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Is It Any Wonder We Drink

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    Is It Any Wonder We Drink

    I have just had the miss fortune of moving house. They say it is suppose to be one of the most stressful times of your life. Well I can concur with that. Especially when the house that you have set your heart on falls through. Leaving you 6 weeks to find the new "house of your dreams" negotiate with the maggots (sorry, estate agents) that are selling it, complete the conveyncing (via your solicitor, who works from 10.30 am to 3.00pm) negotiate your new mortgage requirement (with some poor chap in India, who probably does not even know what a mortgage is)

    Anyway we managed it, by the skin of our teeth, but because the move was suppose to have happened some weeks earlier, we had a holiday booked, which fell the week after we moved.

    The sensible thing would have been to cancel, but because we had thrown so much money away with the original move (which fell through) I was damned if I was going to throw any more away. So we went (see account of that in "club 18 to 30 ect ect)

    So we get back from our hols and find that we have a bit of money to spend (bit built into borrowing requirements incase of unforeseen events, well you could hardy blame me)

    So we head off to the local garden centre / DIY store, to buy some nice garden furniture.

    We decide on a nice 6 seater table with chairs and a parasol, there was the option of a "Lazy Susan" at a very reasonable ?46 which I thought was tremendous value for a maid, even if she was lazy.

    Anyway we managed to collar a very stressed young sales assistant and conveyed our intention to exchange a large wad of cash for their table, chairs, and parasol.

    "No problem" said the young man.

    "I will be with you in a short while, I have just got to clean up a pile of sick"?????

    Perhaps ?Lazy Susan? could have got off her fat arse and cleaned it up, were my immediate thoughts!

    So we sat ourselves down at the display table, luxuriating in the comfort of the chairs that we were about to be proud owners of.

    Or so we thought.

    Our sales guy / toilet attendant came back with the devastating news that the particular table and chairs that we wanted were out of stock. He did have some good news, the parasol was available?

    Great, we could have the parasol, without the table and chairs. Well it was a particularly hot day, we could have sat on the ground under the parasol and saved ourselves the chance from skin cancer, and obesity, because there was no table to eat any food off.

    So we asked the obvious question, when would you get some more in?

    "I will go check the system"

    So off he went.

    "I m sorry but the system is showing that this line is discontinued"

    Well the obvious sprang to my mind, we will do you a favour and take the display model off your hands.

    Not that easy.

    "Sorry I am not allowed to sell the display model until the season has finished."

    "But you are displaying something you can?t sell!!!!!"

    ?Eh, well, yes!!!?

    What a bizarre concept, you?re in a shop, whose premier function is to sell you things, sat at the table and chairs that you want to purchase, and you can?t.

    The puzzled, quizzical look on my face must have betrayed my bemusement.

    ?I would sell it to you if I could?

    He must have anticipated my next question as he scuttled away to get the manager, who was about to get it in the neck.

    The outcome of my rant to the manager is that I came away, not with a table and chairs of our choice, but with a voucher for 25% off, if we managed to find an alternative.

    I am not sure what the moral of this story is, other than if you see something in a shop, that you want, even if you have the money, you have a better chance of getting the goods of your choice if you steel them.

    Is It Any Wonder We Drink

    Oh John, when it rains it pours! I had something similar happened to me I went to a furniture store (pier one) and needed a piece to finish a bedroom I was working on. Was told the piece I needed could be back ordered, but none in stock, I said sell me the one from the floor.I was told no. So pissed I was I went outside called their home office and asked them to explain the policy to me.(I knew they sold off the floor because I had purchased from it before) I was told absolutley they could sell to me off the floor , so then I asked could you please call the manager of this store and tell her that?I don't think she is aware. He did, I went back in, that woman wanted to kill me but I got the piece I needed. My husband said he never had seen me so angry or aggressive! But I got it damnit!! Also when we bought our house right after we made our offer and had a very small amount of time to move( because of my husbands new job) We were told that a counter offer was made on the house. We had to get into a bidding war over a house which had been setting empty for over a year, I found it hard to belive that at the moment we were attemtipng to buy someone else decided to buy it as well. I think it was the realtor (who knew the owner) jacking up the price. We got the house but had to up quite a few thousand dollars. So I know where your coming from your not alone!


      Is It Any Wonder We Drink

      Hi Jonboy (welcome, we've not met) & Mar,

      I did the same with a William Tillyer print from Habitat about 20 years still rankles...

      I was so cross and took about 20 paces backwards and shouted at the sales boy. "What the "***k is the point of displaying a print for sale that you haven't got?" Everybody in the shop turned to look. My now ex husband was SO embarrassed so it was worth it just for that.


        Is It Any Wonder We Drink

        First of all, may I say Jon, well done on pulling the move together and deciding to go on holiday:goodjob: and I laughed and sympathized w/your and Simey and Pebble's stories. Mine isn't about funiture, per se, but an exercise bike. I decided to buy one. Easy enuf, except it came in a box. Okay, seemed easy enuf. So I and my cats proceeded to spend I think two-three hours on putting it together...done I think. I get on it....the peddles do the wrong way, won't turn. I am about to break down, then I notice a small nick on the frame. AHA! I throw it in my convertible (too big now to go in the trunk) of course it starts raining...... I get to sear haul it out, put my vertible top down quickly, haul the bike into Sear. "This has a dent in it"! "Take another", they say....No I say I want the floor model!!!

