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December 2019: International Army

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    Re: December 2019: International Army

    Afternoon everyone. I thought I had all my shopping but forgot a few things so going to pop into Tesco. Good advice there Mary. You lucky thing Missy, loved Bergen. Norway is a beautiful country.


      Re: December 2019: International Army

      I AM ROTTEN HORRIBLE GREEN JEALOUS of you Missy -- it sounds ABSOLUTELY perfect...…………. what I wouldn't GIVE to swop places with you right now! Have a wonderful time and I expect to be regaled with info about it when you get back....
      Truly tho - I think I would love to do similar some year - am feeling frazzled now -- like you rusty I've forgotten some bits - was going to avoid our Christmas party tonight from work but as I still need shit I may have to go out anyway - might as well drop in for an hour.... if R is there tho I am literally turning round and coming home again --- I know she probably loved her granny a lot - but she died WEEKS ago - and there's nothing else she'll talk about - and everything she does or does wrong is down to granny dying - oh I'm heartless - I know ---
      anyway - got loads of work done this morning - so may relax a bit for a wee while
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Re: December 2019: International Army

        [MENTION=5944]Miss Behaving[/MENTION]...........sounds glorious and think I'd give it a go and I'm frightened of big ships and water. Could you just pop a couple of Vikings over the North Sea.........I'll pick them up at Tynemouth.
        Only shop I've been in today was a wee shop to get some ribbons for a few teddy's I've knitted.
        Lunch out with Mr. JC and a pal......She's thinking of moving so we had a good look at the bungalow she'd seen. Luckily its empty so we could have a peer through the windows.
        Just done some wrapping so the back is killing me. Mr JC is very good at doing the sellotape cutting.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Re: December 2019: International Army

          Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
          heard of Black Eye Friday for the first time yesterday. Apperently last Friday before Christmas is when everyone in the drinking world go out on the town and gets rat-arsed and start taking lumps out of each other. So most of the supermarkets are dead quiet.
          My mother's 'salt of the earth' carer said her ex husband got battered last night. 20 stitches & a fractured arm.
          He had also beaten up 3 others.

          There is no sympathy for him here - he is a brute - involved in drug gang in Dublin and the savagery that involves collecting debts. Creep.
          Live by the sword etc .....


            Re: December 2019: International Army

            Wow, sounds beautiful [MENTION=5944]Miss Behaving[/MENTION]! What a gorgeous way to spend Christmas, give santa a wave :happy2:

            THANK YOU all for the help! Dont use FB, but I was going with [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION]'s idea, including the 20.. BUT almost accidentally walked passed a place today (with youngest in tow), that print anything.. we were like undercover spys/drug dealers doing the transaction in mime. Pickup monday. Might add the letter anyway as this lady misses nothing and the logo wont be on the sleeve. Bloody elves, lazy feckers blah blah blah, love Santa.

            Molly, your all sorted, nothing to be frazzled about. Im getting frazzled because Im not frazzled enough. My buddy gives out about the permanent medium sized hangover for the entire month of December. Remember that?? I'll take a bit of frazzle any day.
            AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


              Re: December 2019: International Army

              crossed post Satz..
              never heard of black eye Friday..
              AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                Re: December 2019: International Army

                Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                Morning and coeeeee to the world.
      's about a personal letter to her from Santa full of apologies, he blames one of the elves, one of his reindeer has a sore leg so pressy will be delayed, a promise that it will be delivered and a very rare a letter from him will arrive after Chrimbo to let her know when she'll get it........... shove 20 yoyos just for her to spend only on herself to keep her going.
                We did that one year for our son. I think it was when the pokemon games were all the rage. Santa left him a letter. Then 3 weeks later, he woke up and it was in his room with another note from Santa. (whew! it worked )
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Re: December 2019: International Army

                  Morning lazylumps :happy2: hey Nora...dya know Pokemon is making a big comeback here this year!! Got my wrapping done and stuffing made...happy days
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Re: December 2019: International Army

