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International Army August 2020

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    Re: International Army August 2020

    It's a shame this has happened ..everything was going so well..poxy meat factory reopened already I gather and the country now in shit again
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Re: International Army August 2020

      Morning all,
      Completely get what you mean KTAB. I've surprised myself with some of my own reactions this year. So many factors: getting back into sobriety, running out of antiDs, working from home thinking it was going to be a doddle - and it's not. The second wave that we seem to be experiencing has done a lot of people's heads in I think. We can tolerate a lot of things short term if there is an end in sight but there's not. That can be abrasive to our mental health.

      Like Fickle up there ^ this situation has brought into stark relief the dislike I feel for many of my colleagues, and in fact the organisation itself. It's more important than ever to set our own boundaries and stick to them. That will be my direction. Work can stay in it's box, even if it is 'in' my sanctuary for now. I'm very lucky to have a dedicated office space to close the door on. Just because our worlds are getting smaller doesn't mean we let our head space get smaller too.

      Anyway, it's Sunday and I have a whole day of whatever I want ahead of me-a huge collection of plants in pots ready to go into the ground and a massive pot of coffee that's not going to drink itself.
      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
      Rejoined life 20/5/19


        Re: International Army August 2020

        Originally posted by satz123 View Post
        I want uncle Leo & auntie Simon back .... :crying:
        same. Probably just the way things fell, but Leo's delivery was so sincere.. and dont forget the lovely Dr Holohan..

        [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION], thats VERY tall for 10 year olds! Happy birthday to your Dad.

        [MENTION=21798]Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB)[/MENTION], did you get away for a few days at all this year? Our slightly wet trips were a great distraction to everything going on. Its like the Bahamas this week, Rustop picked a good one!

        Enjoy the garden Bridge, I wish I had the patience.
        AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


          Re: International Army August 2020

          Just popped into say night night

          Originally posted by Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB) View Post
          Hello all, just checking in, still reading posts and hopefully offering some support even if not by direct reply.
          What very strange times in which we still find ourselves and no sign of it ending anytime soon, keeping connected to others in any small way is important for our mental health I feel. I do wonder how many of us are calm one minute and feel ready to explode the next, anxiety levels in the general populace must be, if not through the roof then certainly, starting to take their toll, I know mine are.
          I hear you and I know my mood can change in seconds..........

          Actually if I'm honest I know how my mood will be the minute I open my eyes and sometimes cling to sleep like a lifebelt. Its better and some days like today are fab. Lots of happy memories from last year at this time...........seems like a century ago. I'll wrap my head round that for another 24 hours.

          Night night lovelies and enjoy you Sunday Bridgeeeeeee and Fickle. :heartbeat:
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Re: International Army August 2020

            Morning! Another lovely day here..going to be anyways!! Yup mood is very up and down..but I'm soaking myself in it really..glued to the news ..home and abroad..not doing any good
            I agree about our change of personnel re. the virus but i reckon the same policies are being adhered to so it's just my hatred of change maybe!
            Did you get good work done in the garden Bridge? My youngest was saying yesterday when he was off work he had the garden pruned and ponced to the nth degree and now that he's gone back to work it's gone a wee bit wild and reckons it's nicer and I think mine is too...I'll keep telling myself that anyway!!!
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Re: International Army August 2020

              Morning and waves to the world,
              Get the bad news out of the way of my Aunts (my dad had six sisters four are still alive in their 90s) been in a care home for a couple of years because of Alzheimers/dementia for a few years has the virus. She's very poorly with it and has been moved to hospice care so we're just waiting that 'phone' call.

              And the best news its the S&H's I call them Mr & Mrs S&H now................its their first wedding annivesary today. :love: They're down in York for the weekend..........Micheline starred restaurant last night and a The Railway Museum today.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Re: International Army August 2020

                My goodness we've all gone AWOL today!! Have to admit to hibernating today..I've to work with a friend of my former 'best friend'...drinking mate etc. who dumped me like a hot potatoe when I quit...and I don't like this person anyway so....yeah REALLY dreading tomorrow!

                Sorry about your aunt Jackie.. sad how older people are targeted by this ...sad how anyone is really!
                Anyway that's my excuse for absence!!!
                Last edited by mollyka; August 9, 2020, 03:36 PM.
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Re: International Army August 2020

                  Thinking of you and family JC. Congrat's to your son and missus.

                  Molly, just imagine that person nude whenever u have to engage. And don't forget. You! are the raaawkstar in this equation.

                  Hola to evabody.

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Re: International Army August 2020

                    Originally posted by Guitarista View Post
                    Thinking of you and family JC. Congrat's to your son and missus.

                    Molly, just imagine that person nude whenever u have to engage. And don't forget. You! are the raaawkstar in this equation.

                    Hola to evabody.
                    Haha will do!! My teeth clench when I think of her!
                    How's you lovely man? Travels put on hold like the rest of us?
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Re: International Army August 2020

                      Sorry to hear that about your aunt [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION].. great genes on your dad's side, all in their 90s!!
                      Molly, was she really obvious when she dropped you, did she know your circumstances?
                      I had people feeling awkward around me, but thats normal, people always feel awkward around non drinkers, like abstaining is catching. Asking no questions as its too close to the bone..

                      Lovely day, run, then a 10k walk with my folks and aunts, by the river boyne. So many hidden spots in Ireland, if someone mapped them all on a website, they could have a goldmine..
                      Last edited by IamMary; August 9, 2020, 04:12 PM.
                      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                        Re: International Army August 2020

                        Morning and waves to the world.
                        Yep eight children in all............only my Dad and one Aunt died younger. Weird thing is six of them were born in August.

                        [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION].............I'm obsessed with the news. I keep getting in the ear from Mr. JC when I start.............its hard to ignore. I can't go anywhere and I'll be blowed if I'll sit under the dining room table with the big cloth over it.

                        Bess is much better (touch wood) we've taken her off her biscuit/ meat normal stuff, no treats and put her on chicken/fish/egg and rice for a few days. She hates me.

                        Jenny & Ads and Buddy the Beagle arrive on Wednesday. They're borrowing our camping gear.

                        And its also a year today that we were packing to go to Scotland. I was so tired from lack of sleep I just threw stuff in the suitcase...............when I was hanging up my stuff............I'd packed seven pairs of trousers................we were in the hotel for four nights. Think the only thing left behind was 'the hat'.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Re: International Army August 2020

                          [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION] find your real friends when you stop drinking. Practice that smile that newsreaders adopt...............the one that doesn't reach the eyes.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Re: International Army August 2020

                            Originally posted by IamMary View Post
                            Molly, was she really obvious when she dropped you, did she know your circumstances?
                            I had people feeling awkward around me, but thats normal, people always feel awkward around non drinkers, like abstaining is catching. Asking no questions as its too close to the bone..

                            Lovely day, run, then a 10k walk with my folks and aunts, by the river boyne. So many hidden spots in Ireland, if someone mapped them all on a website, they could have a goldmine..
                            We walk a lot on the Boyne - it's such a lovely lovely place - gotten to the stage that we recognise the other walkers and moved to the next stage of nodding --- smiling even!!:congratulatory:
                            The one who dropped me wasn't the one I was working with today - she was her buddy - but not a mention of her today mind you. It was the strangest thing really -- she had a real bee in her bonnet about alcoholics (despite being OBSESSED with drink -- talking about it - not going to places if she couldn't get one.. but always 'in control' ) her mother was an alkie - an out and out splayed on the couch morning noon and night one and her father was errmm -- (hate the expression but...) an extremely highly functional alcoholic -- in his 70's he sold a very successful business and walked everywhere -- used to walk from Beaumont to Howth some mornings cos he liked the walk and then would drink brandies in the Pier House..... so yeah - she was vitriolic about it -- she went out with us all the time - and pretty much drank drink for drink - we went on hols with them lots of times - city breaks - family parties - the lot -- she never really knew when I descended into the next stage cos it was hidden so I told her one night I needed to quit and I was going to... I didn't quit properly for maybe a year after that - but I was off it most of the time -- but she dropped me - no phone calls - no dropping up to the house - no mention of hols or anything -- and THEN -- she turned it around that it was me that dropped HER!! I was so hurt - I thought of all people she would be really really proud of me! -- but nah - all she wanted was a drinking buddy!

                            Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                            [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION] find your real friends when you stop drinking. Practice that smile that newsreaders adopt...............the one that doesn't reach the eyes.
                            Oh how right you are Jackie -- I still miss the ease I mixed with people when I had a few tho -- that'll always be with me I think -- not a great mixer but... so be it- that's me!!

                            Wasn't too bad with yer wan -- she actually was fine.. she was mortified cos she'd been 'trapped' by a journalist and spoke to them something about libraries and there it was today all over the local rag -- the VERY very important people do all the PR from THEM -- so she was dreading what they'd do -- so she leant on me today -- I did feel sorry for her tho..

                            How's everyone else? Fickle and Bridge are seldom -- youse two alright? I presume Rusters is off in her holiday idyll and hopefully having a ball - so - shout out to everyone - we are very quiet these last few days xxx
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Re: International Army August 2020

                              Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                              Haha will do!! My teeth clench when I think of her!
                              How's you lovely man? Travels put on hold like the rest of us?
                              I'm going well thanks Mollstar. yep, no travel. Dammit! I had/have a couple of romantic interests in mid pursuit in South america, but now can't travel to seal the deal. But at least i still have work, income, a guitar (or 2, or 3 or 4....) and my health and good friends. For this i am eternally thankful. Having some sort of purpose and direction is a lifesaver for me. Loved hearing about your Kerry travels. The cork and Kerry mountains. Oh my! It's a long way from here to Clare. But not so far in my heart.

                              Just back from an early morning sprint around the block Mary, before work. Take it easy evabody.

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Re: International Army August 2020

                                [MENTION=7261]Guitarista[/MENTION]..............good to hear from you, G-force. You never know when or where the woman of your dreams maybe............these days she could be right in front of you or more like two metres in front of you :happy2:

                                [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION].......its amazing how many friends drop off the radar when you give up drinking.........I keep saying I gave up drinking not life. I don't give a flying f*** what's in their glass.
                                And yes its quiet...........don't know why I bother some days, but I got so much from MWO that 20 mins a day is not a huge commitment unless there's an emergency or no internet........(I'm still piggybacking off next door's wifi)

                                A great wave of ennui hit today so I'll say nighty night.
                                Last edited by JackieClaire; August 10, 2020, 04:25 PM.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

