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International Army July 2020

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    Re: International Army July 2020

    [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION]............I've never seen a Doberman puppy. In fact, its a long time since I've seen a grown-up Doberman...............was telling Mr. JC and apparently there's a beauty on the big field who's one of Bess's friends. Mr. JC doesn't know any of the owners names. When we're in Tesco there's an awful lot of head nodding at strangers and me asking who's that? He'll say
    'That's the Yorkshire Terrier walker or the couple with the Westies' Its a whole secret society

    Originally posted by satz123 View Post
    Jacks. Young Satz tells me the things he knows I'd like to hear.
    So at the weekend he said the AA meeting he used to go to is back 'live'.
    Was just a matter of getting a bigger room....
    So probably not long till you are back :hug:
    Bless him. They shut all venues here......been difficult for the AAers, NAers...........they've been plenty of zoom meetings. But there's still an awful lot fo people without computers. Don't know about SMART.

    [MENTION=18725]NoSugar[/MENTION]......waves to you.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Re: International Army July 2020

      Originally posted by mollyka View Post
      .Will be purely a house dog as were his mam and dad and devoted slobbery critters when trained around a family...i HAVE read up about them obviously...all depends what sort of life they are aimed at!!
      Joe wants something that will walk 30k a day with him!!

      LOOK !!!!! :heart:


        Re: International Army July 2020

        Yeah...similar pic to that tore a wee bit of my heart ;-)
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Re: International Army July 2020

          Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post
          It has been like that hasn't it? I think this could end up being a good thing in some small way. I think you need a vision board man..

          Cool, where would one find said vision board man?

          Joking aside, ‘everyday life’ still seems more than little surreal to me with all that has been and still is going on. I probably need to stop reading the news 20 times a day for starters. I am pretty sure I am not alone in feeling so at sea. Despite my being back to work and in a routine, which should help, I am keeping my distance socially and physically from others in all sorts of ways, even more so than my usual isolating. I know this may sounds like an excuse to some but it is making every day more of a battle with AL than it needs to be, one that I keep losing despite myself. Hopefully I get sick and tired of feeling sick and tired very soon.
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            Re: International Army July 2020

            Well even me, a dog neutral person, would chance a snuggle with that little fella!

            Stay-cations sound fabulous :happy2:

            Dentist was a disaster. Probably my own fault, but had youngest with me and they would let her stay (no one in either waiting room). I didn't think, but they didn't mention it either and she wasn't very nice about it, so I didn't reschedule.
            Not an emergency Molly, but it might be if I don't get another appointment soon.

            Good idea about AA - although weird wearing masks at meetings. Hope you get back to volunteering too [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION], in some capacity, they should be banging your door down.

            Hows YS doing [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]?
            AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


              Re: International Army July 2020

              Morning and waves to the world,
              Just as well Rothbury's less than an hour away...............still sitting in my dressing gown and Mr. JC whats to go to the tip first and then Tesco.

              [MENTION=21798]Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB)[/MENTION]..............feel for you I'm trying to avoid media but its everywhere. You know there's an answer to feeling sick and it now. The news will still be there, there will be more horrors from the media...........but is there ever a good time to stop the madness?
              A friend's husband was diagnosed with cancer just three weeks ago...........he died on Sunday. None of us are guaranteed a tomorrow.

              I forgot about the two Ma & Pa had to take them because Mr. JC's allergic.

              Some good news...........the S&H is now a tax-man. He'll start when all the furloughed people go back fulltime although he's also got the job at Aldi at waiting to hear where he'll be placed.......he can retire as a fizzy drink delivery man.

              And Pa-in-Law was 91 yesterday............they made them sturdy in the 1920s. He got overexcited about his collapsible new grass collecter and swooned at his new leather brown belt we gave him
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Re: International Army July 2020

                Evening all,
                Been reading back and I think we are all a bit restless. I am still bursting with wild ideas about selling my house, running away overseas, applying for different jobs... and then changing my mind! Having 'its better the devil you know' kind of thoughts. It makes me so mad at myself! I am like the pushmepullyou thing that runs in opposite directions at the same time
                and then i have to remind myself that even if I made up my mind about something.. I wouldn't be able to do a darn thing. Borders are closing again here and confusion reigns. Maybe that is why I'm so uncomfortable in my own skin. I make lists and then lose them and make more lists! Maybe its because spring is coming in another 4 weeks. I dunno but it's annoying


                  Re: International Army July 2020

                  Hi folks...there is a reason that they advocate no big changes in the 1st two years of describe it very well..we can have short attention span..I went to an aftercare group ..over the 2 years of that we encountered maybe 20 other couple upped sticks sold everything and went to Australia..a year later they had split up and come home..another woman dropped out of her Uni.course to do a counselling diploma...she dropped out of that..numerous broken relationships and jobs left and regretted. If you are grossly unhappy in your job you shouldn't stay like that either but just be aware it takes some time to make rational decisions!
                  I was gonna change the WORLD!!!
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Re: International Army July 2020

                    Hello to the world and thank you for the roast beef.
                    I think you're right [MENTION=4040]fickle[/MENTION]. I'm just a mess of contradictions. Might do a cleanse, plant based frigging vegan one day back to Weight Watchers the next. I remember this from last time. It's part of the thing. You want to move out of your city, house, job, life.
                    Just finished work after almost 15 hour day. Ludicrous. Problem being there are a host of bosses all jostling to be the one. Hoping that decision will be made soon and the weird one gets the chop. Officially I now have three direct supervisors all working the same position and all trying to give me work. Untenable.