        That's how I got my exercise bike and guess how often I use it.......


          Is It Any Wonder We Drink


          I find they make the most useful clothes hangers...


            Is It Any Wonder We Drink

            Hi Jonboy and welcome ..........

            Im afraid that is one of those stories that make you laugh if its happening to someone else but cry if it's happening to you .......

            Look forward to seeing you about ...

            Love & Hugs, BB xx


              Is It Any Wonder We Drink

              Hi Jonboy, welcome.
              My daughter recently moved house, she had loads of problems, but is settled in now and
              very happy.Keep your chin up remember these things are sent to try us !!
              Best of luck Paula.x


                Is It Any Wonder We Drink

                Jon...if you are not already a writer of some sort, you should be. Both of the posts you have written recently, have cracked me up! You have a gift. You also have a wonderful sence of humor, that I hope will rub off on us all, thanks....Buffy


                  Is It Any Wonder We Drink

                  LOL Pebbles

                  My husband & I have a curse. Anything we order or get for our house is either: missing a piece, doesn't work, the workers don't show up, etc. Anytime we make a huge purchase we bet on what will go wrong. Last year our last big purchase-our sunroom. Everything was in order to start in June. They started late May-hooraw. Then the rains came-they got behind schedule, roofing was slow & they finally finished the end of August without 2 huge triangular window peaks which they boarded up with a cardboard. The window were on back order (2 weeks) and a month later they came in. Meanwhile the carpeting had to be stalled.
                  :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                    Is It Any Wonder We Drink

                    Breez, A similar thing happened to me while moving into an older house that we were having remodeled. It was taking forever and I would come over to check on the progress. I think I could have done it faster than this bunch. One day I showed up and they were fishing, I live on a creek, they were drinking and smoking and having a great time...they were still putting the floors in the day we were "supposed to move in"....I didn't pay them all they wanted, so glad I didn't pay them all up front...they were pissed, but not as much as I was.


                      Is It Any Wonder We Drink

                      buffy;152103 wrote: Jon...if you are not already a writer of some sort, you should be. Both of the posts you have written recently, have cracked me up! You have a gift. You also have a wonderful sence of humor, that I hope will rub off on us all, thanks....Buffy
                      Thanks Buffy.
                      Im not a writer, and if you saw some of the gramatical errors that I make you would understand why, not withstanding the spelling mistakes.

                      However, once I get on a roll I can spin a good yarn. I must add that both stories are true.

                      Life is a very strange experience. Im not sure, as yet, what is the best way to approach it -sober, or not.

                      When I go sober, everything seems more clear, I seem more organised. However little, amusing things pass me by.

                      When I am pissed I can find comic value in the smallest incident. I guess its creativity. I just feel a bit sad that I have to be a bit pissed to be a bit creative.

                      By the way, I have a hard disk full of amusing holiday stories.

                      Kind of tells you how pissed I have been.


                        Is It Any Wonder We Drink

                        Jon...I can totally relate...when I bought my Mustang a few years back, I wanted to put a nice stereo system in it. I go tell the guy " I like this one"...he says...well this one over here has BLAH BLAH BLAh...I say " I like this one...He says .."well, this one has....BLAH......." you get the drift. I am now getting pissed. the one I wanted was actually more money...what is the problem? I WANT THIS ONE!!!! He then turns and looks at my fiance' and says "you have your hands full"...I looked at Billy...he knows I am now livid. I got the damn stereo I wanted and he got a stern talking to from his boss!


                          Is It Any Wonder We Drink

                          jonboy1968;152145 wrote: I guess its creativity. I just feel a bit sad that I have to be a bit pissed to be a bit creative.

                          I wrote a regular newspaper column for a few years and have to agree - being a bit pissed certainly got the creative juices flowing. I'm no longer a bit pissed but I'm also not writing anymore. Sometimes that makes me a bit sad.

                          Loved both of your posts. Keep them coming. File 500 words, deadline 10am next Friday.


                            Is It Any Wonder We Drink

                            yes to all of your stories, happened to me many times - different products, different settings but sounds like the salesman (??) / person was the same one LOL !!

                            He sure changes his job a lot. Mind you I'm not surprised !!
                            I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                            I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                            Marilyn Monroe


                              Is It Any Wonder We Drink

                              tawnyfrog;152164 wrote: Jonboy

                              I wrote a regular newspaper column for a few years and have to agree - being a bit pissed certainly got the creative juices flowing. I'm no longer a bit pissed but I'm also not writing anymore. Sometimes that makes me a bit sad.

                              Loved both of your posts. Keep them coming. File 500 words, deadline 10am next Friday.

                              Ive got some brill stories, I will see what I can do.

                              PS hope you are not encouraging me to drink.

                              Only kidding.

