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International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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    Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
    Are you 16 going on 17 ???? Enjoy.
    this is The Molls Family later today :


      Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

      Cross-post Satzuma.........
      Handy guide here of what not to wear.
      Top 1 Ugliest Bridesmaid Dresses | Bad bridesmaid dresses, Funny dresses, Worst wedding dress
      We're off to Scotland within the hour. Mr JC just ironing his kilt. Just over the border to see my little brother and his missus.

      Another little reminder of how being sober means we actually can keep our promises.
      Last edited by JackieClaire; January 25, 2020, 05:29 AM.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

        Originally posted by satz123 View Post
        this is The Molls Family later today :

        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

          Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
          Cross-post Satzuma.........
          Handy guide here of what not to wear.
          Top 1 Ugliest Bridesmaid Dresses | Bad bridesmaid dresses, Funny dresses, Worst wedding dress
          We're off to Scotland within the hour. Mr JC just ironing his kilt. Just over the border to see my little brother and his missus.

          Another little reminder of how being sober means we actually can keep our promises.
          Ohhhh lots of 'nice' things happening today inkele:


            Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

            Well look at you all ducking and diving around the place. I had a pragmatic day of mowing, cleaning and purchased a proper skin care routine. Which makes me chuckle. Amazing the care we take of ourselves when sober enough to do so!
            I've now worked out again how much money I've saved since May. Even though I treat myself and the house regularly, I still come out on top financially. Well and truly. And that's only the beginning of why it's a good idea of course.
            Long weekend here for Australia Day. Won't be a good one for so many, so I don't feel like celebrating.
            I'll pop back in for a good look tomorrow.
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

              Afternoon all. Enjoy your travels JC and Molly and belated happy birthday. Where you shopping Satz? Good luck with it. Just in from 2 hour hike in Glendalough, fabulous.

              Happy Australia Day Bridget. True, we really do take much better care of everything when not drinking. I have discovered lovely seaweed skincare products made by Irish company called Voya. Off now for a shower and then lunch. Made pot of Roasted red pepper and tomato soup during the week, tasty and 0 points.


                Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                THIS IS MAGIC!!! Intermission time!! Xx
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                  Excellent Molly I love the theatre too! Did you have an ice cream?


                    Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                    Originally posted by brit View Post
                    Excellent Molly I love the theatre too! Did you have an ice cream?
                    Jeez bout the only thing I didn't have!! We've had THE loveliest knackered now...lovely hotel bed..happy out! Talk tomorrow xxx
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                      We got back about an hour and half ago and went to Tescos. Beyond tired. Never done a quicker shop in my life. Just threw stuff in the trolley and hope I can make a decent Sunday dinner out of an avocado, a soggy lettuce and a treacle sponge pudding.
                      My brother's got two shepherd dogs and Bess took them on and won. She's now got her own pack.
                      And we went for a walk !!!!!
                      To think me and my brother used to thump bits out of each other when our mum wasn't looking.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                        Have you been and BACK? To Scotland??? Jaysus!
                        I only got as far as Dublin:egad:
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                          Glad you had a good thinkin all day why today's date rang a bell..just remembered 25th Jan last year got my hip done...only feels like weeks ago!
                          Gorra go asleep..I'm bollixed ! Night all xxx
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                            [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION].........its just 68 miles up the road. I lewked it up.
                            And a very happy hip day.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                              Glad everyone is having a busy and active weekend! I've had a super-lazy one ...... didn't leave the house yesterday except to take to the vet. And this morning stayed in bed to watch the 2019 Xmas special of Call the Midwife. I've watched every single episode of all series and really enjoyed it!!

                              Are you happy with your new hip Molly? I'm just waiting for a date for a double hip replacement - ie; both being done at the same time. I can't wait actually - my life has become very small and I don't do much more than go to work and back. I'm looking forward to being able to walk more than 5 minutes without seizing up! I've gone from being really fit and active to having put on a lot of weight and basically getting no aerobic exercise whatsoever. I'm trying to swim a bit moe though which is where I am off to right now!!

                              Enjoy the Monday off Bridge despite having mixed feelings.
                              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                                Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                                Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                                :haha: some very unique dresses there!
                                Did DD see anything that caught her eye [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]?

                                You wont know yourself Missy when you get the hips done - Molly seems to be flying it and Starty just got hers done a few months back too.

                                Great feeling Bridge, doing the Maths on drink.

                                Usual ferrying kids about today. Volunteered at the parkrun, the stress of scanning barcodes :egad: But everyone was smiling, delighted to be there, running or walking or a bit of both. A lovely positive vibe Vs lying in bed and dreading the next few hours..
                                AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:

