Hello Outy,
Big Congrats on still being sober. :thumbsup: At a time like this, from what I can tell, you really need to be kind to yourself. Focus on basic things, the here and now. Make sure you are eating properly, get into a sleep routine, plan the things you need to right now. Nothing else matters. You will be in a much better state to deal with the future, in the future.
I have found that treating myself like a toddler is the best way to get through stressful times. Self compassion is key. Eat, sleep, walk, light entertainment, put off anything that is not urgent until you start feeling better. All those things will improve your mental health and resilience.
As someone who has been through a lot of fear induced insomnia, I have used meditation apps to get myself through panic attacks in the middle of the night, using breathing and visualization to refocus, and when that doesn’t work there is podcasts, and even silly little games you can play on your phone to get you through. Don’t know if you are having those kinds of problems, but there are ways of getting through it.
Hugs :love: