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FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

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    Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

    hi are we doing ?as with everyone else Im getting into my round tuit list...Im even making a list of lists that Ive got to make...Well the telly over here has got a fair mixture ...Ive seen from how to deep clean your house up to growing and making an all in a soup..they called it a different name but it was just like we had as kids ..scrag end shank lentils and any old veg ..all boiled and left to simmer 1 it was like gloop..add water every time you took some the end of the week it was like diluted water..holidays cancelled and on hold for the foreseeable future..though tomorrow Ive got a trip to Green.... booked no..not land ! sawsstirlys post ..yes I though today would have been all movement cancelled..there are still a good few dingbats over here whose definition of social distancing is no tongues! a joke on a similar vein to rustops ..

    Food shortages in the tip.....Whiskas Beef cat food makes an excellent chilli con carne, not only does it taste great but with balanced mineral levels it supports a healthy urinary tract, the zinc content ensures a healthy skin and there are no added artificial flavours, colours or preservatives.

    The only down side is the constant pestering by the cat as you make it.

    stay safe folks no matter who or where you are we are in this lets come out of it the same way!
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

      Evening. Had fun in work today with those that were wel. The sun shines directly on the porch so I had 4 of them outside drinking Guinness, sun hats & sun screen in MARCH !!
      Leader of the gang is a 93 year old Sarah. Guinness every day - never wore glasses or hearing aid - & just slight dementia. Great craic.

      Then the downer when the Paramedics in full gear arrived to test some patients who are showing symptoms :egad:

      Stirls : wouldn't be happy not to be able to go to pharmacy or supermarket. Why are they restricting them ?


        Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

        Originally posted by Mick View Post

        stay safe folks no matter who or where you are we are in this lets come out of it the same way!
        Hiya Mick - glad to see you're still above the turf


          Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

          Originally posted by IamMary View Post
          [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION], great to hear from you :happy2: Hows Mr S, he had just jumped on the wagon there, hope he's doing great.

          Watching A Quiet Place.
          Hi Mary, thank you Yes Mr S is doing well for the last few weeks after a proper nightmare for everyone concerned. He has been enlisting the help of a neighbour who is in AA and has been for many years. One of the conditions I set was that he talk to him and it has proved so helpful. They speak every day and when meetings are back up and running he will take him to them.

          I am getting increasingly worried here and fearing that folk are not doing as they are told. I have asthma and am worried that I should do the shielding thing the government recommend and stay in for 12 weeks. I am so worried about not being able to walk my dogs. I know that is such a minor worry compared to many but that is mine just now.

          Stay safe folks x


            Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

            Evening All,
            My God today was awkward at work. People are getting extremely resentful that we have not yet been released to work from home. I think there's a chance that it will come back to bite us, and consequently them, on the arse.

            I smugly walked out carrying my office plants this afternoon, signalling my expectation to be set free ASAP and glaring at various key folk as I went.

            Hope you are all still feeling well and in your respective caves.
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020


                Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

                Good morning [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION] WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM? Have they seen Italy and the bodies piled up for burial. Dying in their 100s because steps like WFH were not taken on time, from the beginning. Bravado will come back & bite them in the arse.
                [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION] I'm sure there will be no issue walking the doggies ? You have open spaces near you ? The UK government took so long to implement changes that they are over compensating now and frightening people.


                  Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

                  Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                  Love it benjy ...
                  Oh Bridge I feel exactly the myself all worried last night and now I've to head into totally unnecessary work place..really feeling the panic now ...ooommmmm
                  How's everybody? What was the old folks home like yesterday benjy?
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

                    Mental Molls !
                    Here is my email this morning to my boss - who won't listen : there was a resident dying & carers were asked to take fucking photos for FB.
                    This is toned down from what I originally had :

                    Hi B
                    Just a few observations from the weekend.
                    In the current situation - Skype calls & taking photographs for Facebook in my opinion are not a priority on a very busy Sunday. Carers, nurses, activity staff & myself were run ragged yesterday because of these requests.

