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October Army Thread 2019
Re: October Army Thread 2019
Good morning Girlies!!!
Happy October to all! If today is any sign, it's going to be a gorgeous month, weather-wise! Love that it's warm during the day but cool at night and in the morning when I get up - about 6a.m., it's definitely "fresh" out! Definitely not expecting a monsoon or anything [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION] !!
Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View PostI won't be-labour this but you all might remember about the problems the boy had earlier on this year at the hands of a certain piece of work? Well she's at it again.....this time she's accused a group of men in town. The area is well covered by CCTV. But what do you know, nothing turned up! Apparently she has made a report to police, which I also hope is true so that a pattern begins to emerge for NSW Police. It's been 4 months. Time to get more attention, I guess.
Originally posted by JackieClaire View PostI was going to say it suddenly dawned on me but its been niggling a while.
A text/whatsap/IM cannot is taking the over getting off your backside and something called visiting.
In a visit.........you can see body language/ smiles (whether they're real or fake)/ when they're sat in front of you by body language and some say they're fine you can see they not. Inotations in the your or their voice speaks volumes.There's hugs...real ones not some damned fecking emoji. You can't get that from a phone.
If you have a fight you either work it out not just switch you off.
I can't text great long screeds of what I'm doing/done/going to do.
Jenny's teaching at a school where phones are handed in as soon as the pupils get ther and handed back when they leave. In the space of just two years they've seen better behaviour/higher attendance/better exam results.
Its a wonderful thing that we can keep in contact with family across the world (we've got family in France & USA) but when they're half an hour down the road it hacks me off.
Here endeth the big think.
I like to talk on the phone but DO NOT LIKE people dropping in unexpectedly. I love to have company but want to know ahead of time so I can have a little something ready when they get here, never mind not being in my jammies with a mosturizing green face mask on! Call ahead or go somewhere else!
Originally posted by mollyka View PostBIG BOAST!! Have a wireless printer...…….. wireless my ARSE.... it came with an instruction book of about 94 million pages of how to connect wirelessly -- I threw the book in the bin in a tantrum ---- TODAY -- I connected it by pressing 3 buttons...……. WHY OH WHY couldn't the book say - 'press the blue one - press the yellow one- and then press the one on the left for 3 seconds' --- LATHERIN HEART!!!
Originally posted by IamMary View PostI was probably being a tad facetious about the 'getting hammered' at the weekend away. We have all grown up a bit now (all late 40s), but it was these parties and mad nights out that bonded us 30 years ago and the expectation is there. As a group, we only meet once or twice at most a year now and I was giving it socks on these occasions, until 4 years ago. They definitely knock them back more than your crochet group Rustop! I do really enjoy most of their company though, so its tricky.
Originally posted by mollyka View PostI've 2 crumbly knees and another crumbly hip...he reckons arthritis set in bout 30 years ago! Best ignored
Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post.
Sobriety brings out our strengths we recognize our weaknesses. We learn to cope. We learn there's no answer at the bottom of a glass. Our brains heal and finally we grow up to be the person we always had inside.inkele::spin:
For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
Re: October Army Thread 2019
Morning yous twos.
[MENTION=11158]stirly-girly[/MENTION].............just how long did it take you to do that post? Very thorough.
Oddly enough Sunday night came and got into a long and complicated two text messaging session one with my brother.............and you're never going to believe what it was about.............our mother's old biscuit barrel. It was oak with a silver handle and did I have it.
He'd been watching Antiques Road Show and saw one worth nearly £200 pounds.
The other with the S&H as I got a series of photos of him knocking their fitted wardrobes out so I had to send many happy emojis and well dones.
And I think I just lost my temper in a post againLast edited by JackieClaire; October 1, 2019, 04:24 AM.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Re: October Army Thread 2019
Originally posted by JackieClaire View PostMorning yous twos.
[MENTION=11158]stirly-girly[/MENTION].............just how long did it take you to do that post? Very thorough.
Oddly enough Sunday night came and got into a long and complicated two text messaging session one with my brother.............and you're never going to believe what it was about.............our mother's old biscuit barrel. It was oak with a silver handle and did I have it.
He'd been watching Antiques Road Show and saw one worth nearly £200 pounds.
