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Good Lord, am I dying??

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    Good Lord, am I dying??

    Oh Mar, I'm so sorry, you must be worried sick. So glad you are taking it by the horns and getting the best treatment you can get. Also I am sure that hubby meant his comment for you (yes you know you are vain !) and not for himself !!! Who cares anyway as long as you are okay - sending you strength.

    L xxxx
    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


      Good Lord, am I dying??

      Hi Mar, Sending BB love & hugs your way for sure .....

      I agree that a second opinion would be good, but if another doctor doesn't do a biopsy you will never get the worry out of your mind, at least this way you will know....

      Love ya, BB xx


        Good Lord, am I dying??

        OH Mar...tell Greg to just send flowers....bless his heart! You know sometimes they mean well and just insert the foot! We all do for that you.


          Good Lord, am I dying??

          Hi Simeybear,
          Think your hubby just responded like that as he knows you`re very careful to look good.
          Think you gotta weigh up the biopsy issue yourself, and the right decision for you will just come to you. As has already been said, most biopsies are negative. Have follow-up appointment at the hospital next wk. for the biopsy recently done on my leg. Have heard nothing from hospital, so fingers crossed.

          Sending you all my best wishes,

          Starlight Impress


            Good Lord, am I dying??

            Mar, its probably scar tissue from the previous spot maybe? Did I read you'd had a procedure in this area before? I'm a firm believer of the best facility and Dr., you DO need a second opinion, I'd get all my films from the past, with present ones, and go to another surgeon. I forget where you are, but if you'll PM me, I'll get out my trusty top Hosp. list where I found Johns Hopkins, way out here in Texas, and let you know. And husbands, they rarely know what to say, and I think they are more scared than we are!!! Chuck was just stunned when he finally made it to my friends in Kilgore, about an hour + away, the day I'd gone there, knowing they were going to call most likely, so I wouldn't be home alone...and when they said "cancer" is was just so unreal, you just kept wanting to go back and act like it hadn't been couldn't come til he got off work, so he'd done the majority of the crying on his way....then he just tried to hold things together, but guys just don't do it like we do, every concern we have, they do want to FIX, but they can't really....the day I practically went AWOL from Hopkins, and back to the hotel, cuz I couldn't get any rest, and told them to just give me the meds, and if I was good enough to go lay there, and could call my Dr. and/or come back and forth for checks, to let me wanted me to be ok so bad, and they'd said I needed to walk as much as possible for the abdominal swelling, etc....but I think they kinda meant up and down the we were in a hotel, all meals were either room service or out to eat, he decided I'd feel better if I got "out" since I'd been in the depressing hosptial...ditto we walked from the hotel to Legal Seafoods, where it was packed....omg....I nearly had to crawl in the door by the time we made it the 4 blks, this is the day they sprung me!!!! Talk about bellying up to the bar, I looked swollen as a beached whale, and was pale as a dead to say, I immediately ordered up a wine, choked down a few pain pills, ate a little, and TOOK A CAB BACK...but, he thought he was helping...nearly killed me, but as I sat there, miserable, I realized how tense and stressed he'd been, and couped up in the hospital with worry too....his faced relaxed, and he felt energized, around healthy folks, laughter, ordering a drink and a big plate of seafood, and getting fresh, even tho I was about to "loose" it, I knew he needed it, and he had to take care of me too, so I had to make sure he had the mindset to do it....Guys are just guys....I'm sure he's scared to, and just wants it the way it was before anything could be wrong...You'll be fine tho, I was, you will be too, but go to the very best place!!!!!! You are added to my prayer list asap!
            "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


              Good Lord, am I dying??

              Simey that is scary stuff no doubt. I have my fingers crossed and kissed both my poochies that you are going to be done with this stuff asap.



                Good Lord, am I dying??

                My two cents...boy oh boy!


                Firstly - you have a great sense of humor. This statement in your post which I quote below - though the post is not meant to be funny I understand - had me in hysterics.

                "I can almost hear the pipe organ in the background hitting that one single note that signifies terror."

                I feel this way pretty much everyday about one thing or another.

                Secondly, here's a story which I think will ease your mind a bit. (?)

                A few years back I had a very close relative who experienced the following....

                1) Told by radiologist she had a "spot" on her lung. Panic.
                2) Told by GP she did indeed have a "non-benign looking spot" on her lung. Extreme panic.
                3) Told by pulmonary specialist she needed to have partial lung removal surgery IMMEDIATELY. Forget the cone-needle biopsy! Panic took over all aspects of life.
                4) Had the surgery after dispersing her goods to family members. Extreme panic to the hugest degree possible.

                5) Had surgery only to be told it was a fungus. Adios, half of left lung.

                5a) Cried for a week from relief.
                6) Sued everyone along the chain for freaking her out so bad.

                Now the point of this is that physicians have certain ways of putting things which do not jive with the general public. You are taking this like a champ and I doubt VERY SERIOUSLY you are going to die. However, I panic when I get a new freckle on my earlobe. So I understand. Your situation is indeed scary. Being around optimistic people will help a lot.

                (I also don't condone suing physicians when the cone needle biopsy was a very logical and easy option and she scared the crap out of her entire family. But she also got the bejeezus scared out of her! So maybe I'm 50/50 on the lawsuit.)

                Husbands can be boneheads.....but they are what they are. They don't mean it. It's genetic.

                Even if it is the worst possible scenario - cancer, which I doubt
                - it is most likely highly cureable. The media repeatedly scares the hell out of us about our boobs, internal organs, etc.

                You are smart enough to keep in close contact with your physician and I'll be thinking of you and your situation. Not fun at all....I know! I had three lumps and all were cysts. Keep a cool head. Easier said than done, I know!


                  Good Lord, am I dying??

                  Hi Simeybear,

                  What an amazing woman you are! Love your sense of humour and your outlook on life - you certainly inspire me! - keep us posted, get best advice possible - and from someone you trust- and all will be well. :l
                  :rays: Arial

                  Last first day - 15th April 2012
                  Days 1-7 DONE
                  Days 8-14 DONE
                  Days 15-21 DONE
                  30 days DONE
                  60 days
                  100 days


                    Good Lord, am I dying??

                    Thanks all, if we couldn't laugh how boring it all would be! I try to find humor in everything, and there is humor in everything. Janie, with you and Miss A praying for me how can anything go wrong? I glad she got her pool. See God does listen!!!


                      Good Lord, am I dying??

                      Hi Mar, so sorry you are going through all this. Can you go back to the place that gave you the first diagnosis? Did they give you a Diagnostic Mamo? If it is fiberocystic, they can tell from the mamogram and they told me fiberocystic tumors never become cancerous. I think the technology has changed in the past year, because I had one of those"lets keep an eye on it places", I go to a Womens Center in a big hospital in Atlanta, before you do anything, you might want to think about taking a trip to a bigger city or even making some phone calls...


                        Good Lord, am I dying??

                        Aw Mar...your true self is shining through are one strong woman..
                        I like especially what Nancy is saying & think worth considering higher grade hospitals for any kind of surgical procedures. I traveled almost 2 hrs to Philadelphia to U Penn for my surgery & I was very gald that I did. My ffriend really believes that syaing " with cancer it really matters where you are treated first"

                        And I think you are correct..small town, small hospitals are always thinking about malpractice & really overreact. I worked in one in QA dept-- joke.
                        And you are right about your husband..they are just dumb..he was trying to giv e you some comfort...

                        Keep on..prayer support is good will be fine...luv~C


                          Good Lord, am I dying??

                          Hope everything goes well. We'll be thinking of you. Positive thoughts.....
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                            Good Lord, am I dying??

                            I am so sorry you are going through this. Here we are all worried about our livers and there are so many other things to worry about! Some doctors have a poor bedside manner but those are the ones that check us from head to toe. I know it's very difficult, but try and keep a positive attitude and I'm sure everything will be fine.


                              Good Lord, am I dying??

                              hablur;152000 wrote: Mar,

                              I am sorry to hear you are having troubles. Trust me, I am a guy and no matter what we will say the stupidest things are the most inappropriate times. I doubt he was thinking anything about himself at all but how your self image is and that everything would be just fine with you. Shit I am probably saying the wrong thing right now I should have probably asked my wife to right this response for me
                              Mar, I'm with Hab... men say the dumbest thiings...

                              No, but honestly, I really think it sounds like he has made a refernce thinking that is what you would be conscious about... not what he would really want. Mar, he loves you and I am positive that he loves you just as you are. We love you as you are!

                              Thinking of you

                              PS Just jokes Hab baby - You're divine! xxx
                              :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                                Good Lord, am I dying??

                                I'm thinking of you, Mar. I also agree with some others that you should either go to your original docs or come up to Richmond, DC or Baltimore for a second opinion. With something as potentially serious as this, you deserve to get the best diagnostically.

                                I have the feeling inside that everything will be okay for you. You are beautiful both inside and out!


                                AF as of August 5th, 2012

