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Should have never told Doctor

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    Should have never told Doctor

    Over a month ago when I was trying to get my Topa script I went in a told the horrid details to my primary care doc to try and get a script for Topa. Well that went over like a lead balloon and she said she would look into a place for me. Well in the week and a half it took her to get back to me I found a Drug and Alcohol Pyschiatrist that was more than willing to help me and so I entered care under his supervision.

    Yesterday I went to order my normal scripts that are reoccurring and my primary care Dr blocked my Lorazepam script from being filled. I called thier office to find out why and the nurse told me because I had a substance abuse problem and I was not in treatment.

    In a nut shell the Doc is mad because I chose not to use the one she wanted me to use so in her mind I am not getting treatment because I didn't go into a costly inpatient detox center that would have cost me thousands of dollars, alerted my professional collegues, and effected my carreer. Instead I chose under the radar, slower, one-on-one approach using Topamax being supervised by a Pyshchiatrist.

    I am really pissed at the moment. As far as I feel this just goes to show you that no matter what Doctors don't give a shit and if you tell them about alcohol you are immediately branded as less than a person and you will always be less than a person, never to be trusted. I now am really mad that I have that in my records which will never be expunged.

    My Pdoc isn't even writing down that I am having issues with alcohol. He said that he purposesly does that because he sees a lot of professionals and he does that to protect thier careers. Now that is a good doc that understands the situation. But then again this doc also had an addiction of his own, so probably understands all the ramifications and ignorance people have about people that have had addictions.

    Well time to find a new Primary Care doc.

    Should have never told Doctor

    Hablur, sorry to hear about the situation with your doc. It's sad that we hesitate to be honest with our docs about our problems because it can affect us/our records/our insurance in such a negative way. I guess you will have to find a more understaning doc. Good luck with your search and hope the one on one is going well.


      Should have never told Doctor

      Awww, I am sorry Hablur.

      You said it!!!! Far too many people regard us alcoholics as losers and low-lives. Just because we have an alcohol addiction, many people think we would stop at nothing to get our `fix`. Your doc should have given you proper support, and not have been biased towards you just because you chose not to go down the expensive road she recommended. The doc sucks!!!!

      Starlight Impress


        Should have never told Doctor

        Oh Hab, that so stinks! The honesty is the best policy thing just dosen't work with insurance companies and certain doctors. I have never told my doctor anything about my drinking, for the fear it would be in my records. Last year when I tried topamax I told him I read it was good for weight loss, then I needed to loose a few pounds and he gave it to me. Switch doctors get your records and look through them. They are your records, you are entitled to look at them. If you don't agree with something there has to be some way to get it removed. ( at least I hope so) I don't understand how on earth she could block your prescription seeing that it was coming from another physician. You may have to buy from the internet, my friend. I am sorry, sometimes we are just like a dog chasing it's tail; at the mercy of someone who dosen't even have a clue about us.
        All the best


          Should have never told Doctor

          Sorry Hablur no wonder you're angry.

          Docs really do suck sometimes, I can't stand mine she' horrid! How silly of yours to do that to you when she is more than aware of your vulnerability.

          Good luck for the future.

          Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


            Should have never told Doctor

            disappointing doctor experience

            Hi Hablur

            Why does your doctor want you to do inpatient detox? I know you have a problem but it's not that severe is it?

            I hate this whole records issue. In this country it's particularly bad because it could affect your ability to get private insurance later on.

            It's one thing if the doc doesn't want to give you a drug while you are abusing a substance (probably within their rights), but another to have to document all the reasons for that.

            Did you ask your PC doctor to take it out of your records? Just turn on the charm and say you understand about the lorazepam but don't want those things documented in your files. then later run for the hills and change doctors!

            I like the way simeybear deals with doctors.

            I am glad that at least you have an enlightened psychiatrist.


              Should have never told Doctor

              Here is an interesting little someting, my husband had an employee who's wife had breast cancer last year and had to go through extensive treatment. Well this year his company renewal for insurance (Mamsi) came up everyone's premiums are to double! The insurance rep told Greg straight up that it was because of her cancer and that they had to pass it along. There are more than just my husbands employees who have this insurance are their premiums being doubled as well?. needless to say Greg is shopping it right now for his employees, but it is hard to get affordable insurance, even at group rates. Time for change I think!


                Should have never told Doctor

                I have thought this over. I am going to transfer my treatment for my anxiety to my PDoc so he can manage my Clexa and Lorazepam, which makes more sense anyway.

                And no my prblem wi alcohol is not nearly that severe. She is just ignorant. She believes (as I have found out) that you need to detox first then need to attend AA for the rest of your life. Our thoughts on this differ greatly.

                This is pretty much the final straw beween me and her anyway. I only have continued seeing her because my wife likes her (I have no idea why). I have a major issue with her in that she refused to prescribe BC to my wife because she believes it is very near to abortion. Sorry not trying to get into anyones viewpoint her and just saying that since I have fundamental disagreements with her line of thinking it is best that i find a doctor that I can agree with on a more personal level.

                Simey... before I came to work for this larger firm I worked for a a firm of 50. This is going to sound really sexist. We had too many spouses of child bearing age and 3 of them gave birth one year so they increased our premiums by 65%. It is absolutely insane what insurance companies get away with. They quite litterally passed the births right back at us.


                  Should have never told Doctor

                  No it was one of her scripts. I see several doctors. She stopped one of hers that I order monthly.


                    Should have never told Doctor

                    That's just awful. Oh Hablur I feel bad for you.

                    I hope this doesn't prevent others from going to see Dr.'s though. I was fortunate. My doctor was a God send. When I decided that enough was enough he & I embarked on my journey together. I was the one who suggested I try Campral & he hestitated but agreed (it was just released on the market). When I failed on it he suggested Topamax & I hestitated. I never herd of Topamax. If he hadn't suggested it I would never have googled it & found this program.

                    As far as records go, they are considered legal documents. You have access to see them but they are owned by the doctor. He owns them because it is their business & you pay for his services. Sad but true.

                    But just like a business you need to shop around for a doctor you feel comfortable with. That first meeting you have with them you need to ask questions just like they ask of you. I would definately ask up front "are you familiar with treating patients with addiction problems". Feel them out. It's your health & you're paying them.

                    So sad how our health is dictated by such a bureaucracy.
                    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                      Should have never told Doctor

                      Hey Hab, stop seeing this doctor ASAP! She seems to want to push her personal agenda on her patients. I think that is just wrong. breeze is right you can't get your records but you can get copies of them. If you feel they have been ammended or not accurate, you can contact the Office of Civil Rights US Department of Health and Human Sevices. Good luck


                        Should have never told Doctor

                        Hab, I just read your post and not time to read all the following. Forgive me is this is a major duplicate but.....consider this a blessing. I can not tell how many primary care doc's and pediatric docs I have switched till I found the right one to fit my needs.

                        Blessing cuz you went on to find the doc you have that is working with you now and you are finding a new primary doc that will be more appropriate to meet the needs of an up comming situation that one of your kids or wife are gonna need that the other doc was gonna over look. Believe me this is all meant.
                        Gabby :flower:


                          Should have never told Doctor

                          Unbelieveable. This is why people don't want to get help.

                          "Think of your adiction as if it were a broken arm" BS This kind of Dr. needs to get an education in something other than med school.

                          There should be something that can be done when this kind of crap happens.
                          What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                          ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                            Should have never told Doctor

                            At my last visit with my previous doc, I mentioned that I was concerned about my alcohol use -- he couldn't get out of the room fast enough (though he did write scrips for 2 meds that shouldn't be taken with alcohol). So, I went elsewhere...which is always such a throw of the dice. I ended up with a wonderful PA, a young woman about 20 years my junior -- and she was just so matter of fact, that this was a health issue that we were going to address. We talked about my test results, liver function, etc. I feel that she's a partner in this with me. After reading about your experiences, I feel lucky to have found a good one on round 2.
                            Blue Eyes


                              Should have never told Doctor

                              This whole healthcare situation in the US is unbelievably dysfunctional! One of the pieces of legislation that got passed in the last few years--and that many people are unaware of-- is that healthcare providers are now legally able to refuse treatment that they feel conflicts with their personal beliefs or "values." This includes pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions for birth control and has implications for a larger range of treatments...sorry for being a bit off topic but the situation is just so wrong!
                              "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott

