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International Army August 2020

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    Re: International Army August 2020

    And I found this yesterday.............Myths and facts - Balance

    Haven't finished the quiz but I got the first one wrong.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Re: International Army August 2020

      God Jackie - we all have our stories don't we!! and I knew yours - but it's funny - seeing it all written down you can just feel the pain...

      Anyone in Ireland have Sky on their tele? We've just had a mega row with them -- firstly online and then on the phone -- ignorant shower -- but I can't find the equivalent - VirginMedia don't do multi-room and I love mine in my bedroom... any knowledge? anyone? (I say Ireland specifically cos I think the english system is different)
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Re: International Army August 2020

        Originally posted by rustop59 View Post
        Afternoon all. You are right Bridget, we need to keep it to the forefront in these unsettled times. I am going to use my time away to unwind, get back to meditation etc. No WiFi in cottage, will miss checking in here but no harm taking a break from technology either. Very sad about that man Satz and also Joes friend,nsometimes people just don’t want to stop enough which is such a shame.
        How absolutely lovely. A book and your crochet. Nothing going Ding Ding DING at you every five minutes. I'm sick of being a slave to gadgets and keyboards :sad:
        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
        Rejoined life 20/5/19


          Re: International Army August 2020

          Wow. How contemplative it is to see people's stories out there. I'm not sure I could even put mine into words as concisely as that yet. Maybe one day. I don't remember anything pleasant about it for many years. Just plugging the grog in furtively to get the job done. What a waste.
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            Re: International Army August 2020

            Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post
            Wow. How contemplative it is to see people's stories out there. I'm not sure I could even put mine into words as concisely as that yet. Maybe one day. I don't remember anything pleasant about it for many years. Just plugging the grog in furtively to get the job done. What a waste.
            d'ya know Bridge -- I've never actually done that timeline before -- like I knew there were a 'few years' at this stage and a 'few' at that stage and I was in my 40's or 50's when such and such happened.. and today I got a fright when I saw how long all this has been going on!! until it dawned on me that thankfully it all stopped a few years ago as well and I hadn't subtracted those years:victorious: But I quite liked doing it - cos in my head I think I had become this addict person like forever - but I wasn't always - and contrary to what a lot of people seemed to do in AA anyway -- the whole 'not as bad as' syndrome - I thought I was the pits -- always -- and you know -- I wasn't... and even in the depths of my alcoholism - I wasn't the pits -- there were good things - my kids are always reminding me of all the good things we did while this was lurking away in the background -- it was good for me but yeah -- get a bit of further distance from it maybe - cos there was a lot of bad in there that shouldn't be forgotten (lest we think repeat is fine!) but neither should be dwelt on!!
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Re: International Army August 2020

              Originally posted by mollyka View Post
              God Jackie - we all have our stories don't we!! and I knew yours - but it's funny - seeing it all written down you can just feel the pain...

              Anyone in Ireland have Sky on their tele? We've just had a mega row with them -- firstly online and then on the phone -- ignorant shower -- but I can't find the equivalent - VirginMedia don't do multi-room and I love mine in my bedroom... any knowledge? anyone? (I say Ireland specifically cos I think the english system is different)
              Thought it would be the same all over..........

              Haven't got the TV bit. But we do have SKY broadband and its been a nightmare ( iIwas going to say a shit show but nightmare's much more polite)........that's why I'm forever piggy-backing off next doors broadband. Mr. JC's told them to get their act together or we're off to find another server. Virgin are busy putting cables in around here at the moment.

              [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION]'ll come when you're ready.:hug:
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Re: International Army August 2020

                I think its because I had the Millenium as a marker.

                I've just taken the parcel in for the S&H. Its massive............a thought went through my head that it might be a blow up of one of thier wedding photos......or it could be a pool table.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Re: International Army August 2020

                  Afternoon everyone. Quick check in, had friend over for coffee and crochet morning. So nice to have a catch up and I taught her how to start a corner to corner blanket.

                  We were with sky for about 15 years and had no problems Molly but were with Cablelink who are now Virgin before that and they were so bad I would not go near them with a barge pole. We are now with Eir as they installed fibre optic cable out here about two years ago. Eir are also horrendous to deal with and dread the day we have trouble but so far so good. Saved a fortune. First 18 months was €60 pm for tv, broadband and phone. We had been paying sky €70 something for tv, €40 a month for broadband and eir €100 plus for landline we were hardly using. Not sure if Eir do multi room. Have a small tv in sunroom and got soar for there so will never be stuck. One off payment and have 7 or 8 channels.

                  Interesting reading your timelines and certainly food for thought. Packed my crochet bag with all unfinished projects for my hols. On Lough Mask so Mayo, Galway border, right on lake.


                    Re: International Army August 2020

                    Oh sounds fabulous Rusters fab part of the world. We've had previous with Eir so don't think I could hack them..I'll prob end up stuck just pay half my wages to Sky:eek-new:
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Re: International Army August 2020

                      Had a lovely visit from the S&H...........turns out the giant package is a map of all the places him and his missus have been since they started courting back when they were 17.............15 years is a long time. I thought it was quite romantic. :heartbeat:
                      And he brought me some chocolate.
                      And he's got his formal offer of the job with the tax people.

                      [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION]...............enjoy you're break.

                      Just saying nightie night, lovelies.......:heartbeat:
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Re: International Army August 2020

                        Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                        Oh sounds fabulous Rusters fab part of the world. We've had previous with Eir so don't think I could hack them..I'll prob end up stuck just pay half my wages to Sky:eek-new:
                        Molls you can't give out about Sky.:egad:
                        DD is now senior management there - and she'll killlll you with a lash of her tongue. :haha:
                        What I'd suggest & what we had to do was ring them - tell them exactly what you want & get rid of the rest.
                        Threaten to move on to another provider if they don't cut you a deal & give you discretionary discount.


                          Re: International Army August 2020

                          Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                          Had a lovely visit from the S&H...........turns out the giant package is a map of all the places him and his missus have been since they started courting back when they were 17.............15 years is a long time. I thought it was quite romantic. :heartbeat:
                          And he brought me some chocolate.
                          And he's got his formal offer of the job with the tax people.
                          Brilliant news - I 'mdelighted for him.
                          Since 'becoming' an addict my son has never bought me as much as a Crunchie when he visits......
                          He'll be here at the weekend with one arm as long as the other
                          Eat me out of house & home & then go back to whatever he does when he's not here ...
                          Last edited by satz123; August 6, 2020, 02:34 AM.


                            Re: International Army August 2020

                            Evening all, just checking in. Some very thought provoking recent posts ladies since last I was on, thank you all. It always leads to a little soul searching/introspection on my part, which is never a bad thing.
                            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                              Re: International Army August 2020

                              Morning all.
                              The dying dregs of what was our Irish Summer is to happen today .............. :hyper:
                              Which makes me think of Autumn

                              Last edited by satz123; August 6, 2020, 02:50 AM.


                                Re: International Army August 2020

                                Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                                Molls you can't give out about Sky.:egad:
                                DD is now senior management there - and she'll killlll you with a lash of her tongue. :haha:
                                What I'd suggest & what we had to do was ring them - tell them exactly what you want & get rid of the rest.
                                Threaten to move on to another provider if they don't cut you a deal & give you discretionary discount.
                                Did ALL that...and then some!! The ignorance of customer support both online and on phone was incredible and absolute refusal to give us any access to contact a supervisor...shocking customer 'care' I was appalled tbh but no other company seems to do multi-room which I love...might just do what Rusters said ..get Saorview on bedroom Tele and move to someone else...sick of them!!
                                Originally posted by Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB) View Post
                                Evening all, just checking in. Some very thought provoking recent posts ladies since last I was on, thank you all. It always leads to a little soul searching/introspection on my part, which is never a bad thing.
                                No it's not a bad thing ..and one day you will decide enough is enough forever's the taste of normal life after a few years away from the 'host' that is just so magic...the self respect ..self sufficiency...contentment...but like Jackie said in a previous post for a long time I really thought I might as well just die with the thought of living without my 'support'....hard to believe now!
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

