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Good Lord, am I dying??

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    Good Lord, am I dying??

    Just got a call from my gyno. asking are you ok? He said just got a copy of your ultrasound from yesterday. Have you scheduled an appointment with a surgeon yet? he asked. I replied yes, then he said let's get moving on this as soon as possible. Make sure you get all your films to take to the surgeon. I know this. This is the crap I hate; cloak and dagger! I can almost hear the pipe organ in the background hitting that one single note that signifies terror. It's going to be fine I keep telling them. shouldn't they be telling me that? To add insult to injury I asked my husband last night if I were to have the open biopsy (which is what I am leaning towards) would it matter that my breast could be malformed afterwards. he said you can get that fixed right. I said what? ( I was expecting the "no matter what your perfect to me" anwser) He said you can always get plastic surgery on it right? he said. Ah... yeah I said. I always thought he was an butt man. little did I know. I feel like the travelocity roaming gnome when he plugs in the american appliance in Europe, getting blown across the room and ask "Am I going To Die" Enough with the drama!!
    Smiles from the most cluless member

    Good Lord, am I dying??

    Oh Mar, I don't know what to say, so I'm just sending you a big :l and lots of positivity.

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


      Good Lord, am I dying??

      Oh Mar, what a nightmare!
      You are going to be fine, they just need to talk to each other...the healthcare professionals that is ! and not panic you. Get the biopsy, get the results and take it from there.

      And your husband is probably a bit shocked too, he is never going to know the right thing to say, they just don't, and is probably worried about you too.
      as we are
      lots of love


        Good Lord, am I dying??


        I am sorry to hear you are having troubles. Trust me, I am a guy and no matter what we will say the stupidest things are the most inappropriate times. I doubt he was thinking anything about himself at all but how your self image is and that everything would be just fine with you. Shit I am probably saying the wrong thing right now I should have probably asked my wife to right this response for me


          Good Lord, am I dying??

          not all breast doctors are created alike

          Did you know that the majority of breast biopsies in this country are negative? In europe, the figures are much much lower.

          The skill of the person doing these studies makes a huge difference. How qualified are the people who did your mammogram and ultrasounds? Did they have all your previous mammograms to compare against?

          Doctors are worried about malpractice and are quick to biopsy. Unless you are at a great institution already, I advise getting a second opinion. Biopsies can leave scars that make it difficult to read mammograms in the future.

          By all means, get one if you do need one, but make sure your doctor is good enough to make that decision.


            Good Lord, am I dying??

            Dear Mar,

            Pebbles is right, your husband is probably in shock and knowing how much you like to look your very best was trying to say, no matter, you are young and you can get fixed. Doesn't sound super supportive but that may be because you are freaking out right now. I am glad that the doctor is encouraging you to see the surgeon sooner rather than later. I appreciate any doctor who calls and is supportive enough to push me through a procedure.

            Praying for you,


              Good Lord, am I dying??

              Simeybear, sounds like you are handling things well. I agree with Hablur, your hubbie probably didn't mean it the way it came out! So one step at a time, and definitely get a second opinion after the biopsy. Sending healing hugs your way ((((((()))))))).


                Good Lord, am I dying??

                Thanks Nancy, This same area that they are talking about was discoverd 3 years ago by a different doctor at a different hospital and there response was to just watch it. That was a more accomplished facility. This year I changed to a doctor in my little town and my small town hospital. They are acting entirely different about it. I will weigh everything, But in the vein of my week I decide to go running, so I go upstairs to put on my new running shoes. they felt great ready for the run, the tread on the new shoe drags on the stair carpet and I've twisted my ankle, Beautiful! Hab, your just fine with your kind words, I think Greg was just a little scared and he knows how vain I am. Or as my Mom says Proud instead of vain. Neither one sounds that nice. But it's true. I'm a tough chick, it will all be A-OK


                  Good Lord, am I dying??

                  Good luck with the biopsy ,I will be thinking of you.


                    Good Lord, am I dying??

                    Good breast care is worth traveling for.

                    Inexperienced people are more likely to biopsy because they don't know as much about problems in the breast. so they figure, better safe than sorry and fewer worries about litigation...

                    But for the patient, this is not so great. Scarring means you might wind up needing more biopsies in the future.

                    Trust only experts on this one, there is such a huge difference. Expert facilities have lower negative biopsy rates. the national average is very high, i think it might be as high as 80%.

                    Good luck!


                      Good Lord, am I dying??

                      Sending positive thoughts your way, and DO get a second opinion. Guys sometimes know they need to open their mouth to say something and accidently just put their foot in their mouth instead. He must look kind of funny hopping around right now, though.....:H


                        Good Lord, am I dying??

                        I'm sorry to hear about this. I'm sure your hubby spoke from the seat of his pants and not his heart. I also have an area that is being "watched" with ultrasound and mamogram every six months. I wish they would just do something about it, the constant wondering in nerve racking. My thoughts are with you!


                          Good Lord, am I dying??

                          I have finally figured out that husbands have a need to "fix" things.
                          It is just the "man" in him looking at ways to "fix" it for you so you will be ok...

                          The first big "bump" in our marriage has been our son going to Iraq. My hubby just had the hardest time with me crying because he couldn't "fix" it for me.
                          He reacted with anger and he drank too much.
                          Men! Gotta love them!

                          Please seek the best treatment for you and what you are comfortable with.
                          My friend in Atlanta knew she had found "her" doc when she saw his exam rooms named...Hope....Care....Love...

                          :l Nancy
                          May your spirit....."Be still"
                          "Be still and know that I am God"

                          Psalm 46:10


                            Good Lord, am I dying??


                            First and foremost, think of your health as your number one priority. Everything else is secondary. I am praying for you that all is well. Truly.

                            Second. Husbands hardly ever say the right thing. I would imagine his thought was not selfish in that he wants you to look perfect after the biopsy, but that he is thinking YOU are worried how you will feel if your breast is not perfect after the biopsy.

                            My daughter is thinking about you, too, and hoping all goes well.

                            Take care of yourself!!

                            Hugs :h


                            PS Men are clueless.
                            AF April 9, 2016


                              Good Lord, am I dying??

                              Hope everything works out fine, sure it will. This is why we put ourselves through these
                              intrusive check ups, we don't want anything to be wrong and are terrified when we are
                              told there could be a problem. I know just how you feel I had a lump 2 years ago, went
                              into hospital, had it removed and was told it was a cyst (also the doc called it a breast mouse!) The fact that you have regular checks is good
                              Best wishes Paula.

