i just cant give in. But if it werent for the topa. I know I would have caved. I do have to say I am curious how it would taste. I see some people say it doesnt taste good. I hope that happens to me. But right now I am to scared to find out. What happened the other night is a prime example of why i knew I needed to stop. The kids are gettin hard and I need to be on my toes with em. Not grabbin anther beer. Anyway thanks ladies. I love you guys. Like I said....I have gotten where I dont share this stuff with my closest friends. Feels so good to spill. : ) Gabby


            How are YOU Gabby? On Jun 23

            Boy I have been missing a lot. It will be good to be back here more again. GABBY!! Wow, you go girl!! Well done!! You must be proud of yourself in so many ways! Not drinking was terrific! I also think that letting your son experience the consequences of his actions in this way now will likely help him make much better decisions in the future. Great job! I know it must have killed you to leave him in jail overnight, but it was SOOO the right thing to do!!



              How are YOU Gabby? On Jun 23


              I'm glad your son didn't get into more serious trouble.

              Big Hugs and Congratulations on day 17 of abs!



                How are YOU Gabby? On Jun 23

                Kathy and Brandy,
                Thanks! See, I get up for anther day, (day19) and there you guys are encouraging me along. Makes it easy to keep spreadin it around to others startin out. (maryanne and lluf) Big Smiles, Gabby