                    I was looking after mobile residents at the front of house. The doors were open - the phone was hopping - visitors dropping in cards, flowers & gifts.
                    Residents were sat in the sun for a while. There is no safe-distancing but that’s ok it was just the usual suspects: Wilhelmina, Sarah, Ettie John & Joe in the main room.

                    But on top of that I am continually expected to leave reception & move between floors ? & enter rooms with possibly infected residents with the Skype tablet ? Or hand over the tablet to carer or nurse then be responsible when the tablet goes missing ? I am not prepared to do that.
                    PLUS the new screen means bringing residents down from Maple & up from Healy & Cedar - madness. Just wasn’t thought through.

                    Then the paramedics arrived at 5pm & I was asked to go with them to do the paperwork as he tested ! He was in full gear - I had a mask. Again no-one was ready as we should have had a unique number for each resident ? As I left only 1 resident had been tested. Declan ’the swab man’ was getting frustrated.

                    We need to prioritise my duties at reception : door, phone, paperwork & other admin : I can’t do it all - it’s all getting too risky to be moving around floors.

                    Thank you for listening to my rant for today - but I needed to just let you know I am not prepared to risk infection. I am not trained Care Staff.

                    ( oh and forgot that Smith guy - quaymanquay - stalking me in his car from the car park )
                    Last edited by satz123; March 23, 2020, 04:49 AM.


                      Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

                      Good morning everyone. Absolute madness Satz. We all need to do our bit. You should have seen our roads and village yesterday. Absolutely disgusting, out in their droves.It’s like when we have snow. Consequently House, gardens, waterfall all closed. We have been walking the doggies very early in the woods Starty and today I will just take them down the road. Cars but nobody walking, not perfect but better than nothing. Stay safe everyone.


                        Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

                        Good morning, Army!

                        My first wish of the week is to let the panic go and just get through this as best we can. Simple steps to protect ourselves as best we can and keeping calm.
                        Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                        Mental Molls !
                        Here is my email this morning to my boss - who won't listen : there was a resident dying & carers were asked to take fucking photos for FB.
                        This is toned down from what I originally had :

                        Hi B
                        Just a few observations from the weekend.
                        In the current situation - Skype calls & taking photographs for Facebook in my opinion are not a priority on a very busy Sunday. Carers, nurses, activity staff & myself were run ragged yesterday because of these requests.

                        I was looking after mobile residents at the front of house. The doors were open - the phone was hopping - visitors dropping in cards, flowers & gifts.
                        Residents were sat in the sun for a while. There is no safe-distancing but that’s ok it was just the usual suspects: Wilhelmina, Sarah, Ettie John & Joe in the main room.

                        But on top of that I am continually expected to leave reception & move between floors ? & enter rooms with possibly infected residents with the Skype tablet ? Or hand over the tablet to carer or nurse then be responsible when the tablet goes missing ? I am not prepared to do that.
                        PLUS the new screen means bringing residents down from Maple & up from Healy & Cedar - madness. Just wasn’t thought through.

                        Then the paramedics arrived at 5pm & I was asked to go with them to do the paperwork as he tested ! He was in full gear - I had a mask. Again no-one was ready as we should have had a unique number for each resident ? As I left only 1 resident had been tested. Declan ’the swab man’ was getting frustrated.

                        We need to prioritise my duties at reception : door, phone, paperwork & other admin : I can’t do it all - it’s all getting too risky to be moving around floors.

                        Thank you for listening to my rant for today - but I needed to just let you know I am not prepared to risk infection. I am not trained Care Staff.

                        ( oh and forgot that Smith guy - quaymanquay - stalking me in his car from the car park )
                        Jaysus, [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION] - I don't know how you cope. All of that and a stalker as well? Seriously, I hope your boss takes your e-mail seriously. I wouldn't call it so much a rant as a reminder to someone in authority that they best do their job properly!! Gawd, you must have the patience of a mule to put up with all of that. Hope someone gets their act together and put some things into perspective and defo some guidelines as to what things have priority.