                    Who wants a coffee???
                    Lacy lumps indeed been to Tesco, M&S and got some dogfood.
                    Couldn't for love nor money to get into either car park so parked in the Metro car park and walked. We didn't need much. They've got a million staff in so it wasn't bad at all and you know the atmosphere was very nice.
                    Forgot I had to wrap my grown up children their daft pressie.......which this year is Colour In Cardboard Rocket Playhouse 88Cm | Hobbycraft
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Re: December 2019: International Army

                      Evening everyone. Wrapping done here but no stuffing, maybe tomorrow. Love the playhouse JC. Do you always get them a gift like that? We usually get ours stocking fillers and a bigger gift that they ask for. Heard someone on the radio during week saying everyone in the family gets 4. Something they want, something they need, something to sleep in and something to read. Nice idea.

                      Was out to dinner last night and woke really early this morning. Got a lot done so feeling more organized.


                        Re: December 2019: International Army

                        Originally posted by rustop59 View Post
                        Evening everyone. Wrapping done here but no stuffing, maybe tomorrow. Love the playhouse JC. Do you always get them a gift like that? We usually get ours stocking fillers and a bigger gift that they ask for. Heard someone on the radio during week saying everyone in the family gets 4. Something they want, something they need, something to sleep in and something to read. Nice idea.

                        Was out to dinner last night and woke really early this morning. Got a lot done so feeling more organized.
                        Just the last couple of years. They love them. They've had a fairy castle and a tank in the past.
                        And they still get stockings.
                        Just a few bits of wrapping to do and then I'm clear to start baking tomorrow. Got a heap of family coming on Boxing Day for leftovers and cakes.
                        Remind me of those four things next year.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Re: December 2019: International Army

                          Morning to all fjord floaters and Tesco tacklers.

                          Black Eye Friday. Even we haven't got that.
                          I wonder who the biggest drunks on the planet are by head of capita? Last I heard it was one of the orgy borgy countries. Like Finland or something. I suppose you're at greater risk if you've only got sun for half the year. They must have an awful lot of SAD.

                          Slowly puttering towards Christmas. I promised myself no fuss except for the niece. Then I found myself planting red and white petunias (which will probably die in the drought) The more I pimp the place for Christmas, the more I realise that I love this house. But boy does it need a JC style makeover this year, much like it's owner. I've fiddled with a few things but it needs a good hard go over. Lucky to still have one though.

                          Anyway, today is a tidy up of the straw-like back garden. Throw out the dead. Mulch over the spaces.

                          Sounds like a lovely cool dream up there Missy. And you miss all of the Christmas silly.
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            Re: December 2019: International Army

                            Originally posted by rustop59 View Post
                            Heard someone on the radio during week saying everyone in the family gets 4. Something they want, something they need, something to sleep in and something to read. Nice idea..
                            I like that.. I throw in anything i would be getting them anyway aswell, just for the craic.. socks, underwear, PJs, deodorant.. they will all get a new fluffy towel this year (I badly needed them :happy2

                            Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post
                            Morning to all fjord floaters and Tesco tacklers.

                            Black Eye Friday. Even we haven't got that.
                            I wonder who the biggest drunks on the planet are by head of capita? Last I heard it was one of the orgy borgy countries. Like Finland or something. I suppose you're at greater risk if you've only got sun for half the year. They must have an awful lot of SAD.
                            Funny, we all think 'our' country is the WORST. Drunken Paddys, Drunken Brits, drunken Ozzies (Ive managed to insult us all now :haha. I don't think you have quite as bad a reputation over in the US? not that it means anything really.. the culture is the same everywhere. But you don't have the teenage problem like we do here and in the UK - well, you enforce the drinking age.

                            Big shop done. Presents wrapped. Havnt thought about food prep, but I'll get around to that tomorrow. Work tomorrow, but not for long..
                            Bridge, lots more coverage about the fires over there in our papers now. No rain on the horizon yet?
                            Last edited by IamMary; December 22, 2019, 06:45 PM.
                            AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                              Re: December 2019: International Army

                              Hi-de-hi and coffees all round.

                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Re: December 2019: International Army

                                I'm going into hiding !!!!!!
                                MrS has decided that it's time to do this Christmas thing. FFS...... question after question. He's gone now for the first time to a shop. THANK FECK !

