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International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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    Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    Good morning everyone and good luck JC. Have gone digital for my reading but much prefer a real book. It’s the convenience really, library hours cut and I forget when it is open and ended up with fines. BorrowBox brilliant. Taking down the tree today, waiting until visitors leave. Holidays well over now. Hope 2020 is a good one for everyone.


      Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

      Haha...that's me..big business in Greece on the sly! Now fines in libraries anymore and put the opening hours on your fridge ;-)
      I love getting house back to normal after Christmas...normality!!
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

        Originally posted by satz123 View Post
        Mollers - I see your branching out

        This is on an email from a pharmacy in Greece - don't ask - blame @stirlygirly

        What's the P&P on it?
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

          Afternoon everyone--Had a busy few days returning/ changing all the clothes my daughters bought for me-- I think they are trying to make me look 18 again.
          Flipping cold here so got the heating full blast and eating a big bowl of hot homemade mushroom and chestnut soup.
          Not read back yet!


            Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

            It didn't go to plan the woman who does the volunteering applications is off 'til I'll go back then. On a fine day I could walk it in half an hour.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

              Originally posted by brit View Post
              Afternoon everyone--Had a busy few days returning/ changing all the clothes my daughters bought for me-- I think they are trying to make me look 18 again.
              Flipping cold here so got the heating full blast and eating a big bowl of hot homemade mushroom and chestnut soup.
              Not read back yet!
              You are a young wan MsA.
              Isn't it lovely they think of you that way & not twin-set & pearls ?
              Daughters wouldn't ever allow you out to make a show of them in anything not appropriate.
              It's not the number - it's how you feel.
              You have the figure to wear the stuff - so go for it !!
              Last edited by satz123; January 9, 2020, 11:16 AM.


                Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                My slow cooker is the best thing I've ever bought !!
                Frees up so much time - normally spent gawking into a pan or a pot.

                Stews , Soups ; casseroles ; Bolognese ; Chili - even cooked my ham at Christmas - yum.
                At the moment I have Beef Bourguignon (aka - stew avec red wine there since Christmas) bubbling away....


                  Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                  Anyone ever thought of re-mortaging their house to free up some equity for NOW and not when I'm too old to enjoy life?
                  I could do with a few bob and I'm rattling around a 400k house ..... seems stupid.


                    Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                    Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                    Anyone ever thought of re-mortaging their house to free up some equity for NOW and not when I'm too old to enjoy life?
                    I could do with a few bob and I'm rattling around a 400k house ..... seems stupid.
                    Equity release is a minefield.......full of Shysters and Shylocks - The modern day PPI in the waiting.

                    Compound interest on a Lifetime Mortgage of 100k will cost you C70k in 10 years at a (typical) rate of 5.5% and obviously more than 70k for a further 10 years.

                    Always use an FSA regulated company.

                    See What Are The Pros And Cons Of Equity Release? | SunLife for some decent advice.

                    Always take a second opinion from an FSA specialist - Never use an Solicitor or Accountant.

                    Consider (now Brexit is "sorted"??) selling the home and downsizing - If you are seriously skint you may be better off taking a short term secured loan, charged to the property as an interim solution prior to its sale. Of course you will need to make monthly payments for this but the loan will be re payed upon the home sale.
                    If I were you I would definitely consider this option.

                    At the end of the day, IF you cannot afford to live in the home you are occupying you need to sell rather than eat into your equity. This does not mean that you cannot "afford" it, it means you are not able to live as you want or yearn to live.

                    Caveat as to the area of Ireland you are in:

                    Despite what Boris has promised you, currently, if you need Social Care and have more than 23k, they will take your house anyway!! - Trust me I have been there. I have no knowledge of the situation in the Republic but I doubt it will be very different, semantics aside.

                    Just be careful and keep the opinion that you will be ripped off in the back of your mind and don't be upset if you are.

                    EDIT: I am not an FSA, I have a life experience which, on reflection, is a better qualification than some geek, taught shit, offloading it as fact.
                    Last edited by Baclofenman; January 9, 2020, 12:48 PM.
                    I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                    Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                      Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                      Thanks for the advice Baclofenman - I'll keep it in mind
                      Really prefer not to have to move from this area but there are no smaller houses out this way. I'd have to move far down into the country ......

                      I'm just mulling over options at present.


                        Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                        Morning All,
                        Totally rubbish sleep. So not feeling very gratitude-y or serotonin-ish this morning. I'm reading The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober which is quite frankly probably the best recovery book I've ever read. It's digital - I prefer the real smell and feel of paper too. Most of the bookish do. Can't believe I missed it all these years.

                        Yeah I feel as if I'm a bit money dumb too Satzy. Just plug along with the mortgage when the place needs so much maintenance done. I was wondering about re-negotiating this year to get some specific work done around the place but eventually, like you, I'd prefer a smaller one level place with a garden that's easier to maintain. Yes, bungalow stage!! Bungalows don't have the same negative press here though.

                        Yes thank Gord all the festivities are finally over Rusters. I'm just as happy to pack it all up and get back to normality.
                        Might do a quick clean through before work so that I can have this afternoon to myself.
                        Have a great evening all!
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                          I'm definitely moving when I retire...fed up waddling round in an unnecessary place...3 years 7 months 5 days:happy2: thinking Atlantic coast mmmm
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                            Still at work...packing up be home in 20 mins
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                              Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                              Thanks for the advice Baclofenman - I'll keep it in mind
                              Really prefer not to have to move from this area but there are no smaller houses out this way. I'd have to move far down into the country ......

                              I'm just mulling over options at present.
                              No Probs, Satz.

                              Just make sure are getting the best deal available to you. Go over it again, and again and then double check with another FSA (Please........) Ensure you are getting a fit deal for your requirements......

                              Please......I cannot re-iterate this enough. I have seen many people robbed of everything they (thought) they owned, ending up with nothing, zilch, bing, fuck all, etc.......Fuck All is a hard place to be when you actually had some thing, at some time.....


                              Last edited by Baclofenman; January 9, 2020, 03:03 PM.
                              I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                              Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                                Re: International Army - 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                                Originally posted by Baclofenman View Post
                                No Probs, Satz.

                                Just make sure are getting the best deal available to you. Go over it again, and again and then double check with another FSA (Please........) Ensure you are getting a fit deal for your requirements......

                                Please......I cannot re-iterate this enough. I have seen many people robbed of everything they (thought) they owned, ending up with nothing, zilch, bing, fuck all, etc.......Fuck All is a hard place to be when you actually had some thing, at some time.....


                                Janey Mac Bacman -- you sound like someone close to you was stung?! There are any amount of people out there who under the cloak of legitimacy will literally rob folk blind. I would agree with you to never go into anything based on trust or friendship or such. I wouldn't use any sort of a broker for any financial transactions be it house sales , business dealings, share dealings --- when my Mum got older on several occasions we discovered that 'financial advisors' were making appointments with her to 'help' her with her money... shocking invasion on an elderly lady.. bastards!!!
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