                        There is supposed to be the start of limiting people circulating for no necessary or specific reason today. Not much difference in the volume of traffic from last Friday so I'm guessing it will come into effect tomorrow and the police will no doubt be starting to do stop checks on vehicles. You have to have a paper stamped and signed by your employer to use your vehicle for work and a special paper signed by you indicating why you absolutely must use your car if you are not going to or returning from your place of employment. The courier companies are going mad with the on-line orders they have to deliver and a lot of people have arranged to pick up their parcels at the courier office. Absolute mayhem. So much for keeping a 1.5 metre distance from the person in front of you. They were milling around like sheep outside the one place at 8 a.m. and they don't even open til. 9! So I expect measures will be taken there as well. So just keeping my head down to work and trying to get through the mountain of filing and bookkeeping that I have to do. Don't much like it, but it does keep me occupied!

                        Wishing you all the best day you can make it! Catch up with youz laterz...

                        Mr. KTAB - please check in!!!
                        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                          Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

                          Morning again -- fucking lunacy Benjy -- who put the clowns in charge of business's, countries and the WORLD??? The sensible wise ones stand out a mile cos there's so few of them.. where you were working is high priority - high danger... should be isolated to the Nth degree - not having staff roaming... crazy crazy crazy -- sounds like Greece are ahead of the possé -- nice one Stirly - head down indeed

                          I went into work to be greeted with the information that a girl I work with her children are coughing with high fevers and the family are in isolation... so were we sent home?? NO -- the folks who worked with her Friday (me included) were to work downstairs and the others to work upstairs..... and in the middle of all that - some randomer workman wandering around not just our workspace fixing appliances - but up in the canteen - had his head in our fridge when I went up to get a calming coffee... 'don't worry -- I don't have the virus' says he with a big guffaw...………...…..

                          I lost it --- had a bit of a meltdown and came home -- FUCK THEM -- they are NOT going to play with my life anymore... so then -- the question is should Joe and I isolate from each other? Gave him the options.... 'nah -- fuck that' was his answer -- so yeah -- here I am... still shaky - but alive
                          Last edited by mollyka; March 23, 2020, 05:39 AM.
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

                            Jaysus, @satz123 - I don't know how you cope. All of that and a stalker as well? Seriously, I hope your boss takes your e-mail seriously. I wouldn't call it so much a rant as a reminder to someone in authority that they best do their job properly!! Gawd, you must have the patience of a mule to put up with all of that.
                            D'ye know it is almost like a vocation now. I feel so guilty when i see young mothers & fathers - carers just trying to earn a living & having to put up with all of that too. So I really hate moaning too much. It's just it has to be done by someone.
                            But that SHITE of Skype calls when we are totally short staffed is ridiculous.

                            The stalker is this 'pain in the arse' that won't do what we ask & ring via Skype or FB. Landed in the car park - & rang from there wanting to see his mother .... Jesus & us up to 90 running around.
                            Last edited by satz123; March 23, 2020, 05:45 AM.


                              Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

                              Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                              Morning again -- fucking lunacy Benjy -- who put the clowns in charge of business's, countries and the WORLD??? The sensible wise ones stand out a mile cos there's so few of them.. where you were working is high priority - high danger... should be isolated to the Nth degree - not having staff roaming... crazy crazy crazy -- sounds like Greece are ahead of the possé -- nice one Stirly - head down indeed

                              I went into work to be greeted with the information that a girl I work with her children are coughing with high fevers and the family are in isolation... so were we sent home?? NO -- the folks who worked with her Friday (me included) were to work downstairs and the others to work upstairs..... and in the middle of all that - some randomer workman wandering around not just our workspace fixing appliances - but up in the canteen - had his head in our fridge when I went up to get a calming coffee... 'don't worry -- I don't have the virus' says he with a big guffaw...………...…..

                              I lost it --- had a bit of a meltdown and came home -- FUCK THEM -- they are NOT going to play with my life anymore... so then -- the question is should Joe and I isolate from each other? Gave him the options.... 'nah -- fuck that' was his answer -- so yeah -- here I am... still shaky - but alive
                              OH WELL DONE MOLLS :welldone:


                                Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020

                                Don't isiolate from each other - BUT don't allow anyone in for 14 days Molls !