The other with the S&H as I got a series of photos of him knocking their fitted wardrobes out so I had to send many happy emojis and well dones.
And I think I just lost my temper in a post again
So yeah -- my heart is sinking... I don't do drama but this is drama...…...Joe is going to build bannisters...……………..oh jaysus………..he's talking MONTHS.... may -- MAY be done for Christmas...……………….
Did the brother WANT the biscuit barrel or is he just delighted for your good luck????:egad:
Yes Stirly - had one done last January - it was brilliant - can't afford to get anything else done for the moment cos work wouldn't keep paying me!!! was out of work for weeks!!Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
contentedly NF since 8/04/14
Re: October Army Thread 2019
Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
[MENTION=11158]stirly-girly[/MENTION].............just how long did it take you to do that post? Very thorough.
Oddly enough Sunday night came and got into a long and complicated two text messaging session one with my brother.............and you're never going to believe what it was about.............our mother's old biscuit barrel. It was oak with a silver handle and did I have it.
He'd been watching Antiques Road Show and saw one worth nearly £200 pounds.
The other with the S&H as I got a series of photos of him knocking their fitted wardrobes out so I had to send many happy emojis and well dones.
And I think I just lost my temper in a post again
I gather S&H and Mrs. S&H are getting new wardrobes....
Okay, wee rant. We have a newish employee - been here since August. Very enthusiastic about learning all of our products, waiting on customers, etc., etc., but he talks just to talk and never looks at you first before opening his mouth. When I'm on the phone, trying to concentrate on an e-mail I'm writing to a customer, when I'm noting something down. Just opens his mouth and spouts unnecessary dribble. Repeats something we've already discussed for no reason. Asks did Mr. So-and-so not come in to pick up his order? Well if the order is still sitting here then obviously he didn't!! Makes me mental. He also completes my sentences if I pause before I finish what I was saying and most of the time it's not what I was going to say. AND, he talks over me when I'm waiting on a customer. I've been in this business over 25 years. I don't need you adding your 2 cents worth when you don't yet know the product that well, dude. GRRRR......For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
Re: October Army Thread 2019
Originally posted by mollyka View Post
Yes Stirly - had one done last January - it was brilliant - can't afford to get anything else done for the moment cos work wouldn't keep paying me!!! was out of work for weeks!!
Bannisters? Oh my. My guess is they could be very complicated, getting them all fitted and such. Is he handy around the house or just decided to learn as he goes? Patience, dear girl, patience! I can picture the grandkids at Christmas running up and down stairs with vertical posts but no hand-rail attached!!:egad:For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
Re: October Army Thread 2019
He did mention needing a stair gate....the stairs could be like Startys oven many years ago...I may not have ANY!!!
Nope handy is not the best descriptionContentedly sober since 27/12/2011
contentedly NF since 8/04/14
Re: October Army Thread 2019
Originally posted by mollyka View PostHe did mention needing a stair gate....the stairs could be like Startys oven many years ago...I may not have ANY!!!
Nope handy is not the best description
Light fixture#3.jpgLight fixture#2.jpgLight fixture#1.jpgCoffee table#2.jpgEnd table.jpgFor every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
Re: October Army Thread 2019
Morning to you all. I have snuck into bed early again.
I think your young employee needs to be kept a tad busier, Stirly.
Did you ever see those TShirts for sale online that said ''People: Not a fan"? Think I might get one. I've had a very odd day at work and if you don't mind I'll just lay here and listen to you all chatter.
If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
Rejoined life 20/5/19
Re: October Army Thread 2019
[MENTION=11158]stirly-girly[/MENTION]...........how clever you areI love, love the ducks.
I'm sure when I get the hang of the loft ladders my latest :heartbeat: There'll be one or two up there.
Jenny's got one, not because of having children its to stop Buddy the Beagle getting upstairs when they had stairs they're in a bungalow and it keeps him in the kitchen when they're eating.
Rather clever that at my mum's she used to put one of my brother's motorbike helmets at the bottom of her stairs............both mine were terrified of it. Oddly enough they didn't mind when he had one on.
It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Re: October Army Thread 2019
Afternoon all. Typing on phone so excuse errors. Wow Stirly, very talented lady, very impressed. Can you please send some of your weather our way, bucketing it down here again. Am glad to be in work, although fire and-crochet sounds inviting too.