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December 2019: International Army

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    Re: December 2019: International Army

    Originally posted by satz123 View Post
    Yes Molls - at least YS was 'honest' in that regard. Wouldn't go again to rehab to quieten us family.
    All I KNOW is if rehab had been offered to me I'd have taken it to stop the thing.
    I'd tried everything else. Well ...... everything except abstinence :egad:

    I WANTED to drink ..... but like everyone else that's what brought me to MWO.
    It took another 4 years to realise that would never happen.
    Acceptance ....

    So our Lad that Missed Train to Spain is not there & he may never get there.
    Especially as he has Joe & Co 'minding' him. Which I know is so hard not to do. They just want him fixed.
    Same with YS .......
    As you all know here -- I absolutely loved rehab--- it was an absolutely privilege and a luxury (28 days for only ME -- what's not to like??)
    I have been using initials for the lads involved - cos Joe mentioned this website to him at one stage and I was afraid he'd somehow log in and see me talking about him - norra chance I guess- so yeah - Ricky is the name of the lad who owns the apt in Spain - and bless him - he's terrible kind albeit misguided and he was determined this week in Spain was going to help Liam … and Joe didn't want Ricky having to deal with it on his own.. but as you all know - it ended up Joe and Ricky going alone and having a ball!!! I think they are also afraid he's going to die -- either by his own hand or his body will give up - so they feel a level of responsibility which I DO understand... but the bit they just don't fully get is that they can't do anything about it...
    Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post
    I wonder what would happen with The Lad Who Missed the Plane to Spain if everyone just stopped and stepped back. Let The Lad come to them for help like.

    Last day of work tomorrow and it's going to be 40+ degrees. What a nightmare this is going to be.
    Well as I answered to Benjy - I feel he may die - he's definitely got some brain damage - not just black outty or vague - his voice has changed and he has no grasp on some situations even when stone cold sober... I'm guessing a strong case of wet brain.. and Joe says he's walking like an old man (this chap was running marathons up to 3 years ago) -- so yeah - that's what they are afraid will happen... Joe has now asked me to speak to him - I've told him of course I will but only if Liam comes to me - up to now he hasn't.... avoiding me like the plague I guess cos I know all the tricks!!

    Evening all

    took a half day today - bit of tension in the house - Jilly is inclined to land in for hours every evening - and god we love them heaps - but he sometimes feels invaded.. cos I was here this afternoon - I sort of get it -- and casually as you like she asked him yesterday if he'd paint her bathroom...…. BEFORE CHRISTMAS???!!! latherin heart!
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Re: December 2019: International Army

      Evening everyone. Enjoy Oslo Missy, my daughter lives there and is coming home tomorrow for Christmas. Know how you feel Molly, daughter was off today so I had her and all the doggies under my feet all day. Got the kitchen deep cleaned but took a lot longer. Very sad about the lad from Spain, looks like he does not want to stop. Crazy wind here all day and tonight. Hope you happy with the hair JC. Got all my bits done last week.


        Re: December 2019: International Army

        Just a quickie as I'm getting a lift into town. May as well take advantage as our public transport has got kaput this morning.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Re: December 2019: International Army

          Originally posted by mollyka View Post

          took a half day today - bit of tension in the house - Jilly is inclined to land in for hours every evening - and god we love them heaps - but he sometimes feels invaded.. cos I was here this afternoon - I sort of get it -- and casually as you like she asked him yesterday if he'd paint her bathroom...…. BEFORE CHRISTMAS???!!! latherin heart!
          Nip it in the bud Molls - she's taking you & Joe for granted ..... yes we love them .... but they need to know you need your space & she's a grown up now

          I think they are also afraid he's going to die -- either by his own hand or his body will give up - so they feel a level of responsibility which I DO understand... but the bit they just don't fully get is that they can't do anything about it...
          Oh God that is extremely sad. He's slowly committing suicide as it is. God love him .... did you say this escalated when his wife died ?

          Another plus for YS is he keeps trying. He's here - he's sober and going to doctor to get his bloods tested. So some health issue must be driving it.
          I've stopped asking.
          Last edited by satz123; December 19, 2019, 05:33 AM.


            Re: December 2019: International Army

            Oslo, Missy? I know a few people who have gone for the white Christmas. No smoke, no heat, no bushfires.

            It's a big dilemma with drinking, isn't it? Nobody quits until they reach their own personal limit, I'm convinced of that. I know there could have been no intervention to stop the course of my drinking, relapse and pole-vault back onto the wagon. I may have said 'three bags full' but it would have meant feck all. I was a private home drinker anyway. So entertaining, babbling to yourself.

