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December 2019: International Army

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    Re: December 2019: International Army

    Tree up but no decorations yet due to a teenage pre xmas melt down. If I was still drinking, Id be finishing up the 2nd bottle now, eyeing something else, emotional and exhausted.. Id wake up drowning in guilt and pain.
    I am planning to be fresh as a daisy :happy2:
    Pearls sound gorgeous JC..
    AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


      Re: December 2019: International Army

      Hello everyone. Lots going on here. I hope you were able to get some sleep Mary. Nothing like a teenage meltdown is there?

      We haven't got our tree yet. Haven't done any shopping. Have a very few decorations up. Wow - if I blink, Christmas will be past.

      I hope that everyone is having a great weekend.
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Re: December 2019: International Army

        Morning all! and great to see you Nora.. the only reason I have my tree up etc. is because Joe was going away - I knew if it wasn't done (it's his job!!!) I'd have felt guilted into doing it while he was gone so I encouraged him to get going - but normally I'd only be beginning to think about anything.. so don't sweat the small stuff!!!

        Oh Mary Mary Mary -- I doubt if there's one of us here that hasn't dealt with teenage horror's -- and I know that's no consolation to you.. but you do come through the other end... and a lot of how you handle those years imo is the basis for your adult relationship with them down the road... so being in recovery is such a big big biggy… they have SUCH a rod to beat you with if you're still drinking so you are streets ahead of about 90% of the population of teenager parents!! you don't even have to be a 'problem' drinker for them to throw drinking in your face! and it does end - believe it or not - under all that shouting and bluster - -- they KNOW when they are out of turn - they are only pushing the boundaries.. and more than ever this is the time to remember - we are not here to be their 'friends' and to pander to every demand -- we are their parents - and they actually quite like boundaries!
        Off to work shortly and heading out tonight with my special friends at work - we only get together a couple of times a year cos we've all been scattered a bit.. but it'll be great - going to a Nepalese (I THINK It's Nepalese -- one of those cuisines anyway!) place in Malahide - so no travelling nor nothing.. talk later folks!
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Re: December 2019: International Army

          [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION] Molls said you've got the huge advantage of sobriety on your side. Did you try..............'do you speak to your friends with a mouth like that?'
          Jenny rolled in at 3am..........smelling of booze and a garlic & cheese fries. Tbh not sure what smelled worse. And no phone charger.
          She's got to be up and dressed in half an hour if she wants a lift to the station.
          We're popping into the sober cafe I used to volunteer at. They're having another New Year's Eve party so going to get some tickets.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Re: December 2019: International Army

            Evening all,
            No Satzy, I have been to a few and organised even more of the bloody things. I doubt there are many conferences that people actually find useful the whole time. Maybe one or two things and the rest is a junket for them.

            Teenagers-God help us. I remember feeling so entitled to feel the way I did. Completely egocentric. I also remember feeling calmer and back in control when someone put me back in my place. In later years I just nodded and agreed-and did exactly what I wanted to behind their backs. That was the beginning of the binge drinking. Worked out so well....

            The state is still burning. 680 homes lost. I don't want to think too much about how many animals. That really does my head in.
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              Re: December 2019: International Army

              Ahh cross -posted missus.
              Doesn't booze smell repulsive on people?
              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                Re: December 2019: International Army

                [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION]............just watching the news. Tragic doesn't begin to describe it.

                Oh yes, it honks to high heaven. I just stand at arm's length. And the long-held belief that vodka doesn't smell is a myth.

                Better get dressed myself.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Re: December 2019: International Army

                  Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post
                  Ahh cross -posted missus.
                  Doesn't booze smell repulsive on people?
                  God yes - worse than anything is that sour smell in the morning. Makes me retch uke: when YS stays over.
                  That smell that reminds me of the taste in my mouth ........ oh God !!


                    Re: December 2019: International Army

                    Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                    An alcoholic seizure is one of the scariest things I've ever seen.
                    Can't stop long as Mr. JC's got his pals round watching a match.
                    [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] what would I do if that happened to YS. What are the signs ?


                      Re: December 2019: International Army


                      I stopped in at the right time! I had a teenaged meltdown in my house last night also, Mary. What a giant pain in the a$$. I work with teenagers, too, so I always get a double whammy. As I said in the nest, I am so glad that I am sober. I can set those boundaries and be firm and confident in what I am doing. I can stay calm and steady during the unpleasant interchanges (although I did lose my cool a bit last night). I love teenagers and I'll be glad when this one pushes through this rough patch and is onward...

                      Hope all is well in the army. I am ready for December to be over. Bah humbug.



                        Re: December 2019: International Army

                        Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                        [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] what would I do if that happened to YS. What are the signs ?
                        Easiest read I could find.................Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

                        I just saw the white face with a sort of sheen of sweat, shaky hands and agitation. If you've ever seen an epileptic fit its like that. Horrible and frightening for the patient and the onlooker.
                        A hangover is withdrawal. How many of us have had a hair of the dog the following day just to take the edge off?
                        Last edited by JackieClaire; December 7, 2019, 03:20 PM.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Re: December 2019: International Army

                          Originally posted by Pavati View Post
                          I am ready for December to be over. Bah humbug.

                          Pav you won't believe this but I thought the EXACT same thing just before I read your post :egad:
                          I want normality restored.

                          I say it every year but I find the whole 'let's be jolly' thing very tiresome.



                            Re: December 2019: International Army

                            Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                            Pav you won't believe this but I thought the EXACT same thing just before I read your post :egad:
                            I want normality restored.

                            I say it every year but I find the whole 'let's be jolly' thing very tiresome.

                            I usually do too (in latter years anyway - ) - but for some reason I'm quite looking forward to it this year - even enjoying the preparation..
                            Just back from lovely night out for a good nosh and a great laugh - haven't laughed like that for a long time - really miss my old pals in the library - so many 'ambitious young things' - (some of these so called 'ambitious young things' are as old as 50!) there's not much fun and black humour going around - they are too afraid to take a step out of line... anyway - great night was had.. feel guilty cos I was asked to babysit tomorrow - but I'm really shagging tired - shopping all day Friday and working today and out tonight - only really have tomorrow off.. so made my excuses.. do feel mean tho.. feck it.. I deserve a day off!!
                            Watching celeb jungle -
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Re: December 2019: International Army

                              Originally posted by Pavati View Post

                              I stopped in at the right time! I had a teenaged meltdown in my house last night also, Mary. What a giant pain in the a$$. I work with teenagers, too, so I always get a double whammy. As I said in the nest, I am so glad that I am sober. I can set those boundaries and be firm and confident in what I am doing. I can stay calm and steady during the unpleasant interchanges (although I did lose my cool a bit last night). I love teenagers and I'll be glad when this one pushes through this rough patch and is onward...

                              Hope all is well in the army. I am ready for December to be over. Bah humbug.

                              I truly believed I had replied to this - mustn't have sent.. fair dues to you teenagers home AND away - not easy Pav -- respect!!!
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                                Re: December 2019: International Army

                                Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                                I truly believed I had replied to this - mustn't have sent.. fair dues to you teenagers home AND away - not easy Pav -- respect!!!
                                Good morning. Totally agree with Molly, it is not easy but you will get through it Mary and Pav and having a clear head makes all the difference. I was out chauffeuring last night. Daughter had her Xmas party in the city. She was going to pre book taxi but I wasn’t crazy about her coming out to the boonies with a stranger so I volunteered. Harcourt Street is some experience at 3 am! In fairness she got up to the puppy early fed him etc. It is like having a baby in the house. Horrible morning here. Going to help hubby put up some of the Xmas lights.

