Come here a min. :hug::hug:
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FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020
Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020
Evening, that took ages to read back[MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION] I hope things get sorted tomorrow :hug: How are you feeling?
Originally posted by NoSugar View PostIt's funny, JC, I've been far more social in the last 10 days or so than I normally am - so many phone and facetime calls!
Originally posted by mollyka View PostLaughed out loud at that.. I remember MANY moons ago - my sister was up in my house for a coffee - it was sort of mid-morning on a Saturday -- and I was heading out to the hall telling her I was going to call my teenagers to get up and do chores and homework... she honestly looked at me as if I was BARKING (she's a lot older than me so she'd been through the teenage years and then some) -- 'WHY IN GODS NAME WOULD YOU DO THAT? HAVE THEM WHINGING AROUND YOU ALL DAY SATURDAY??'-- at the time I thought she was being a bit irresponsible etc... OMG was she right!!!! Teenagers will never EVER do anything you want them to do in my experience.. EVER --- so if they wanted to study or do anything - that's the only time they'd do it... wish I'd known that sooner!!! just my experience tho Mary as I say - my boys in particular were bolshie little shits!!
I wonder how long this will go one for.. As Brit says, glad I dont drink.AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:
Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020
Evening all.
Just knocked off for the day. I know the first couple of days will be ridiculous but then I imposing strict rules to be fair.
Just had a bit of a grit of my teeth about your daughter there Brit. Thank goodness for that!
I've been Web conferencing for 2 days now. The dog made hacking sounds for the first one and farted loudly for the second one. I can see how this is going to go. Integrated head set will be purchased tomorrow!
Alcohol is going flying out the door now from bottle shops. In one of the states it was so startling that they had to set restrictions within days! SO glad it's not me doing the desperate juggle.
Our upcoming holiday was cancelled by the accommodation place so may as well cancel the leave as well. I'm going to be home anyway!If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
Rejoined life 20/5/19
Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020
Morning! Hope your daughter is winging her way to somewhere safer MrsA -- let us know.. morning Bridge and all else to come. Right I'm off to work -- I have no way out of this - no way at all - even taking unpaid leave will reverberate on colleagues who have their own problems --- it is shocking shocking shocking - to prove that the public service is up and working for their salaries in Ireland they have people risking their lives -- literally -- every day.. I am angry - and scared.. the smelly muppet who I doubt has ever washed any part of him in his life never mind his hands is possibly the occupant from yesterday of my work space -- I'm going in armed with anti this and anti that and gloves and the divil and all --
Sorry -- I'm endlessly moaning -- I do apologize - Joe is worrying about me cos he can see I'm unstable.. so trying not to dump on him --- so I've picked you lot instead -- xxxxContentedly sober since 27/12/2011
contentedly NF since 8/04/14
Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020
Oh Molly, pet. :hug:
Being honest about how you feel isn't moaning.
Who would have thought that the day to day worker would be so important. I feel sick when Mr. JC goes into to work..............he's in today and I feel sick. They've come up with a plan that only one of them is in work at a time with over 12 hours between who goes to the office.
I'm not going to say try meditation, or yoga, or oohhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm. Because I know I don't.
Moan away and do it with gusto.
@ asked yesterday about is it quiet.........I was in the garden yesterday...........we lived about 5 miles from the airport and often here the planes taking off & landing.........the skies are quiet.
Waves to Bridgee and her farting dog. You know if it wasn't for Bess I'd be a basket case.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020
Got her a flight to Doha and then hopefully Europe!
Thanks for the support. The Embassy just told me that they couldn't help yet and the flights out were stopping later today.
She has just taken off and en route for Doha!
Not read back except for that well measured rant from Molly---I would be more than fuming Molly!
Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020
[MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION]....................I know where you're coming from. The S&H arrives back in the UK at 8am tomorrow morning.............once he's out of isolation I'm going to kill him for causing us so much stress. Had a feeling the flights from abroad would be stopped as of tomorrow.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020
Afternoon everyone. So so glad your daughter is enroute Brit, what a worry. It’s crazy you have to go in Molly. Can understand essential services and can see why the place I work in has to try and keep going as inhalers unfortunately might be in high demand after this. Rant away, it is such a worry when you have someone at home who could be at risk. So many people impacted and their lives will never be the same again.
I did my weekly shop. Aldi have security on the door and only so many let in at the same time. I timed it well, only a few people in front of me but there was a queue around the corner when I came out. Well stocked and I did a meal plan for the week, no more running out for what you forgot. Think I’ll go in the garden for a while.
Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020
Hallo Troopers!!
[MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION] - I would be angry and scared too, in your place. And if you can't unload your problems here, then where? Also, perhaps a note left for the stinky one about how essential proper hygiene is at any time but especially at this time would get his attention. Type it up and put it in an envelope with his name on it marked "personal". You don't have to sign it, or you could sign - from your fellow co-workers - so he might think that all others were involved. Anyway just a thought. Inconsiderate people need to be given a good shaking once in a while.
[MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] - glad you have Black Bess to keep you company. I still miss my Freddie. Doggers are such a comfort. :heart:
[MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION] - your doggie made me laugh. They do pick the darndest times, don't they. You asked about my nephew a couple of days ago and I meant to answer you. He went back to college (not uni) to get his degree in somethng equivalent to a political engineer but not as advanced. Anyway, he found it frustrating and unchallenging as the course was fairly easy for him and not at all what he wanted to do with his life. His dream forever had been to be a teacher. Anyway, he dropped out of college and is now working. A uni degree with a double major in History and Canadian Studies will do him little good in the general work force. I have no idea where he will end up but it really is a shame. How is your boy doing?....
[MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION] - Mrs. A, glad to hear the latest news. Hope your daughter is very soon on a plane home. Fingers crossed...
[MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION] - that wreak/wreck phrase is so true. That's why I wanted sons and not daughters. Couldn't have dealt with a teenage daughter, I don't think. My younger sister was a whiney, self-centred little madame when she was young and the thoughts of having to go through that with a daughter of my own put me off having girls. Not that all girls are like that - I suppose most aren't, but I didn't want to take the chance. Luckily, I was blessed with sons. Of course it never occurred to me at the time that I would end up with the two DIL's that I have. But that's another story...
Waving to Rustylocks and Tabbers!!
Wishing you all a pleasant afternoon.Last edited by stirly-girly; March 26, 2020, 07:31 AM.For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020
Isn't it good that we can talk.............
You know I 've got a cousin (he's also my godson) in Boston and I fear for them. Lets just say I'm so happy that we have such strict gun controls over here.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020
[MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION]......they've got them at Tesco now. Letting 4 or 5 people in at a time.
Specail shopping time for NHS workers and pensioners.
Mr. JC was in yesterday and its working.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Re: FORWARD -- MARCH --- ARMY March 2020
Full of happy tears................we've just done the 8pm clap for the NHS and support at the front door................all the neighbours were out....well over two metres away.....some we've know 33 years.
The woman down the road is a carer, her daughter a sister in a one of the hospitals.
Tbh honest thought we'd be the only ones and there loads
Fine it might not be someone singing arias from a balcony in Italy but its done me the world of good.
:applouse::applouse::applouse::applouse:It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009