            Well that was my last day of work for the year and thank the dear Lord for it. As soon as I threw the front door shut everything seemed to assume slow motion. And I intend to maintain that!

            A big sleep in next ....see you on the flip side folks.
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              Re: December 2019: International Army

              Afternoon folks at work so just a quick one...think I may have gone on drinking for another while...was still at the 'what harm am I doing anyone?' But yeah we mostly all get there.
              Two insufferable idiots here went for promotions here..neither even got on the panel nastily delighted here
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Re: December 2019: International Army

                Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                Two insufferable idiots here went for promotions here..neither even got on the panel nastily delighted here
                That's a good way of putting it Molls.

                Same here with 'The wan that took my Job'
                She keeps messing up but hey ........
                a) don't lie on your CV
                b) Take my help when offered and don't pretend to know it all.


                  Re: December 2019: International Army

                  Morning All,
                  Awake early with bushfire smoke coming though the bedroom window. Waiting out the antihistamines then back to nod for a bit. This was supposed to be sleep-in day but hells bells at least I've still got a house to sleep in.
                  I'm thinking YS is still in his 30s? I was only just ramping up with the drink then. Boy would I love all the time, money, health and dignity back that I drained away over all those years. Sometimes I sit here and imagine all the empty bottles I've drunk filling a room. Or all the alcohol filling a swimming pool, knowing that it had ALL made it's way through my body. What a terrifying sight that would be. It must be very, very hard for you watching it happen, Satz.

                  It's always the idiots with no self-awareness who go for these jobs - and sometimes get them because they talk a good game. Another train accident which should have been foreseen. It's tiresome at my age to watch them all come bouncing through with their 'new ideas' which are not new at all. Then watch them panic and look around wildly for support when the wheels fall off - I think that is when you're supposed to show us all of your mad management skillz kid. Apparently they don't teach resilience in honours year.

                  Anyway, I should try to go to sleep before I start mouthing off about our shit-for-brains prime minister. There's a few more paragraphs for ya.
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    Re: December 2019: International Army

                    Well I gather from both your posts Benjy and Bridge - that you WELL know that of which I speak - they would make me laugh if they didn't make me so cross!!!

                    Anyway - home now and feet up - only tomorrow to do and then I'm off till Friday!!! woop woop!!!
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Re: December 2019: International Army

                      Night everyone. Just a quick check in. Daughter home and had a few friends over. She cooked so that was me off the hook. One of her friends has a baby so 3 dogs, 2 puppies and 1 baby. Will leave it to the imagination what my house was like.

                      Agree ladies from our advanced years it is amusing to see the young whipper snappers in action.


                        Re: December 2019: International Army

                        -2 to 40+ !! OMG..We really are international.

                        Are you that close to the fires Bridge?
                        AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                          Re: December 2019: International Army

                          I wondered the same thing as Mary. Are the fires getting closer to you Bridge?

                          I'm still working half days so I haven't retired yet. I am taking off 1 or 2 days a week and working half days the other days. So, I've got one foot out the door already. I finally did some Amazon shopping so at least I'll have a few Christmas gifts to give. We haven't had a chance to go out shopping until yesterday. Then hubby & I weren't exactly happy to be out shopping together so that wasn't much fun. LOL

                          Sad story about Joe's friend. I think I was well on the way to just giving up on quitting drinking. Didn't think I'd ever be able to stop. Pretty much had given up and it was getting harder to be a functioning alcoholic. I never want to feel like that again. I just need to make sure that I never have that first sip again and everything will be fine.
                          My 20 year old niece was here yesterday and was talking about drinking Fireball and describing the chills, the puking, etc. I just looked at her and said but yet you did it again didn't you? Wish she could know what I know.
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Re: December 2019: International Army

                            And [MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION] - where are you? :hug:
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              Re: December 2019: International Army

                              Morning and coeeeeeeeeeee.
                              [MENTION=5944]Miss Behaving[/MENTION].........Oslo. Skiing or fjords or both?

                              After racing out yesterday got a call from my pal to say he couldn't make coffee as he drank again Wednesday night. Second time in a fortnight but I'm not to worry as it wasn't much. I'm in no way worried as it wasn't me that drank. Please feel free to call in to see the dents I made banging my head off the wall.
                              I'll prolly hate myself for saying this but I reckon he thinks he's too clever to be an alkie. University degrees coming out of ears and a poet. FFS.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Re: December 2019: International Army

                                Morning everyone. His decision JC not a thing you can do and as you say it wasn’t you who drank. Glad you are getting the job situation sorted Nora. You won’t know yourself in 2020. Thinking of you Bridget, terrible what’s happening over there.

