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Kanga Kornah

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    Kanga Kornah

    G'Day Mates!
    Sorry but the Kanga has been interstate these past coupla weeks but he's back with an idea!

    Howzabout a Kanga Day? It would be a day where you just chill and thrill? You can choose that day - it's up to you but it has to be a day that you do exactly as you please, whether it be watch a movie, watch the footie all day, you sheila's could maybe choose to stay in a bubbly bath and read a book or get out the plastic and shop till ye drop - y'get the idea?

    We're all out there trying to please others, I say it's time to please ourselves!!!

    Please feel free to post your idea of a Kanga Day!

    Kanga Day is The Way :d

    Kanga Kornah

    Oh Kanga - where have you BEEEEEN?

    We need you.

    Kanga Day is the Way, ole!


      Kanga Kornah

      Sounds lovely! My idea of Kanga Day would be to go to my favorite nearby beach aptly called "Hug Point". Just sittin in the sun soaking up the harmful rays with a great book and Lipton's sugar free green tea. Now you got me dreaming.........


        Kanga Kornah

        My Kanga day would be on the beach at Perdio Beach Fl.
        Ride my bike down the path of Fl. National Seashore. Go out for a seafood dinner and sit out on the deck or on the beach and watch a full moon....all of course with my hubby. I can feel the sun on my face now!!:h


          Kanga Kornah

          I thought Tawny ate you! LOL!

          I think I've taken too many Kanga days... but now I can at least give them a name? I will definitely need one after this week! (stressful business trip coupled with coming back "home", seeing my son who still lives here, etc.) So... I think the plastic AND the bubbles sound good, but I'd like to add a one-hour swedish massage in there.. while I stare at the floor and sip a tropical drink with a LONG straw that meets me somewhere up at the massage table...LOL

          Okay.. Kanga Day I can do.


            Kanga Kornah


            Tawny, ye don't wanna know. Well, if I told you where I'd been I'd have to shoot you. All in the line of duty love.

            C'mon where are all you Kanga Krowd???

            Okay...... feelin' forsaken again ....... (that usually gets me some lovin' :lol )

            Maybe one day we could sort out a Kanga Konvention? Kind of in the "Survivor" mode! Yeah! I can see it all now! Tropical island, heaps of sheila's catching fish for the Kanga, the Kanga amazing you all with death defying stories of my days in the desert. Yeah, can see it all now!



              Kanga Kornah

              Kanga - don't despair just yet re your Kanga Crowd. They're all asleep.

              I love the idea of the Kanga Konvention. Where shall we have it? Cairns/Sydney/Bonnie Doon? Yes, I'm sure some of us could catch your fish - we'd probably open your stubbies too. And we'd listen - in awe - to your death-defying tales of your time in the desert.

              I'm just a tad nervous ... I think you might actually be a Balmain barrister. Tell me it isn't so .......

              A hopeful Tawny


                Kanga Kornah

                As long as you CLEAN the fish on that tropical island, Kanga, it sounds good to me! Oh, and I refuse to eat any worms or creepy/crawly/squiggly things!! Will the Kanga be squeezing the pomegranate juice and other tropical juices for the lovely food offerings the beautiful women are bringing?? Reciprocity and all that? :lol :lol :lol



                  Kanga Kornah

                  Mani, pedi, facial (face and back), eyebrow wax, 90 min start with!
                  A good book, hanging with my hubby, 2 dogs and 4 cats---oh yeah, that's happening right now, as I'm on summer vacation...
                  Still would love the 1st 6 services asap


                    Kanga Kornah

                    KANGA - you dingo you.

                    Where've ya been? We've been worried sick.

                    Now, was that daze or days?

                    Makes a difference.



                      Kanga Kornah

                      Ohhh lets see.... I guess I can handle waking up on some little island in the South seas, in a "Hummock", with just a slight ocean breeze....maybe a fresh mango & papaya with a bit of chilled vannilla yogurt to go along with my freshly brewed, fresh ground, coffee.
                      Which of course will be cheerfully delivered to me with a charming smile, by Keith Urban, clad in very little(maybe a skimpy ragged pair of levi cut offs), or just a sarong, that could fall right off...if the wind caught it! And Joe Nichols could be there too, rubbing my feet, and singing "Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off", or "Size Matters".! Actually, they could just take turns....:lol
                      Before we all go for a leasurely swim in the lagoon.... naked!
                      Of coarse, later after we... well ya know..:lol :h :eek
                      We'd have a lovely time parasailing across the sky during the sunset, before landing on the beach laughing and hungry... and ready for more....well Margaritas... of coarse! And a wonderful BBQ, and of maybe some more... music, dancing & desert.....:d :eek :h :happy :rollin Anybody wanna come?:happy :rollin

                      Ohh... forgot to mention... :h :rollin Hubby would of course show up, later, after a wonderful game of "exciting" Golf...on our new yaht, recently purchased, from our Lottery winnings!!:happy To "rescue me from all of this!:lol Timing IS EVERYTHING!!


                        Kanga Kornah

                        Re Kanga Kornah

                        Uhhhhh, Count me in Jude! Can I bring Matthew McConnaughey?


                          Kanga Kornah

                          Re: Re Kanga Kornah

                          that would be VERRRYYY NNNIIIICCCCEE!!:h :happy :lol


                            Kanga Kornah

                            Re: Re Kanga Kornah

                            I forgot to mention.. Bring your ocean kayaks too! I have mine already loaded up! Cooler, Stereo, Doggie, Cell phone... Ok we won't bring the phone!!:happy :lol ... Probably don't need the suit either!


                              Kanga Kornah

                              Re: Re Kanga Kornah

                              I'd like to bring the Take Home Chef from TLC on cable. I think he's an Aussie, OMG what a cutie!!!

