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International Army July 2020

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    Re: International Army July 2020

    Evening all...guessing everyone is feeling quiet...I know I am...insidious anxiety.
    Well done Bridge...I'm going to be making a mega stir in my job in a few weeks (I'm on hols soon so will wait till I come back)...they have taken all desks and safe areas for staff out so we will potentially be 'floating' mask policy and frankly (so far) imo grossly negligent...yes I can wear a mask myself of course but the lack of duty of care is shocking to me so yeah ..could be looking at flouncing off in a month or so....couldn't imagine trying to get another job tho....a bit up the wall tbh...
    Sorry moaning again!!
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Re: International Army July 2020

      Evening everyone. Moan away Molly, that’s dreadful. Take your time and have a look around, you never know what is out there. The imagination is in overdrive Bridget but would say you stand a good chance so well done on the interview. Horrible here too JC, more like winter. Enjoy your time with Bess it is irreplaceable. Working week over but have plenty to keep me busy in the house.


        Re: International Army July 2020

        Morning all.
        I did throw a resume in for US Pres but prerequisites require a good orange toned skin and I don't fit. Playboy cover-hope it's wide lens.

        Molly I like moaning here. We can just get it out of our systems then get on with pretending to like the people we work with. *Taught smile* Why don't you 'develop symptoms' and go off sick for a bit love?

        I didn't pick up anything smug [MENTION=4040]fickle[/MENTION] ?

        I've told my workplace that I will continue to work from home. If they want to dismiss me for that they can chat to WHS and Fair Work Australia about it at my invitation. I have been working up to 12 hours per day for them just to keep across the basics so they can pay me out for all of those additional hours as well. Sick to death of them. I think a lot of employers are using this current crisis and consequent unemployment to flaut labour laws.

        I think that is my whinge for the day. Next!
        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
        Rejoined life 20/5/19


          Re: International Army July 2020

          Evening ladies.
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            Re: International Army July 2020

            [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION]'re not moaning,pet. :hug: What you're doing airing legitimate concerns not only about the conditions but you're own health .............mental & physical.

            Originally posted by Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB) View Post
            Evening ladies.
            Evening yerself.

            [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION] struck me a few weeks ago when Mr. JC was working from home.......that on top of the hassle of working from home. The phone calls, the heating , the power is all coming out of your own could hardly slap your latest electric bill on and as them to pay half.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Re: International Army July 2020

              Great read back of the moans & groans :haha:
              BTW it is a statement of fact as to how you are feeling and that is not a moan.
              (men use that term so they don't have to do anything about it ) IMHO

              could be looking at flouncing off in a month or so....couldn't imagine trying to get another job tho....a bit up the wall tbh...
              Molls - if you felt lighter & happier inside after that thought - it's probably something you should do ?
              [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] - poor Bess - weeks only ??? Very Sad. But ye gave her a good life remember that.
              [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION] - excellent on the interview.
              How important are you that telling us what you do could identify who you are ? :egad:
              Australian Prime Minister or summit ?


                Re: International Army July 2020

                [MENTION=4040]fickle[/MENTION], WELL DONE on 100+ days! nothing smug in your super post - I think you should re write a smug version :happy2:

                Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                It's scary they still know so little about this virus - but I do believe we will have a vaccine before Christmas. Every team of scientists in the world are working on it.
                I dont.
                Clinical trials take years. I know they will pull out all the stops for this one, but even at that, they cant safely approve a drug without going through the necessary trial phases - thats the bit that takes an age. Im sure they will scrap lots of usual red tape, but this year or next year, I just can't see it.

                Curious [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION].. news anchor, Kylie Minogue double (so she can run around the back door).
                AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                  Re: International Army July 2020

                  Did I feel lighter and happier? Ermmm safer but financially...just can't do it...but then can I do it at retirement time?
                  Yes Bridge I have a plan sort of in my head..after my hols If it's as unsafe as I think it's gonna be I'm walking...let them fight me and sack me...the Irish girls will know what I mean when I say Joe Duffy ;-)

                  I'm on my phone so can't do this properly
                  Hey need to communicate tho!!!????
                  Hey everyone to work
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Re: International Army July 2020

                    Morning..........ahh Molls, pet, you love that job and its not fair to be put in this situation.
                    Of course, this situation will have our council rubbing their hands with glee that this is the excuse they've been waiting for to close our libaries............I've banged on enough times about their reduced hours so I'll not start again.
                    [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION].............we've had at least a two years extra with Bess. There are just little things that make us worried. At least she has the privilege of going gently with the help of our vet..............who would you believe is called Jenny. Mind you I'd lay odds she'll still be here at Christmas.

