Feel like a harbinger of doom here. A lad I used to volunteer with who went on to be a paid alcohol/drug support worker died yesterday. 48 years old........leaving three daughters under 15. I'd know from his FB page he'd started drinking again and he'd spent the last two years in and out of hospital with at first minor things........... a fall, bruising, broken arm.........then onto kidney failure...then his page went silent. Hadn't seen him in the last couple of years....
It is not just your liver that alcohol affects its every organ in your body so getting a healthy liver report is okay but think about all your other precious its and pieces, like your kidneys, heart.
It doesn't take into account colour, creed, sex or age.........it kills.
To quote our Satz............"If you drank or are still drinking and waiting to be sober before posting that is MENTAL in my opinion"
Now the mundane...........Mr JC didn't need the whole morning off the plasterer only took an hour. The walls are like silk and I'm envious of this bloke's skill. All I bought in town were two custard slices............and they're both mine.