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International Army July 2020

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    Re: International Army July 2020

    I never had a granny -- but my mum was widowed at 43 - another man would have been her worst nightmare -- she always said -- and I always believed her.. I wonder ??!
    I still have drinking dreams occasionally Whiz --- it's when I'm at my most stressed it happens - funnily - drink and stress weren't necessarily linked in my life ( I told myself it was - that I couldn't get through this or that without....) -- I just as often drank cos I was really happy and the gargle would just make me happier -- I told myself...

    Went to M&S -- bought non-faded knickers (you'll be glad to hear Techie:congratulatory and some cargo pants and shorts and just new shit for my hollier -- very excited now -- AND I have the house to myself... very noice... 3 requests to 'watch' the grandkids -- (different ones) and first time since March I was able to say nope I is SHOPPING!!!
    We're going West Jacks - and there can be a right aul blow off the Atlantic - but I don't mind it -- it's lovely and clean and fresh...
    right - off to get some lunch after prattling on here bout nothing -- have a nice day y'all!!!!
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Re: International Army July 2020

      We're going West Jacks - and there can be a right aul blow off the Atlantic - but I don't mind it -- it's lovely and clean and fresh...
      right - off to get some lunch after prattling on here bout nothing -- have a nice day y'all!!!![/QUOTE]

      Evening everyone. Just back from the west and you are right Molly, it was lovely and fresh and clean. Feel rejuvenated, first time away in months. Weather not great but had the rain gear. Climbed Diamond Hill and a few beach walks. Only working this week and then off for nearly three weeks.


        Re: International Army July 2020

        [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION]........ahh that's no age, bless her. My mum had pneumonia when I was about six weeks old and again when I was 3 so I was carted off to live with my Granny for weeks. That's where the bond must have been started.
        She's ring everyone when her favourite film was on to remind us to watch............ Dirty Dancing. She might gave been her 90s but she had an eye for Patrick Swayze.

        We had to cancel our cottage on the Yorkshire coast in April (because of you know what).............its wild and cold so you have to take a big coat. Mind you its the same in August.

        Can't beat M&S knickers. Do you have a Matalan over there? Got a pair of shorts for £3.50 and some cut off linen trousers for £4.00.

        [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION] did the wee pup that you were feeding get on?
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Re: International Army July 2020

          Gone to his new home JC, he thrived and was nearly as big as the mother, Dad was a greyhound, mom JR so will be interesting to see what he turns out like, all legs at the moment. Strange little fellow, sad to see him go but he will have a happy life. When are you getting the puppy Molly?


            Re: International Army July 2020

            NO no Matalan that I know of Jacks but was happy enough with my haul...the pup isn't hardly a twinkle in his daddy's eye I gather Rusters..the lady is like a mammy with her own babies the communications are endless..his sister is going to somewhere near us apparently so maybe they'll have playmates;-)
            We have to wait till he's 8 weeks old and got injections or something but I know no more..his mam is gorgeous tho I have to admit!!
            Now off to sleep with me and up early for our adventure!!! Good to have you back Rusters xx
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Re: International Army July 2020

              [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION] happy to hear that.

              [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION]...............entering a whole new world of vaccinations, worming, tiny sharp teeth, booster jabs and chewed chair legs. Safe journey, pet.

              Which reminds me our ancient Bess needs her booster.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Re: International Army July 2020

                Back from the side of the mountain. Rekon that will be the last family camping trip, its so much work and I cant believe we convinced the kids to go - they were very reluctant. Character building. The tents nearly blew away in the wind on Friday night. We had thunder and lightening last night..
                SO good to be home.
                Enjoy your trip Molls.. weather is going to pickup this week. [MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION], glad things are on the mend for both of you. Drinking dreams and thoughts happen, but they are only just that. You'll be back out in those runners before you know it.

                I am so tired, my tired is tired - who said that, a minion? or maybe it was [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION]. What you said the other day, about not wanting to get up every day, is that anxiety? how are you doing?