                    Okay better do a couple of would you belive to the library I volunteer at. Pointless me going in when I can only see out of one eye and the other is as blurry as f**k. It astounded me and tbh frightened me how quick this has happened.

                    I have had a letter from my GP to say they have sent a letter to the cataract I'll just sit by the letter box until I get their letter.
                    Last edited by JackieClaire; July 15, 2020, 05:25 AM.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Re: International Army July 2020

                      Evening! First time to read back properly for days -- been using my phone.. no Mary - I don't believe we'll have a (viable/safe) vaccine all that soon.. I may be, and I hope I'm wrong, the quickest vaccine ( I THINK I read some time ago) took 4 years to make - think it may have been for mumps - others have taken decades and some have never been found.. I worry that with the haste involved and the usual macho posturing of fucking clowns like Trump and Johnson in competition to get it first that corners may be cut.. just not sure.. the medical experts are so undermined - particularly in the States that political pressure could push something through... ah here I go -- more conspiracy theories!!!

                      It'll be great to get rid of the aul cataract Jackie.. you won't know yourself - I remember when mum had hers done I was jealous that she could read without her glasses for the first time since forever!! luck dawg you ;-)

                      Sent off a blistering letter to the union today after querying a few things with the big bosses -- I thought I had to be wrong -- but I'm not.. so yeah - the die is cast... last time I brought something to the union I became persona non grata for a long time with senior management but I had the gargle to help me through that one.. so yeah -- should be fun!

                      Hope Bridge got the big number - we'll be very important people as her entourage I hope ;-) c'mon Bridgey -- give us a clue :huh::hahaha:
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Re: International Army July 2020

                        Originally posted by IamMary View Post
                        I dont.
                        Clinical trials take years. I know they will pull out all the stops for this one, but even at that, they cant safely approve a drug without going through the necessary trial phases - .
                        Mers I know little of trails etc but it was in The Irish Times that a lab in US has completed 1st round of human testing already..
                        (yes folks I am now a Times reader : lockdown has made me posh :haha No more fake news chez Satz .....


                          Re: International Army July 2020

                          Evening everyone. You might not have the gargle behind you Molly but this time you have an army in your corner. We will be here with support, opinions and a laugh. You won’t know yourself when you get the cataracts sorted JC.

                          Busy day cleaning and de cluttering. Gradually getting there. Kind of sad in the shops, very little displayed. Was in one of the bigger Dunnes this evening and could not get half of what I wanted. Beginning to feel the effects of covid. Debenhams gone, House of Fraser gone, two big department stores. Also noticing at work that there is a delay in getting certain things. A lot of change.


                            Re: International Army July 2020

                            The thing is, vaccines are not 100% effective. A “good” flu vaccine comes in at about 50%. So, while a vaccine that a large proportion of the population takes can really help, we’ll still need to be careful. And here, we’ve got a lot of anti-vaxers who will refuse it. There might be a safe, somewhat effective vaccine here by December, but not in sufficient doses to make much of a dent, I’m afraid. I believe in taking vaccines but I’m not sure I would take one if Trump is pushing it!!!


                              Re: International Army July 2020

                              My point exactly NS!

                              Thanks Rusters it's a huge help being able to moan on here ..

                              Didn't know about House of Fraser ..and wondering why the other shops aren't stocked up? Strange...and pubs not re-opening?!!! Delighted..might keep tourists out for a while!!
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                                Re: International Army July 2020

                                Lots of drugs make it through the various phases of clinical trials Satz, but then, some adverse reaction could happen on a small percentage of people, or the data is mixed, or a million different reasons that it wont get the green light. Then to NS's point, they are coming at this from so many different angles, a lot of the trial vaccines wont give full immunity, they may never discover one that does.
                                They are also working on therapy's to help recover from it. They never found a vaccine for AIDS, but they have great treatments that people go on and live long lives.
                                Some say it will burn out.. who knows. After this year, anything can happen!

                                Molls, hope things get sorted. When are you off on holidays?
                                [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] - that must be so annoying now - I didnt realise it was so bad, can you read? When do you think they can do it?
                                Poor Bess, she is much loved :hug:
                                Last edited by IamMary; July 15, 2020, 05:41 PM.
                                AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:

