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Should have never told Doctor

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    Should have never told Doctor

    Halbur, your experience is similar to mine. I went to my PC about a month ago to talk openly about my addiction... hell not to topa, ANd she wanted me to go to inpatient rehab and dump my BF cuz he drinks!!! I made it clear that I would NOT go into rehab, so she referred me to an addiction specialist doc. I haven't called that one yet because I'm not hesitant about talking to doctors about it. I have some other health issues and don't want to go to the doc because of this. If my regular PC I know she'll be regarding me as an alcoholic (who is not yet successful in recovery) rather than a person. And pretty much all the docs over here on this island I live on work in one clinic - so I could choose another but I'm sure this shit is in my record and waht if they all treat me like that.......


      Should have never told Doctor

      I understand, it's not just in USA, we have some similar problems in UK too, only we don't pay for doctors and it is more difficult to change our doctors here in some areas it is worse than others. If you complain about a doctor the other doctors won't take you on and the medical board have to allocate a doctor and you then rotate through a different doctor every 3 months !!?? Awful.

      I told my doctor I had some problems wih alcohol, and it is recorded in my notes. When I had an accident - not my fault and wanted compensation it all came out even as far back as when I was 4 years old and had tonsillitus !! NOT LOL.

      I was mortified, not only my doctor sees it, the solicitor, the solicitors secretary, the opposition in compensation case, the court, the doctors I had to see to confirm injuries, their secretaries and Uncle Tom Cobbley and all could see it.

      It was also included in reports sent to me so any of my family that wanted to 'help' me with advice on my case could have seen it !!

      It made me realise what I could and what I shouldn't discuss with doctors. I have told them it was a temporary thing when I was severely depressed and have not had a problem since. What else could I do?
      I haven't asked for meds or help, only for depression or arthritis, general aches and pains illnesses etc
      Please keep your chin up and a stiff upper lip like us Brits are supposed to do, Ha, Ha.

      Best wishes and hugs,
      Diamond x
      I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
      I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

      Marilyn Monroe


        Should have never told Doctor

        It is just a blip in your record

        I have it on my medical records as well. But in the big picture of things in 5 years it is a blip...a moment in time. If it ever got brought up because it was in my medical record...they will be able see that in 5 years there isn't even a blip of it. And who may never effect you anyways.

        I know so many people who had an issue with alcohol, but corrected it...and twenty years later...nothing on their record since then. They are part of the reason I never gave up. They actually did it on their own with no information...because 20 years ago there was none. And my Dad who drank my entire childhood is one of them.

        So screw your record and screw your doctor...move on.



          Should have never told Doctor

          When I went to my doctor I knew I just wanted to stop, had to stop, drinking and couldn't do it alone. I also couldn't consider rehab, had done it before, twice, and it didn't work.

          So when I went to see him I brought the MWO book and, as suggested in the book, the Lancet Study article and the list of recommended supplements. I also told him about the online support community. He gave me the topa on the spot and it was the doctor that actually suggested to put it in the records it was for headaches. He also gave me a script for valuim for the first few days of detoxing and offered referrals for out-patient counseling if I wanted it. He told me to check back in two weeks to let him know how things were working out.

          I remember I was so nervous and scared to confess to him about the drinking because part of my business concerns medical records so I am intimately familiar with them but I had just come to the end. I was actually shaking when I told him but when it was done I knew everything was going to be alright. He was so kind and wonderful, all he said was "I never new you were having a problem with this." Then he read through the stuff I'd brought, I got the sense he was somewhat familiar with it, and wrote the presciptions.
          I have been sober since that day after two to three bottles of Merlot EVERY night for years.
          74 days AF


            Should have never told Doctor

            Congratulations, Barry! 74 days is fantastic! And I so understand when you say "...but I had just come to the end." I know "the end" so well...I was there last April...

            Good to know that what looks like an end is really just the backside of a new beginning, isn't it!
            "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


              Should have never told Doctor

              There are too many judgemental people on this earth.
              One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                Should have never told Doctor

                Oh Barry, how wonderful and generous that you wrote that for us. To show us that there are good caring open-minded doctors out there. Thank you.

                I had my bleep with my PC, and have been extremely discouraged. Yet if I continue to fail in my pursuit to get sober (or in control at least) I will go to the addiction specialist she referred me to. And I will not be overly concerned about my record. Because I am nearing the point that nothing is more important than SAVING MY LIFE.