                I am off tomorrow and had no agenda, but suddenly have an itch for a list, with a tick box at the end. Drool.
                AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                  Re: International Army July 2020

                  [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION] was me although I am part Minion
                  Now that's one thing I've never done..........sober camping.
                  Its partly anxiety and partly boredom. I could have got a degree in the last five months but the dreaded ennui hit.
                  I should plan my days better.
                  And the eye crap knocked the wind out of me.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Re: International Army July 2020

                    Morning!!! The sun is gonna shine at 10am apparently so will be heading then... so excited -- it's as if I'm going on a 6 month round the world trip...

                    was never a great fan of camping -- did many a trip when the kids were still small enough to enjoy setting up beside a river and lighting a big fire and roasting things on forks - but yeah - they grow out of that and start moanin -- once I got ONE moan have never camped since..
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Re: International Army July 2020

                      Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post

                      And the eye crap knocked the wind out of me.
                      Did something else happen re. the eyes? If it's just the cataracts it's really really routine.. like getting a verucca removed..
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Re: International Army July 2020

                        Originally posted by Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB) View Post
                        P.S. Given that I was on lockdown for over 10 weeks I had lots of time for introspection and reckon I may have managed to figure some serious stuff out, however putting it into practice is proving only a little more difficult than I feared. Drink aside, I have a proper life plan for the first time in years.
                        It has been like that hasn't it? I think this could end up being a good thing in some small way. I think you need a vision board man.

                        Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                        Envy you your little (slightly dotty?) Mum Bridge...still miss my (very dotty) mum all these years later!!!
                        She's always been like that. It's worse now because she's blind and because she can't see people she thinks they can't see her either. Or hear her. I will miss them both terribly. Don't like to think about it too much

                        [QUOTE=stirly-girly;1784317]Okay - so morning here - aft there. Love your new font BTW. Now for some colour????


                        Indeed! Much nicer!

                        [QUOTE=brit;1784319] So vivid I could taste the wine and smell the cigarette.

                        So relieved that it was just a nightmare. I need to stay vigilant.


                        Yep we all need to be careful at the moment. People are crashing and burning all around us with stress. Even normal drinkers are struggling with their drinking at the mo.

                        Originally posted by rustop59 View Post
                        Evening everyone. Just back from the west and you are right Molly, it was lovely and fresh and clean. Feel rejuvenated, first time away in months. Weather not great but had the rain gear. Climbed Diamond Hill and a few beach walks. Only working this week and then off for nearly three weeks.
                        I admire your outdoorsy- ness I do. Sounds lovely until I go to exert myself.

                        Originally posted by IamMary View Post
                        Back from the side of the mountain. Rekon that will be the last family camping trip, its so much work and I cant believe we convinced the kids to go - they were very reluctant. Character building. The tents nearly blew away in the wind on Friday night. We had thunder and lightening last night..
                        Seriously it makes me tired just thinking about it with all those kids. I never understood how people pulled it off without a swim up bar.
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          Re: International Army July 2020

                          I thought this might be the right audience for 'Bunnings Karen' : The Best Memes Supporting Staff Who Calmly Dealt With 'Bunnings Karen' who objects to wearing a mask as it discriminates against her as a woman.

                          Why is it always times like this that these peanuts come out of the woodwork?
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            Re: International Army July 2020

                            Well Bridge -- my employer thinks masks are unnecessary -- they've been out of the wood work as long as I've worked for them -- muppets one and all!!
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Re: International Army July 2020

                     my new regime of thinking positive..............I've been awake four far so good.

                              Its gone back to hissing down again............but honestly I've never seen our garden flourish so much............albeit I'm stood inside the backdoor........Dom would be very proud of us.

                              [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION].............I could have had the same reaction from verucca............I've never had one of those ever (neither have my kids).....and last weeks rhubarb went off so I did what any normal person would do in a pandemic and cried....
                              The thought of someone poking around in my eyeball with very sharp stuff for half an hour while I'm awake doesn't fill me with joy but its what he/she is being paid to do.

                              Jenny's been told not to wear a mask when she's the kids can see her mouth :eek-new:...........yet she has to wear them in the corridors. She's not back til 8th September (her birthday) and she'll be back teaching her subjects in her lab and her she'll be enforcing washing hands until they can see bone.

                              Strictly speaking with me having COPD I'm excempt from wearing a mask but I won't.............we've wearing them for months and getting looks like we're mad.

                              Meanwhile I've jut found out that the son and heir's fizzy drink he's delivering is reccommended by Bruce it must be good.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Re: International Army July 2020

                                [MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION]..........would you thank your team for letting us get a goal in first 10 mins before thumping us
                                We are not worthy but you know we love Liverpool.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

