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International Army July 2020

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    Re: International Army July 2020

    Morning and waves to the world........

    Originally posted by satz123 View Post
    I'll know what to send next time you have insomnia :haha:
    You could also try explaining the off-side rule in footie or even better why do we call it football over here and in the USA its soccer.
    Any legal document more than four sentences long.
    Or what Mr. JC got away with when he was a prefect at his posh boy's school.

    And thanks for the laugh............been feeling a bit down the last few days.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Re: International Army July 2020

      Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post

      And thanks for the laugh............been feeling a bit down the last few days.
      Poor Jacks -- and I know (and I think the rest of the WORLD knows) how you feel. It's funny - now that I'm out in the workplace I'm meeting loads and loads of strangers.. and everyone - right down to youngsters is feeling at best 'unsettled' and truly at worst - really truly depressed. Was talking to an 'old' lady yesterday -- I put 'old' in parenthesis because 4 months ago I would not have described this woman as old - not at all - active - driving around - holidays - playing golf -- you get the picture -- - this poor lady is so so so sad and frightened and lonely -- she broke my heart -- but she also made me look into my own heart and realise I feel an awful lot of what she's feeling - I'm just not as isolated. I don't think we should underestimate the affect this may have on each and every one of us..

      The reason I'm saying so much about this is..... this is a forum for alcoholics -- right?? RecoverING alcoholics -- you may call yourself 'recovered' all you like but we are only recovered as long as we don't drink... so

      several times in the last week or so -- my mind has been foraging around for something that'll 'cheer me up' -- you know -- relieve the constant feeling of impending doom... and in innocence I'm thinking would an online shop - or a meal out - or -- or --- or---- -- no -- it never got as far as...... BUT IT COULD... lets all be careful yeah??
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Re: International Army July 2020

        Hello Army, Molly, my son who's 22 has been having some blues and anxiety which is SO unlike Hime, he's having a hard time eating and just doesn't have his usual"spark" I've mentioned many times that I just feel blah, too much unexplained stuff going on, too much unpredictability and to much fear about the virus and what the hell is gonna happen next, throw in the racial tension going on and antimask people and it's like a loaded cannon! I've been looking for an escape too, don't wanna drink but I'm tired of feeling icky too started playing a new game on my phone and it's just making me more stressy,I thought it would help me to relax no! I can sense tension in my customers and a vague sadness too even the ones who are back to work, some are acted to be in the casinos cuz of virus fears, this is a mess, hope everyone is well, have a beaut day all!
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: International Army July 2020

          Excuse the typos, damn mwo too slow for me to go back and edit, hope you all understand what I'm trying to say haha
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Re: International Army July 2020

            I understand every single WORD's insidious...sort of under everything..may be some consolation that so many of us feel WILL end ..we have to tell ourselves that
            Just when tho!!!!????
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Re: International Army July 2020

              Evening everyone. Think we all feel like that to some extent. In the beginning I felt very unsettled and could not concentrate or totally relax. Now I think, personally, I am keeping myself so busy I do not have time to think. So far I have painted living room, dining room, hall, spare bedroom and bathroom. That was after spending hours outside in the garden and working two days a week right through lockdown. Only have my bedroom to do and then taking a break or that’s what I am telling myself :thumbsup:


                Re: International Army July 2020

                [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION]..............that's it all of a sudden I've got old. I think at the beginning we were all a bit gung-ho whatsap groups full of jokes. zooming, skyping, avidly watching the news, phones never stop ringing to ask if you're okay..........and of course we all said 'yes, we're fine'..............and they've all disappeared.
                Back then we were all in the same boat.
                But now everyone's more or less back at work and the contact ..... while it hasn't stopped......... its rare for me to get even a text.
                I know exactly what your women there is going through.

                Ahh the drink thing. There isn't enough alcohol in the world will stop this feeling and as I've developed FOGO I'm not going to be standing in any queues. Molls and Satz know I've got a mass of shops I could have a wander about in but the fear is vicious.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Re: International Army July 2020

                  [MENTION=17650]paulywogg[/MENTION]..........don't be worrying about the spelling mistakes.
                  I'm three times older than your sone and want to hug him but I do know how he feels. I want a grown up too to fix this.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Re: International Army July 2020

                    Dont we all Jackie..funny our CMO was that 'grown up' through so much of this...every evening on the Tele calmly and truthfully telling us where we were and what we would do next...Dr Tony became our muse...rather ably backed by our taoiseach (PM) who also a medical doctor handed it over to the safe hands of the science community...but then....we started opening and the Muppets parties..pubs with food...Dr Tonys wife was terminally ill and he took time out and a change of government...they are still good people in charge but....nah's like the grown ups left the building a bit...35 new cases today and they talking about a 2nd wave....laughable in the face of figures from US Brazil and India...but still's there..waiting..and I don't like it

                    FOGO....yeah..funny I'll go out to work cos I have to..but avoid everything else like the plague
                    This IS like the plague I spose!!
                    IT WILL END!!
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Re: International Army July 2020

                      You summarised that very well Molly, the last few months over here. I suppose there is no right way to come out of lockdown, every country is feeling its way through, watching each other.
                      I get what you are saying [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] about the fuss at the beginning. If it wasnt for the seriousness of the virus, it was almost exciting. But thats worn off.. Im guilty of not being so diligent with my inlaws in the last month or so. Just had a good chat tonight, but its back to Fridays.. Will pop over to see them from the garden this weekend, they are very weary now.
                      Thats mad about your eyes deteriorating so quickly!

                      In the meantime, we should all look for the little things to amuse..
                      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                        Re: International Army July 2020

                        When I’ve had a big cup of coffee and been out for a walk I feel Amazeballs :taz: Quite manic in fact. I have the most amazing inspirational ideas and feel like I have all the answers. Afterwards, I’m not so sure. Reading my 100 day post I sounded like such a smartiepants that I felt a bit apologetic. I do truly hope that I’ve got this AF thing the bag now and will stay this way forever. I do believe if ever I slip up in a moment of madness, I will find my way back without too much drama. Life is clearly just so much sweeter without the poison.

                        On the subject of feeling old, I’ve had quite a few people close to me die young. If I start thinking unhappy thoughts about how old I am, I feel really guilty. I realise that growing old is in fact a great privilege that they never had. The insights I gain as I grow older make me think that the purpose of growing old is to be of more and more use to my loved ones.

                        You know, a lot of people think after their kids have grown past 18 that they aren’t needed any more. That is just not true. When I think about all the silly things I did in my young adult life, then imagine if I had had an older person in my life, wiser and non-judgemental to talk to, I think I would have appreciated that. I may have been able to make better choices.

                        I think I’d like to study something - learn that technique of asking questions that lead a person to reflect and come up with their own answers. I want to be the kind of person who does not offer advice, but rather knows just the right questions to ask. That is a technique that can be learned methinks. I’ve found reflecting the positive things back at a person about how they are handling the situation can really help build their belief in their own ability to manage. A lot of people can to be hard on themselves but can do great things if they recognise at least part of what they are doing is good. That is the kind of support I always needed and now I’d like to learn how to provide that to others so if ever anyone turns to me for advice, I'll be ready.:teapot:


                          Re: International Army July 2020

                          Good morning Army!!

                          First of all, this damn virus. Sick to the teeth of it personally, but it's not going to go away. There where we had 6-10 new cases a day, we are now 25-50. Makes me furious. Went to the supermarket first thing this morning and it is now mandatory for all personnel and customers to wear masks. NOW. After all this time, they finally get it. Tourists arriving from other countries to vacation on our beautiful islands. So I'm betting we have a second lock-down come September at the latest. This link gives you the latest cases and deaths from two days ago til today. Take into mind that today has just started so you can't really count that in.

                          Coronavirus Update (Live): 14,215,6 Cases and 6,38 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer

                          Hope you are all as safe as you can be. But then it isn't always up to us. Had a customer walk into the store yesterday coughing. Asked him to keep his distance since he was wearing neither mask or gloves. Said he'd eaten something that stuck in his throat. Then he starts to walk towards me saying he has to show me a pic on his cell phone of the product he wants. I don't think so. Description, please and from a distance. Geez. We don't have a lot of walk-ins - our business is mostly us delivering to our customers but I would say that 90% of the people who come in are not wearing protective products. New restrictions in effect as of today so we'll see what happens next week. Dunno. We have gone out for food and a coffee a few times in the last couple of weeks but frankly, I don't think I want to continue that. I guess a drive by the sea will have to suffice for an outing.

