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International Army April 2020

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    Re: International Army April 2020

    Afternoon all.
    Few days off & back to the grindstone tomorrow in the Nursing Home. I had been thinking o handing in my notice. Because they are so shit at managing staff.
    Then today Dr Dreamy rang from my other job in Dermatology Clinic to say he has no income since he closed his clinics - so he has to let staff go until things pick up again. And the main one in Blackrock will open first. Being one of the last in - I'm one of the first out
    I'm sad 'cos I loved that job ...... so civilized and he is such a gentleman. Didn't get one of his PA's to do it or HR but rang everyone personally.

    I'll miss him :sad:
    Last edited by satz123; April 27, 2020, 10:44 AM.


      Re: International Army April 2020

      Afternoon everyone. Ah that’s sad, as you say what a gentleman. Fingers crossed that when things pick up you are first in line to be taken back. See we are having check points everywhere from tomorrow until after the bank holiday. Hard to know what is ahead of us.

      Just in from work so need to get some food and have a further read back.


        Re: International Army April 2020

        [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION] What a shame.......he sounded a lovely bloke. He'll be up and running in no time when its all calmed down.......I know, I know it just seems like its going to take forever though
        The nursing home....that deserves a big think........if they were running round like headless chickens before this virus then its not going to stop after.
        Got to go and ring Jenny back.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Re: International Army April 2020

          Good morning all,
          Holiday yesterday and spent the day sorting stuff which was surprisingly satisfying. It makes it seem like all is right with the world in some strange way. Oh yes maybe not listening to the news has something to do with it.
          Satz, am so glad your Covid19 results came back negative :Hugs: Sorry to hear about the job. I too had landed my ‘dream job’ on a temporary basis and am being returned to my old shite job starting this Friday due to being the last one in and most expendable in the crisis.. so wish me luck
          JC, I hope you are feeling better now and less snotty.
          Molly, its good to hear you say ’when I got sober finally...(is it EVER finally?’ it makes me feel less foolish. But I hope like hell this time it is finally for me.
          NS, loved the Randy Rainbow clip! Am sending that on
          Mary, so glad the anzac bickkies worked out well. They are very moreish
          Go well everyone :heartbeat:


            Re: International Army April 2020

            On my phone and just lost my post.. grr.
            No internet since this afternoon.

            Thats a bummer have a think about the nursing home..
            Last edited by IamMary; April 27, 2020, 05:34 PM.
            AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


              Re: International Army April 2020

              The nursing home....that deserves a big think........if they were running round like headless chickens before this virus then its not going to stop after
              Ah Jacks I know & it's so hard to explain. It's family run & you have everyone as a boss - especially now.
              You are treated like an imbecile. Express an idea for improvement it's always 'no'. Then 2 weeks later they do it anyway & forget where it came from.

              I've said it all before on here .... they talk down to me like one of the young ones just in the door. It's probably the lack of respect & appreciation for the work done that gets to me.
              Maybe I'm over-sensitive but listening to others I don't think so. Maybe I was spoiled in previous job....?
              I know I should have some self-respect & leave but now I need the job for my sanity & also the money. :sad:

              By the time Dr Dreamy gets up & running again, if ever, I'll be getting too old to be considered employable and folks will be fighting for jobs.

              So 'I've made my bed - I best lie in it ' - there are much worse problems than mine out there !


                Re: International Army April 2020

                X Post Mers !!
                Out after curfew again ??

                Looking forward to the short drive to work tomorrow & hope I'm stopped by a lovely handsome policeman.
                I can flash my Healthcare Staff badge & feel all important & Essential ...


                  Re: International Army April 2020

                  Just posting this story about a notorious dog to cheer you up Satz :hug:
                  What started out as a routine walk of the neighbourhood has ended in a viral video when Mike Cook's golden retriever Elsie "wasn't in the mood for walking".


                    Re: International Army April 2020

                    omg and this one
                    A South Australian winemaker is surprised to find a stray marsupial, which climbed into his unoccupied car, making itself at home on the leather seating. And it took a "fair bit of convincing" to get the "little fella" out.


                      Re: International Army April 2020

                      Good morning Army folks!! Hope everyone is well.

                      I've just come off a night shift. I'll only be getting a few hours sleep because I have a busy day ahead.

                      I've been getting crazy urges for the last 2 hours or so. Not to drink immediately - I'm in what I would call the planning phase where I'd normally be looking forward to drinking tonight. I'm doing my best to knock back those thoughts.

                      I don't feel bad or anything. I wouldn't say I'm anxious. I'm a bit nervous and a bit excited about the move today. And I'm feeling positive about things. But that can be when I'm at my weakest - complacency takes hold. But not just that. It's hard to describe. I suppose there's a bit of arrogance in there maybe? It's more like "Everything is great!!! A drink would round this off perfectly!!""

                      I have to remind myself today that everything isn't great. And even if it was, it soon wouldn't be if I were to drink


                        Re: International Army April 2020

                        You're a tonic to read Chancer...the honesty floods out of you...just lost my temper on another thread...yikes..May have to socially distance from here again!!!
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Re: International Army April 2020

                          Originally posted by outofchances View Post
                          Good morning Army folks!! Hope everyone is well.

                          I've just come off a night shift. I'll only be getting a few hours sleep because I have a busy day ahead.

                          I've been getting crazy urges for the last 2 hours or so. Not to drink immediately - I'm in what I would call the planning phase where I'd normally be looking forward to drinking tonight. I'm doing my best to knock back those thoughts.

                          I don't feel bad or anything. I wouldn't say I'm anxious. I'm a bit nervous and a bit excited about the move today. And I'm feeling positive about things. But that can be when I'm at my weakest - complacency takes hold. But not just that. It's hard to describe. I suppose there's a bit of arrogance in there maybe? It's more like "Everything is great!!! A drink would round this off perfectly!!""

                          I have to remind myself today that everything isn't great. And even if it was, it soon wouldn't be if I were to drink
                          okay -- before I'm exiled ;-) -- let me just say that what you describe was EXACTLY what I used to feel and do... the planning -- the lovely secret 'plan' --- like 'MY PRECIOUS' in Lord of the Rings ---- 'no one will know' ---- 'I'll start again tomorrow' --- I've done ALL the scenario's -- and it is the madness of the addiction that puts those thoughts in there... this is a pivotal time in your sobriety -- it really is -- everytime you feel like that - and you don't react or respond to it - you get stronger -- you know the next time - you've done it before you can do it again..... if you've a spare few mins in a hectic day - btw good look with the new place.... just catalogue in your head the damage that your drinking as done -- and how it WON'T be a couple of glasses or cans - it'll be carnage cos you won't be able to stop and you won't be able to drink as you did before cos it's a while since you had one -- you will have maybe an hour of ''ohhhhh lovely' --- and then -- what have you? you've allowed the alcohol back into your system - all the original cravings will actually multiply -- you will more than likely either be sick or fall asleep - wake up cold and lonely and RAGING with yourself at 3am --- all the fears and anxieties back ---- JUST DON'T --- it's just not worth it --- believe me -- I have been there more times than I could count.... said with love -- and as I say - I love your honesty... take care lovely man
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Re: International Army April 2020

                            Good morning everyone!!

                            Too nice a day to be inside so hoping to take off early today. I am by myself here so I think I'll just do what [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION] does but I'll do it in front of a mirror - Right, I'm off! (me) Right so - off you go!!(reflection)

                            Originally posted by fickle View Post
                            Molly, its good to hear you say ’when I got sober finally...(is it EVER finally?’ it makes me feel less foolish. But I hope like hell this time it is finally for me.
                            Yes, Ficks, it can be. I know they say that we are always "recovering" alkies but I know that I will NEVER take a drink again no matter what. I hated drinking in the end and will never allow myself to go back to that life. I deserve better. For me the secret is to fully accept that AL has no place in your life. Somehow, it is so much easier then. I don't drink. Period.
                            Originally posted by outofchances View Post
                            Good morning Army folks!! Hope everyone is well.

                            I've just come off a night shift. I'll only be getting a few hours sleep because I have a busy day ahead.

                            I've been getting crazy urges for the last 2 hours or so. Not to drink immediately - I'm in what I would call the planning phase where I'd normally be looking forward to drinking tonight. I'm doing my best to knock back those thoughts.

                            I don't feel bad or anything. I wouldn't say I'm anxious. I'm a bit nervous and a bit excited about the move today. And I'm feeling positive about things. But that can be when I'm at my weakest - complacency takes hold. But not just that. It's hard to describe. I suppose there's a bit of arrogance in there maybe? It's more like "Everything is great!!! A drink would round this off perfectly!!""

                            I have to remind myself today that everything isn't great. And even if it was, it soon wouldn't be if I were to drink
                            Hey Chances. What I've put in bold is what we call stinking drinking thinking. It's what society has been programmed to think - that a drink is what you need to kick back, to celebrate, to take the edge off, to blur things, to escape. As they have said here very many times - play it through. Think of what that first drink will lead to and where you will end up. You already have so many sober days clocked up - why ruin that? Plus you are making great progress by getting a new place and especially with the conversations you've had with your wife. So you have a drink or two to "ease into" your new place. Then a couple more and just when you've go to the point where your words are slurred and you can't string two thoughts together, your wife calls. You can't answer because she will realize that you're drunk and you can't not answer because it could be some kind of emergency. So.... best way to avoid that possible scene or something similar is just to keep on what you've been doing - don't drink. And you've been doing great so far! Hope you manage to get some quality sleep and best of luck with your new home.

                            I bought and planted two tomato plants yesterday. Some kind of cherry tomatoes/tomatinia. Forget what they're called. That will by my "veggie garden". As long as the earwigs or the slugs don't get them, I may have a salad by the end of June! My "garden" is mostly planters around my patio with succulents. I don't get enough sun for flowering plants and the succulents don't need so much care and watering. Seriously, a plant can dry out so fast in the Greek summer. Put 42C weather with a high wind and the poor things are dried out within hours.

                            Satzy - sorry about Mr. Dreamy but good you have your regular job. It's too bad younger people don't realize what us older ones can contribute to the work force.

                            Jacks - hope you're feeling better.

                            Waves to all - enjoy your day the best you can.

                            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                              Re: International Army April 2020

                              X-Post Molls! -Excellent advice, as always! You back to work?
                              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                                Re: International Army April 2020

                                Originally posted by stirly-girly View Post
                                X-Post Molls! -Excellent advice, as always! You back to work?
                                No...doing courses online that I was sposed to do at work but never had time..and on stand-by if HSE requires'll be a while before libraries's a shame really..the government have handled the general public virus situation pretty well ...but the nursing home situation is appalling..I think we have had just over 1000 deaths but more than half of those were in nursing wasn't done out of neglect..generally as a society we are very caring of our elders ...but it was like an oversight in the general pandemonium I think.
                                .just sad beyond belief yeah libraries for a fair wee while!!!
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

