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International Army June 2020

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    Re: International Army June 2020

    [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION]...........I hear you on the craving cigarettes...........I know I vape but its not the same. Prolly because I loose them and spend half my life looking for them then there's the charging and the filling. Its more of a hobby.
    But even my smoking nurse hasn't shaken her head..........yet.
    I could have chewed a 20 Benson & Hedges the other day...............then I thought they must be near £13 now, I can't be bothered to queue and now I know what residue cigarette fumes leave, I'd have been outed in a nano-second.

    I'm trying to think the last time I saw Jenny in rel life it must have been Christmas. Buddy the Beagle not coming as they've got a big week in school so they're getting him used to being on his own for a few hours.

    God, Molls ,our rows can escalate into nuclear warfare over a dropped tea towel in seconds. I've told Mr. JC not even to think about retiring. Its seven years off for him anyway.

    [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION]......its taken a while to get her trust back and I mean to keep it that way. I worried a long time about her drinking as it was very similar to mine, but getting away from the hospitality industry and into teaching has been the making of her. She's a different woman.

    They're near arrival so we'll sit them at the end of the garden and throw food into their mouths.

    We won't see the S&H today he was born on Father's Day and he thinks that's enough of a gift.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Re: International Army June 2020

      Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
      its taken a while to get her trust back and I mean to keep it that way. I worried a long time about her drinking as it was very similar to mine, but getting away from the hospitality industry and into teaching has been the making of her. She's a different woman.
      Thats interesting Jacks, I do look at mine (they have a bit to go, but not that long) and wonder who might get the lucky genes.. if it works like that. They will hide it if they think your onto them, I know I did.
      Your Jenny certainly seems to have a calling. Are the kids back in school there, I know they break later than us.

      Molly its probably a combination of lots of things and dont underestimate how small changes can stress us. Its going to be a shock to my system when I have to start thinking about being away all day and all the upheaval that brings.

      Met my sister this morning to get a few bits for our Dad. We started to queue for coffee but it just wasnt worth it. Queues everywhere, for shops that were not open for another hour :egad: completely pointless. I think people like to queue.
      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


        Re: International Army June 2020

        Fabulous-- reminded me of the first race. All the loo stuff too. Congratulations!


          Re: International Army June 2020

          I remember your last cigarette! I did find it easier than the booze though!


            Re: International Army June 2020

            Absolutely shagged out.
            Sooooooooooo sorry forgot to take pictures of the gazebo when it was fulling eveb had one of the sides on it. We've had every wether going bar snow this afternoon
            Blame the excitement of Jenny & Ads being here...........then the S&H turned up. One very happy Daddy ( and me).
            Rinse and repat for next weekend as its Mr JC's birthday next week. Who's as happy as a pig in muck as his team won in footie this afternoon.

            [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION].....I'm talking about 10 years plus kids here and state schools......neither Jenny or Ads have been at school all the way through......not every day.......much, much shorter hours as a lot of their kids can do it on-line they've been doing that............but a an awful lot of their children just do not have access to computers so they can't teach on line ....... A new poverty. So they're the ones going in to pick up work and get taught. The same situation for all the secondary level of state schooling all over England (they're different in Wales and Scotland) They've not had proper school holidays since February half term. and they're talking about them working through the summer holidays .........end of July.

            I'm beyond tired so night, night me lovelies.:heartbeat:
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Re: International Army June 2020

              Hi Army - been feeling really weird in work all day. Thumping heart - sweats then shivering. Thought I had the 'C'
              But I don't think so.
              Myself & others received a 'Chocolate Hamper' from a family. When I say we devoured . no hoovered up the stuff. I've been feeling so odd ever since.
              Someone said that there is caffeine in chocolate along with any I drank earlier & depending on your tolerance it can make you go funny.
              I was kinda jittery and still a bit - so waiting a while to make sure I will sleep.

              Anyone ever heard of that ?