                          As for older people - It is especially hard on those who have less contact with friends and family than they did before. And if they don't have the communication tools that we do - internet, Skype Facetime, whatever it may be - it is even more difficult. Plus the fear of contacting the virus and knowing that their bodies may not be able to fight it off. Scary indeed.

                          Tabbers - good to see you back. Like the others said - we all talk about ourselves and our daily lives a lot. That's just the way it is our boy, so don't be a stranger.

                          Originally posted by fickle View Post
                          When I’ve had a big cup of coffee and been out for a walk I feel Amazeballs :taz: Quite manic in fact. I have the most amazing inspirational ideas and feel like I have all the answers. Afterwards, I’m not so sure. Reading my 100 day post I sounded like such a smartiepants that I felt a bit apologetic. I do truly hope that I’ve got this AF thing the bag now and will stay this way forever. I do believe if ever I slip up in a moment of madness, I will find my way back without too much drama. Life is clearly just so much sweeter without the poison.
                          Ficks - belated congrats on your 100 days!! A very important milestone to be sure. I think this time you will be prepared if that moment of madness starts to arrive and will take the necessary steps to not give in to it. After all, what would be the point?
                          Originally posted by fickle View Post
                          I think I’d like to study something - learn that technique of asking questions that lead a person to reflect and come up with their own answers. I want to be the kind of person who does not offer advice, but rather knows just the right questions to ask. That is a technique that can be learned methinks. I’ve found reflecting the positive things back at a person about how they are handling the situation can really help build their belief in their own ability to manage. A lot of people can to be hard on themselves but can do great things if they recognize at least part of what they are doing is good. That is the kind of support I always needed and now I’d like to learn how to provide that to others so if ever anyone turns to me for advice, I'll be ready.:teapot:
                          This is a "technique" that I use sometimes when talking to friends and family. I know I talk a lot about myself and my personal experiences in my posts, but in "real-life" conversations, I try to ask the questions to get people to examine the situations they are in and how they can improve them or, mostly, in the case of someone whose self-confidence is low, to point out what they have accomplished and what they are able to do if they try. And also, that they are not always to blame for situations, especially where others have a greater "influence/power" to affect those situations. It sounds like you have a good plan their Ficks. Help others and help yourself at the same time.

                          Waves to all and wishing you all a satisfying weekend. We might not be able to do all the things we want to but at least we can enjoy the things we are able to do!!
                          Last edited by stirly-girly; July 18, 2020, 05:28 AM.
                          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                            Re: International Army July 2020

                            A late good morning and waves to the world.
                            Its nice to know I'm not alone.

                            [MENTION=4040]fickle[/MENTION]........please carry on blowing you're own trumpet. About 18 months in I volunteered with the only drug and alcohol in town. I landed on my feet.....I was the receptionist 3 half days a week ......I got sent on courses along with the paid staff. They even paid for me to do an NVQ2 in Social Care................wish I could remember where I've put all my stuff. Of course, I had the best qualification I was a full-blown alkie (addict)..........I knew how scared people were on their first appointment held the hand of many scared to death they were going to get shouted out for letting everyone on the planet down.
                            Trouble is now the service has been pared down to the bare minimum .........blame the government.........this was on the cards way before the virus. There's merry Hell going on. D&A gets blamed in society for just about everything yet they spend their money on a huge superspeed railway line to London.........oops political.
                            Enjoy you're sobriety and take your time before jumping into anything. Now we've got sober we've given ourselves a few more years on this planet.

                            It is my going out day I'd better get dressed up....dya think a tiara might be pushing it?...which means i'll be clutching Mr. JC's shirttails in Tesco. Its one of that big payday kind of shops.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Re: International Army July 2020

                              Hello to all.
                              Comfy position in bed with early morning coffee and ready for a good old read back. I hope JC had a lovely old time taking the ball gown for a spin in Tesco.
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                Re: International Army July 2020

                                Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post
                                Hello to all.
                                Comfy position in bed with early morning coffee and ready for a good old read back. I hope JC had a lovely old time taking the ball gown for a spin in Tesco.
                                Not only was it waltzed through Tesco, but it was also quick-stepped through Lidl and finished with a cha cha in the Card Factory. Pa-in-law 91 this month.

                                Enjoy your day, Bridgeeeeeeeeeeee and Fickle and Mr G ...... There's rumours going round that we are going to have a sunny day a wee sit in the garden is called for. I have some new shorts.

                                Night night from me.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

