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International Army June 2020

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    Re: International Army June 2020

    Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
    I was over-excited............I'm not a super mum by any means.
    Like you, Molls, me and Mr. JC have our own routine.....we tick along nicely in our own routine.....I remember at Christmas Jenny saying they would stay another day and although I beamed a proper mammy smile while my heart sank and smiled and said that's 'lovely' but you're paying for a takeaway.
    Ahh Ok I did the same at Christmas - so we're all normal.:hyper:
    I didn't realise you hadn't see her since Christmas ...... I take it back you are not Super-mam :haha:
    Last edited by satz123; June 22, 2020, 04:52 AM.


      Re: International Army June 2020

      Originally posted by mollyka View Post
      Sorry - Benjy - went on a rant -- are you still feeling scabby? Guessing it prolly is sugar linked - had you been cutting it out maybe and gave your system a shock with the hamper? Morning Jackie
      Yep I think so.


        Re: International Army June 2020

        Originally posted by mollyka View Post
        YES -- on every level
        Tho in fairness to Jacks - I didn't realise she hadn't seen Jenny since Christmas -- so yeah - mebbe I'd be more excited... ok - well this is how it is here... mine just 'pop in' at any time -- day or night (well not night night - but - evening night yeah) - several - or many - times a week -- rarely if ever (yesterday was unusual - they all came together) together - so it's a procession of them all day -- which is fine if I'm at home - but if I've worked on Sat. and then all Sunday is taken up with talking and making tea -- I just get a bit fed up - and yeah - that probably DOES make me a bit of a poxy mam -- but - look - in my heart I'm pleased that they are all fine with the popping in syndrome - and the fact they want to come at all -- bewilders me that tbh -- since Joe and I stopped drinking and socialising -- we are awful poxy boring I think... and I really really shouldn't give out -- and I really really love them all dearly -- but just sometimes -- yeah -- time to myself -- christ I sound 'orrible!!!

        edit -- and sometimes I do wish they would just drop off the young'uns and leave them with me -- kiddies are much easier company!!!
        Agree with ALL except the highlighted .... you are not boring & they are so lucky to have you both & they know it .....
        They didn't stay close to home 'cos you are boring did they ?
        I think your house sounds like great craic - but like you I'd need me space .... but sure it's whatever is thrown at us we get used to....

        I may arise from my sick bed now & test will the legs hold me up ................. DOING NOTHING TODAY !!!


          Re: International Army June 2020

          4 in a row - that's my lot ....... :horse:


            Re: International Army June 2020

            How's the legs?...jilly and Tilly are parked on the couch now for 2 hours...I was making soup so they're having that for dinner is now being discussed....I just want to read my book!!!!
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Re: International Army June 2020

              Originally posted by satz123 View Post
              Hi Army - been feeling really weird in work all day. Thumping heart - sweats then shivering. Thought I had the 'C'
              But I don't think so.
              Myself & others received a 'Chocolate Hamper' from a family. When I say we devoured . no hoovered up the stuff. I've been feeling so odd ever since.
              Someone said that there is caffeine in chocolate along with any I drank earlier & depending on your tolerance it can make you go funny.
              I was kinda jittery and still a bit - so waiting a while to make sure I will sleep.

              Anyone ever heard of that ?
              Hi Satz,

              I react like that if i eat too much chocolate. It's hit me at Easter once or twice so now I'm 'careful' of chocolate

              Very late here so off to bedski - Nighters all


                Re: International Army June 2020

                Evening everyone. Only getting to sit down now for the first time all day. Work and then I was painting woodwork when I got home. Need to have a read back. Hope you all had a good weekend.


                  Re: International Army June 2020

                  [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION],..............ya daft bat.....of course you're not boring.

                  Absolutely exhausted after the busy weekend...........I didn't see that many people before the virus but seems like I've seen the world and its family since last Thursday.

                  Enjoy you're reading, Rustle tops.

