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Kanga Kornah

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    Kanga Kornah

    Re: Re Kanga Kornah

    Yes,I'm quite sure we'll have quite an appetite! Topa or not!!:lol :eek :b


      Kanga Kornah

      Re: Re Kanga Kornah

      Well Kanga, you've done it. You've stumped me. I've spent three days wondering how I would like to spoil myself and much to my horror, realised that just about everything I love to do involves booze.

      I pictured a fabulous dinner with the man of my choice, intelligent conversation, laughter, sparkling eyes, underlying sexual tension and yup, there it was - the bottle of Grange Hermitage or three. (Oh, the '63 or the '68????)

      I pictured myself alone in Sydney, on a hot day watching the boats in the harbour; the Opera House, the Bridge in the background - sitting in one of those lovely outdoor beer-gardens and yup, there it was - the sparkling glass of fizz or ten.

      I pictured myself enjoying a totaly hedonistic day reading in my library. The fire lit, the snuggly blankie across the knees on the miner's couch, phone off the hook, permission to re-read anything by Orwell and yup, there it was - a fine Rutherglen muscat or 10.

      I pictured myself hitting the plastic and yup, there it was - I buy another antique lead crystal decanter and some delicate wineglasses.

      Geez, Kanga, I need a bit of help here. When and where, exactly, does one feel good/euphoric/satisfied when having a cup of bloody tea?

      So, don't give up on us yet - I'm still thinking. There's got to be something! .... but who could I tell?



        Kanga Kornah

        Re: Re Kanga Kornah

        Hello Kanga Me Ole Mate!!
        Although we have not met yet... :d
        I have also been away and out of touch..
        So wonderful to find all you lovelies still here!!
        So Smooooch to you Tawny, Allie, Kathy, and hellos to you's all. I've been moving house & new job etc.. plus lots of family stuff to arrange. (Kind of leave home in the dark get home in the dark & hit the mattress lifestyle).
        I'm still out here though & appreciating you all very much. First time I've got to look at the site in ages and it's wonderful!! Lovely RJ! Keep up the good work.. and puhleeese tell me when's the next shindig?? Habbo hotel work out? Or what's happnin?
        I was going to start my own thread, but Kanga Korner seems a great place for me to check in now my timing's a bit erratic and the site's getting so big!!
        I shall check in here again soon.. and try to keep up with the latest happenings 8o .
        Oh!! and by the way.. Tawny, I relate tooooo well to your post just above. Every time I think of a lovely scene.. there is the special 'treat me & relax me' booze! I think we've been brainwashed for centuries by the industry. I even think of gardening, knitting or embroidery quietly on my own in the afternoon (although unimaginable right now with lack of time) with a nice glass of porter & a crackling fire or something! I even take a gass of wine with me into the bath with a good book!! Oh lordy I've a long way to go with changing my habits & expectations.:rolleyes
        Lots of Love to all,:h


          Kanga Kornah

          Re: Re Kanga Kornah

          G'Day Martian and howdyedo?

          N'wot are you yapping about Tawny? I'm a good looking bloke with sparkly wotsits (or whatever you were yackin on about). You could be my top sheila, in charge of polishin' me stubbies. Ahd even let you sort out the sheila's with jobs of your choosing. Could be Chief Fish Gutter, Chief Wood Gatherer, Chief Stubby Opener. Ye get the picture? You don't have to drink any grog. You can just watch me.



            Kanga Kornah

            Re: Re Kanga Kornah

            Kanga - I reckon I could just be your girl. I'd even bring my own chainsaw and wood splitter. I'm good with booligal hitches and I can shear a little bit. I probably could sort out the sheilas too! BUT best of all, the top of my head is totally flat - perfect place for your opened stubbies!

            And I'll watch you - in appreciation and gratitude.



              Kanga Kornah

              Re: Re Kanga Kornah

              Tawn, ye make me bloody heart sing, luv :h



                Kanga Kornah

                Re: Re Kanga Kornah

                Ah - Tawny?

                Got any more of those personal adult hygiene products?

                I laughed too hard.



                  Kanga Kornah

                  Re: Re Kanga Kornah

                  Oy hate to interrupt that special moment between TieMyDown and Tawny, but have to put my 2 cents in--MY Kanga day----NO phones, no boss, no relatives, seaweed wrap, followed by exquisite lunch, followed by hot stone treatment, then massage, then jacuzzi, sauna, shower, and then roll into fresh scented sheets and the sound of crickets outside the window and then deep sleep . . . . to awaken to a bright morning, full of vigor and hope, and off to conquer, the same old s**t, I guess. But it's nice to hope.


                    Kanga Kornah

                    Re: Re Kanga Kornah

                    my day is similar to Helen's...
                    but the next day...
                    I'm not conquering ANYTHING!!!!
                    OK, It's Kanga Weekend now!!
                    Yikes, no indulging now...ain't this how we got her in the first place?
                    suppose if it's a fantasy of self papering and alcohol free or good moderating day, followed by a nice day of more self loving day where you do not have to answer to anyone....
                    I'M THERE!

