Yesterday I went to order my normal scripts that are reoccurring and my primary care Dr blocked my Lorazepam script from being filled. I called thier office to find out why and the nurse told me because I had a substance abuse problem and I was not in treatment.
In a nut shell the Doc is mad because I chose not to use the one she wanted me to use so in her mind I am not getting treatment because I didn't go into a costly inpatient detox center that would have cost me thousands of dollars, alerted my professional collegues, and effected my carreer. Instead I chose under the radar, slower, one-on-one approach using Topamax being supervised by a Pyshchiatrist.
I am really pissed at the moment. As far as I feel this just goes to show you that no matter what Doctors don't give a shit and if you tell them about alcohol you are immediately branded as less than a person and you will always be less than a person, never to be trusted. I now am really mad that I have that in my records which will never be expunged.
My Pdoc isn't even writing down that I am having issues with alcohol. He said that he purposesly does that because he sees a lot of professionals and he does that to protect thier careers. Now that is a good doc that understands the situation. But then again this doc also had an addiction of his own, so probably understands all the ramifications and ignorance people have about people that have had addictions.
Well time to find a new Primary Care doc.