                  Going to have a bit of a knit then try for an early night. Saw the sun come up this morning.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Re: International Army June 2020

                    Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                    Morning and waves to the world...................just putting the kettle on here's a quick read for [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]

                    Good article thanks JC :thumbsup:


                      Re: International Army June 2020

                      Good article JC, hope your in bed snoozing, and you too Satz. Did all that sugar wear off?
                      I remember getting a shot of adrenaline at the dentist and it scared the life out of me, I thought I was having a heart attack!

                      Of course everyone thinks like that Molly - I still feel awful guilty for thinking it, but what Id give for some quiet!
                      Then Id miss it, so there's no pleasing me.

                      Any dinner ideas? Feeling very uninspired at the moment..
                      Last edited by IamMary; June 22, 2020, 05:22 PM.
                      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                        Re: International Army June 2020

                        Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                        Hi Army - been feeling really weird in work all day. Thumping heart - sweats then shivering. Thought I had the 'C'
                        But I don't think so.
                        Myself & others received a 'Chocolate Hamper' from a family. When I say we devoured . no hoovered up the stuff. I've been feeling so odd ever since.
                        Someone said that there is caffeine in chocolate along with any I drank earlier & depending on your tolerance it can make you go funny.
                        I was kinda jittery and still a bit - so waiting a while to make sure I will sleep.

                        Anyone ever heard of that ?

                        Yep. I get that every time I have a chocolate/sugar binge. Then I feel like I'm going to pass out. SO much fun.
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          Re: International Army June 2020

                          Why are you all poxy Mums just because you want some time to yourself? feck that.

                          I was up until 3am writing angry words down into a diary (that I don't usually keep) because I confirmed that a person joining our team does EXACTLY the same job as myself and is paid twenty grand more per year. Furious! FURIOUS!

                          Now I have confirmation and I'm going in.
                          I have a plan too.
                          It's sneaky and mysterious and covert.
                          It's in my diary.
                          I am so tired that I am delirious.
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            Re: International Army June 2020

                            Morning! - Watching The Trouble with Maggie Cole -- oh it's very good... love Dawn French! Look I reckon us mum's are always full of guilt... we go out to work -- guilt... we don't do the best birthday parties... guilt.... we don't notice when one of them is sad/troubled....guilt... and yeah we want time to ourselves..... guilt... and of course -- the BIGGY -- we drank too much..... guilt. And the men don't seem to ever suffer from any of these 'guilts' --
                            Bridge I'm dying to know what you're gonna do bout the 'plan' -- I'm curious beyond curious!!! Think I need to speak up about things more often. At the moment I find I'm working in someone elses branch of the library - mine is closed.... YET -- I seem to be doing way more hours and days than the staff who actually belong in the branch -- seems rude of them - and I'd love to ask why for instance they are working short days Monday and Tuesday - and I'm doing long days Wed/Thurs/Fri and possibly Saturday as well -- mmmm but there aren't a lot of us in the libraries and if I speak up I'll be the talk of the place...

                            Morning all --
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Re: International Army June 2020

                              Mornind and waves to the world..........

                              Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                              Morning! Look I reckon us mum's are always full of guilt... we go out to work -- guilt... we don't do the best birthday parties... guilt.... we don't notice when one of them is sad/troubled....guilt... and yeah we want time to ourselves..... guilt... and of course -- the BIGGY -- we drank too much..... guilt. And the men don't seem to ever suffer from any of these 'guilts' --
                              Morning all --
                              All of the above.

                              And you get the 'who's your favourite child?'

                              Luckily I've only got one of each the answer was either 'you're my favourite daughet' or 'you're my favourite son'.............and actually I prefer the dog.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Re: International Army June 2020

                                [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION] to hear you're plan. Does it have bullet points? sorry Bullet points are about the only thing I remember from doing work plans.

                                [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION]..............rock and a hard place come to mind. It doesn't sound fair at all. Even harder is do you rock the boat? Is there any from your 'home' library you could whisper in their ear your concerns?
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

