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International Army April 2020

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    Re: International Army April 2020

    Originally posted by brit View Post
    Been sitting in the sun all day without any internet.
    Sorry that you have been told about the one visitor rule Satz seem so hard. It is the same in the care/nursing homes around here.

    Don't take a break Jackie we can all agree to disagree sometimes.

    Love to everyone!!
    What Mrs. A said!!!

    Sorry you were without internet but good you had a lovely sunny day!! Clouded over here and looks like it may rain later. I'm home warm and safe so let it rain....
    For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
    AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


      Re: International Army April 2020

      Both Jackie and Satz mentioned mental health. Take an active person like myself, (I'll be 70 in just over 2 years) - confine them to their home for two months and no matter how positive a person that is, no matter how many hobbies and things they have to occupy themselves - you are looking depression square in the face at some point. Period. All of us have experienced depression of some kind, for whatever reason and to different degrees in our lives. It's never easy. I keep myself distanced from others as much as I can to protect myself and I adhere to the rules and regulations as much as I can within what I consider logical boundaries. I would hope others do the same for their sake. Nuff said. As I mentioned before - all comments, in agreement or not, are welcome.

      Thanks Stirls - thanks for that and understanding what I was saying.

      I was in work all day ......

      I'm well prepared to know the difference between stuck indoors and fed up.
      Jackie you are taking everything I say personally - when I'm not talking about you or anyone on here.
      I was talking about MY friend on my road who would suffer REAL depression if she couldn't get out of the house. Not just fed up - actual severe anxiety not being able to leave the 4 walls. So I'm glad she can walk roun d the block a few times for her sanity.

      And Stirls is right if we are to leave MWO every time someone disagrees with us - or more accurately - doesn't agree with us - I find that very disappointing to be honest.
      There are rules `i do not agree with - I am allowed an opinion & people should not take it as a personal attack on their values.
      Last edited by satz123; April 14, 2020, 01:21 PM.


        Re: International Army April 2020

        Evening everyone. Just in from work so need to read back further than this page. Don’t go JC, your contribution is immeasurable and we would all miss you :hug::hug: sun shone here too and hopefully tomorrow will be good. We are living in such strange times, we all need to practice self care and kindness. Thinking of all of you.


          Re: International Army April 2020

          Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post

          As frr the other its very sad and I'm sorry its an awful thing............... but why not ask them?
          [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] 'the other' I presume you are talking about my mother ?
          Thanks for the input !


            Re: International Army April 2020

            Thinking of you all during these difficult times. I celebrated 10 Years sobriety yesterday. I owe much of that success to you, the members of this amazing forum. I thank you all for your loving support and encouragement. So, some Techie virtual wisdom: I want you to remember that fear does not stop death. It stops life. And worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles. It takes away today’s peace. Love, Techie.
            Last edited by techie; April 14, 2020, 01:51 PM. Reason: Typo
            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


              Re: International Army April 2020

              Well done Techie ..great going. Stay safe at this hard time

              I think there is unkindness going on on this thread at the no..I'm not 'sulking' or anything else..I'm just keeping myself safe.
              The frailty of the written word is manifest also..I am extremely sorry to hear about the situation with your mother in the nursing home...that is beyond I need to make myself safe in body and soon
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Re: International Army April 2020

                Hello all,
                I hope everyone is keeping well.
                We are here to lean on each other, rant, cry, laugh. This virus is testing us all, and of course we are all coming from different angles and personal experiences. [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION], that seems very harsh, where is that coming from, the hospital?
                [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION], come back :hug:
                AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                  Re: International Army April 2020

                  Originally posted by techie View Post
                  Thinking of you all during these difficult times. I celebrated 10 Years sobriety yesterday. I owe much of that success to you, the members of this amazing forum. I thank you all for your loving support and encouragement. So, some Techie virtual wisdom: I want you to remember that fear does not stop death. It stops life. And worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles. It takes away today’s peace. Love, Techie.
                  10 years Techie, thats absolutely amazing! Well done to you. :welldone:
                  AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                    Re: International Army April 2020

                    Originally posted by IamMary View Post
                    [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION], that seems very harsh, where is that coming from, the hospital?
                    Hi Mers - yes it's HSE guidelines .... but we will challenge it - rules need to be challenged.
                    We are still human beings and as Molls said we need to stay safe in mind & body whatever way we can.

                    Well Mers if you don't hit the bottle with all your gang home all day every day - you never will eh ? :haha:
                    Any blood shed yet ?


                      Re: International Army April 2020

                      Originally posted by techie View Post
                      some Techie virtual wisdom: I want you to remember that fear does not stop death. It stops life. And worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles. It takes away today’s peace. Love, Techie.
                      Lovely words Techie & CONGRATS on your decade of soberness inkele:


                        Re: International Army April 2020

                        Hello Army
                        Congratulations Techie! What an inspiration
                        Satz, I am so glad you are challenging that rule. I have heard about these rules in Britain being challenged (this morning on the radio in Aus) so it is worthwhile to try to get the best outcome possible for your mother. I will be thinking of you.
                        JC and Molly, I hope you are OK. I don't think any unkindness was intended. I agree with Molly’s words ‘the frailty of the written word is manifest’.
                        And Hello there to Mary and anyone else I have missed.
                        Stirley, I had to think overnight before replying. These are very distressing times for everyone that test our perspectives. From fear of the unknown to what are very real hardships being experienced by many of us. It is hard to fathom the experience of another person. Any opinion expressed can easily be taken very personally by another. But I hope we can breathe and see past that to the enduring friendship. Don’t sweat the small stuff. A comment, in a fearful moment, is indeed small. Perspectives vary in time and space. As you seem to be asking us to, I hope everyone can embrace all opinions with curiosity and the knowledge that none of us mean each other any harm. I would hate to see the discussion die down at this time when it is most needed.


                          Re: International Army April 2020

                          Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                          And I think its time I took a hiatus from MWO.

                          Oh dear. I bloody hope not. This place would not at all be the same without you.:heartbeat:
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            Re: International Army April 2020

                            Originally posted by stirly-girly View Post
                            So am I to assume by the lack of response and the lack of posting at all on the thread today that all of you are extraordinarily busy in isolation. Or is ye all sulking like little kids? Just wondering....................
                            I am sulking but not re: MWO. There has been a major F-up at work and I do not love how people arse-cover at such times.
                            It's just another symptom of exactly the same thing - this virus is a mental game as well as a physical one. The vast majority of us are left feeling vulnerable, fraught and exhausted, whether we realise it or not. Ironically, we need each other more than ever now.
                            Last edited by byebyebridgetjones; April 14, 2020, 08:58 PM.
                            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                            Rejoined life 20/5/19


                              Re: International Army April 2020

                              Originally posted by techie View Post
                              Thinking of you all during these difficult times. I celebrated 10 Years sobriety yesterday. I owe much of that success to you, the members of this amazing forum. I thank you all for your loving support and encouragement. So, some Techie virtual wisdom: I want you to remember that fear does not stop death. It stops life. And worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles. It takes away today’s peace. Love, Techie.
                              My goodness me. That is a true victory. There were many traumatic events for you in that decade, if I remember correctly. Any one of them could have been used an excuse to give up and drink, but you didn't. Sincerest congratulations. You are amazing.
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                Re: International Army April 2020

                                Oh my head is a mess. Still sober though. Just to clarify my marriage is over because I've been thrown out. It's not my choice. I was informed on Monday afternoon about what happened during my latest blackout and if I was her I'd have thrown me out as well. She refuses to believe I have an alcohol addiction - in her head I can (not always) go loopy when drunk and I should just be able to stop and be better. I've tried that - it doesn't work. Yes that was a toxic environment, but that was my fault. Although now I'm being told stuff about myself that completely alters my perception of the way things were even when my drinking wasn't bad. It's like I was living in a different reality. I can't tell which one of us has it wrong. And then the talking started about divorce, money etc. I can't cope with it. She's much shrewder and more money savvy than me. I'm paranoid she's making things out to be worse than they were for longer than they were - and because of my recent behaviour I can't put up a fight so to speak.
                                On a positive note I attended an online support group that evening which I thought was great, but that's basically the only recovery stuff I have done besides not drink/use/act out. I couldn't sleep last night. I was completely overwhelmed and got very very depressed. I spent all day in bed drifting in and out of sleep. In the end I managed to get up and starting looking for places to live. The good news is that it looks like I might not be stuck renting forever and will be able to buy a small place for myself. So I've started work on that. I can't sleep again. I haven't been able to eat in 2 days. I got into a very dark place last night but I had a good long chat with my parents and feel a bit more supported now. My poor parents. There's 3 of us and none of our relationships have worked out. All have alcohol and substance abuse problems. and 2 of at least have ongoing mental health issues. It's just because I'm outwardly functioning that it seems like I have more control over my situation - in reality I don't, work is a just a habit and a welcome break. And I can fake it well, but it always breaks down at the first sign of trouble.

                                I'm projecting too far forward. One of my fears is that if I met someone new then how will I be able to tell them why my marriage split up? How can I tell them about the things I have done? What if I do and they are not interested? Or if I don't and someone else tells them? I don't want to be on my own for the rest of my life. That really scares me.