                Re: International Army June 2020

                Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                yes -- I think that's what I was thinking -- poxy mam I am -- that's it in a nutshell!
                Morning Bridge!
                Poxy Mam #2 here Molls ......
                Or just Poxy people in general ? :haha:

                Or maybe it is that Jacks is a good loving, caring person. This makes us look poxy 'cos we don't get too excited about the kids coming ?
                Well one of mine is an alcoholic who needs to sober up before he comes here & the other is a high flying Daddy's girl who takes his side in everything.
                So unless I want to see a love-in ...... I'll pass on too much hanging out
                I think she is still wary of me tbh. I still say it as it is - mostly the opposite to what everyone else thinks - that is not a MrS's side of the family trait.

                My side are are also less the lovey doveys or mingley ..... but we get on ok ....
                Last edited by satz123; June 22, 2020, 03:50 AM.


                  Re: International Army June 2020

                  Morning and waves to the world...................just putting the kettle on here's a quick read for [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]

                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Re: International Army June 2020

                    NOW I'm just talking to myself ................


                      Re: International Army June 2020

                      Hurrah !!!
                      X-POST JACKS


                        Re: International Army June 2020

                        Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                        Poxy Mam #2 here Molls ......
                        Or just Poxy people in general ? :haha:

                        Or maybe it is that Jacks is a good loving, caring person. This makes us look poxy 'cos we don't get too excited about the kids coming ?
                        Well one of mine is an alcoholic who needs to sober up before he comes here & the other is a high flying Daddy's girl who takes his side in everything.
                        So unless I want to see a love-in ...... I'll pass on too much hanging out
                        I think she is still wary of me tbh. I still say it as it is - mostly the opposite to what everyone else thinks - that is not a MrS's side of the family trait.

                        My side are are also less the lovey doveys or mingley ..... but we get on ok ....
                        YES -- on every level
                        Tho in fairness to Jacks - I didn't realise she hadn't seen Jenny since Christmas -- so yeah - mebbe I'd be more excited... ok - well this is how it is here... mine just 'pop in' at any time -- day or night (well not night night - but - evening night yeah) - several - or many - times a week -- rarely if ever (yesterday was unusual - they all came together) together - so it's a procession of them all day -- which is fine if I'm at home - but if I've worked on Sat. and then all Sunday is taken up with talking and making tea -- I just get a bit fed up - and yeah - that probably DOES make me a bit of a poxy mam -- but - look - in my heart I'm pleased that they are all fine with the popping in syndrome - and the fact they want to come at all -- bewilders me that tbh -- since Joe and I stopped drinking and socialising -- we are awful poxy boring I think... and I really really shouldn't give out -- and I really really love them all dearly -- but just sometimes -- yeah -- time to myself -- christ I sound 'orrible!!!

                        edit -- and sometimes I do wish they would just drop off the young'uns and leave them with me -- kiddies are much easier company!!!
                        Last edited by mollyka; June 22, 2020, 04:04 AM.
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Re: International Army June 2020

                          Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                          Hurrah !!!
                          X-POST JACKS
                          What a lovely I bow like a special guest on a TV show.
                          Or was it for the article?

                          Absolutely jiggered today...............hats off to you lot that have been working. The last three days it feels like my bum hasn't hit a chair.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Re: International Army June 2020

                            Sorry - Benjy - went on a rant -- are you still feeling scabby? Guessing it prolly is sugar linked - had you been cutting it out maybe and gave your system a shock with the hamper? Morning Jackie
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Re: International Army June 2020

                              I was over-excited............I'm not a super mum by any means.
                              Like you, Molls, me and Mr. JC have our own routine.....we tick along nicely in our own routine.....I remember at Christmas Jenny saying they would stay another day and although I beamed a proper mammy smile while my heart sank and smiled and said that's 'lovely' but you're paying for a takeaway.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Re: International Army June 2020

                                Thanks JAcks - makes total sense ....... I will bookmark that site :thumbsup:

