#1 -- You are just someone who sometimes drinks a little (or even a good bit) too much but can utterly take it or leave it - you can look at holidays/Christmas/stag parties/weddings as a time you may -- or may NOT drink without feeling a sinking feeling. You can have two pints (not six) regularly and maybe even leave the end of the 2nd pint in case you miss the bus home..
#2 - You are an alcoholic/problem drinker (either or) -- in which case -- you need to understand the 'chemistry' of addiction.. there is NO SUCH THING as a 'cheat day' in addiction. You may have that 'cheat day' and not touch a drop the next day -- or the next week … but the seed - the plant - that you spent 53 days starving - is re-planted -- re-watered - and it's in your brain - it's only a matter of time (days weeks - in my case it was often months) -- but the obsession -- and that obsession is the worst part will return... and it takes over your life.
The only way to deal with addiction is to starve it.. I'm sorry - but that's the case - I've been on this site for a long long time - I've attended AA more times than I can count - and I've YET to meet an addict who can have 'cheat days' and be happy and move on with life.
So there we go Kev.. argue all you like - and you will -- I'm sure. Decide WHICH type of drinker you are... you need to be honest with yourself and then ask yourself do you want to carry on as you have been (and it will go back to how you were at your worst if you're an addict-- and more -- that's a given) - or you can try having one pint a day for a month -- NEVER a second - and see how that goes --
It's up to you - find out what sort of drinker you are and be honest... and for gods sake -- why are you here if you just want a few pints now and again.. take it or leave it - fecked if I ever looked for an addicts forum when I did that...
Nag over - and I agree with all that Julia said