                    How is your man the idiot at work going Fickle? Did you throw your pivot chart at him or shove it up his nose yet?

                    Right, got to get to sleep so I can do it all over again.
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      Re: International Army July 2020

                      Loveley afternoon with a wander round Rothbury and a picnic by the River Coquet. Watching all the little 'uns paddling in the river. Came away from Pots and Paws with a Beagle planter for our Jenny's birthday............and a teeny tiny sparkly piggy bank for me. And managed to pick up two CDs for 50p each in the charity shop.

                      Dpg owners or future dog owners................check your house insurance............we get 5% knocked off ours a year as they reckon burglars are put off if they see a sign of a pooch. Bess barks like a hound from Hell when a leaf falls outside.

                      Tomorrow's big adventure is to get me back on public transport. I think its Mr. Jc's masterplan is to get me out in time for Christmas shopping.

                      Wish I could get back some of that first-year energy.........I did come off the Pink Cloud with an awful thud at 30 days but after that I was all over the place. Luckily I was seeing a counsellor for the first three months who kept me grounded. But like Molls says some thing have to change but just go canny.

                      Loves to you all. :biglove:
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Re: International Army July 2020

                        Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                        Yeah...similar pic to that tore a wee bit of my heart ;-)
                        She's on her way Jacks


                          Re: International Army July 2020

                          Originally posted by IamMary View Post

                          Hows YS doing [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]?
                          Thanks Mers. Any time I see him he's sober - but I know he's still at it. Drinking & then sobering up to be able to come out to us.
                          What a life eh ?

                          I know he's into his health & eats well - ironic I know - so maybe a medical scare is what will finally get him off it.

                          Are you saying they wouldn't let the little one wait in waiting room for you ? FFS!
                          I think ALL common sense has gone out the window - we are not allowed to use it. People follow rules like sheep. Never stopping to think is it making sense

                          Then is it any wonder ? That thick bi*ch Heather Humphries ..... I have no words for the latest debacle on people leaving the country .....
                          The simple way to catch Welfare frauds is have everyone sign on to get the payment. each week .....
                          Last edited by satz123; July 29, 2020, 04:36 PM.


                            Re: International Army July 2020

                            Evening ladies, checking in.
                            My head is trying to remember a particular quote, a flicker of light, without the darkness we would not know the light but it escapes me right now.
                            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                              Re: International Army July 2020

                              Sorry [MENTION=21798]Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB)[/MENTION] I crossed with your post last night. Yep, you are making excuses, sure we are all experts at that, days, months, years go by... as Jacks says, forget the news, its the same every day now, with a different slant. I was glued, now not so much and Im much better for it.

                              Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                              Tomorrow's big adventure is to get me back on public transport. I think its Mr. Jc's masterplan is to get me out in time for Christmas shopping.
                              :haha: An excellent goal!!
                              I did hear it mentioned a few months ago that Santa is going to have his work cut out for him this year, due to most of the toys being made in china, plus shipping etc etc!! No believers left in my house, for the first time, but I still wanted to play the game..

                              Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                              Thanks Mers. Any time I see him he's sober - but I know he's still at it. Drinking & then sobering up to be able to come out to us.
                              What a life eh ?

                              I know he's into his health & eats well - ironic I know - so maybe a medical scare is what will finally get him off it.

                              Are you saying they wouldn't let the little one wait in waiting room for you ? FFS!
                              I think ALL common sense has gone out the window - we are not allowed to use it. People follow rules like sheep. Never stopping to think is it making sense

                              Then is it any wonder ? That thick bi*ch Heather Humphries ..... I have no words for the latest debacle on people leaving the country .....
                              The simple way to catch Welfare frauds is have everyone sign on to get the payment. each week .....
                              Completely agree, they made a pigs ear of this one.

                              In fairness, someone called me from the dentist today to apologise, but it still stank a bit of 'we are only following orders' when I mentioned that there was still no one in either spacious waiting room! Anyway, moving dentist now, after 20 years, was looking for a reason to for a while.

                              Poor YS. Hes functioning which is more tricky than maybe binge sessions for days - in that you can convince yourself that you dont have a problem. Especially if hes eating well and exercising. Tick and Tick.
                              Hard to watch Satz :hug:
                              AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                                Re: International Army July 2020

                                Originally posted by Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB) View Post
                                Evening ladies, checking in.
                                My head is trying to remember a particular quote, a flicker of light, without the darkness we would not know the light but it escapes me right now.
                                Delighted, I dont have to be the bold one up last every night.
                                Cant help you on the quote, but I like it.
                                AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:

