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Right side dull ache?

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    Right side dull ache?


    Does anybody have a low-level ache right under the ribs on the right-hand side? I "googled" it and see that it could be my liver or pancreas. It usually occurs after a night of heavy drinking.:thanks:

    I'm on day one today of 30 days AF. I've tried before and failed miserably. I really think I can do it this time though.


    Right side dull ache?

    Hi and Welcome. You can do this. Yes, in the past I have had that dull, nagging feeling. After 30 days AF you will be ache-free I bet. Best of luck to you!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Right side dull ache?

      Yes . I did 30 days AF in October and the pain went away. After resuming drinking again it came back. I am not sure what causes it but I also get heartburn with it. it could be related to acid in the stomach, especially if you are drinking white wine. However, I do think it is worth doing your 30 days as modderate drinking seemed easier for 2 months after that. Just don't slip back like I did!
      Enough is enough


        Right side dull ache?

        i to have this ache , also sometims when i lean over i have SOMETHINH that pokes out between my breast bone, i thought it was bone but i hsve never cracked a rib, its hard to tell whats alcohol related, an what may b genuine wrong, im off to the dr 2day to find out,!!
        :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


          Right side dull ache?

          I am paranoid at present due the guilt of past drinking that i willget liver disease, pancreatitis any niggle i got i attributed it to the boozw/////WE ARE ON 20TH JUNE TODAY AND I,VE HAD 3 NIGHTS ONLY THIS MONTH WHEN I,VE HAD A FEW WINES..ONE OF THOSE NIGHTS I DRANK OVER MY GOAL LIMIT.

          i,m sure drinking wine irritates the stomach, causes acid reflux, bad breath, farting, poor skin, poor .
          i have got thread veins on my face which of course i attribute to years of wine9thankfully a dab of makeup covers the evidence!)

          i certainly feel fitter and livelier now the drinking has been vastly reduced and the odd aches and heartburn has ceased...yipee.

          the only way to know is the cut the booze for a bit..if the ache goes there is the answer!!

          hope its nothing major...good luck



            Right side dull ache?

            Alcohol is a stomach irritant. First thing go see your doctor. This isn't something you want to be dismissive about. I had intense stomach pain. Thought it was my liver, went and had a battery of test to find out it was a small gastric erosion. Please go to your doctor Iam. You will be so much happier when you have the anwser. All the best.


              Right side dull ache?

              thanks guys!! Day 2 for me. Last night was easy b/c I had to work. Got home at 8:30 and went straight to bed. Tonight I'm off at 4:00. My hardest time is after I get off work when I'm making dinner.... I suck down the Chardonnay or Gin/Tonics. I will get online tonight to see who's out there.
              I'm afraid to go to the Dr. I'm afraid what she will say about my weight (25 lbs. over what I should be) and my drinking... I do have my yearly coming up...

              I liked somebody's signature line: "Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me." It sure hits the mark for me.


                Right side dull ache?

                Ima, she shouldn't say anything about your weight. This is a stomach issue. You don't have to say exlactly how much you drink, I always said a glass of wine or 2 when asked, when in reality it was 2-3 bottles. I was much heavier then also. Please see your doctor, and keep us up to date


                  Right side dull ache?

                  I have had the dull ache on teh right side too - but mainly in my BACK. And it would be worst when I bathed! Am I just strange?
                  Over 4 months AF :h


                    Right side dull ache?

                    That IS pretty strange! I wonder why it hurt only when you bathed?

                    InnerStrength;152642 wrote: I have had the dull ache on teh right side too - but mainly in my BACK. And it would be worst when I bathed! Am I just strange?


                      Right side dull ache?

                      Two or three bottles of wine! Wow, that's a lot! You may have liver problems now. I hope you have tapered off on the drinking a bit and are feeling better!

                      simeybear;152630 wrote: Ima, she shouldn't say anything about your weight. This is a stomach issue. You don't have to say exlactly how much you drink, I always said a glass of wine or 2 when asked, when in reality it was 2-3 bottles. I was much heavier then also. Please see your doctor, and keep us up to date


                        Right side dull ache?

                        Hi, I sometimes have back pains too but I discovered a mat that I can relax on that really helps. One day when I was getting up out of a chair I did something to my back and it has never been the same since. This acupressure mat targets pressure points to help with the circulation and nerves and it has helped me a lot. It's a big improvement and I don't really have to do anything -which is nice! :h


                          Right side dull ache?

                          Looks like :spam: to me


                            Right side dull ache?

                            Yeah I had that pain after months of binging. It took at least a month AF to fade away. I thought it was just all my organs moaning in pain!


                              Right side dull ache?

                              No Sugar coating

                              Hi, I am new on this Forum but have been an alcoholic for many years.
                              I have always been a "functioning alcoholic" I have been experiencing right side Liver area and Kidney area pains whenever i drink anything of more Proof than Beer. I finally got worried enough to go to my Doctor and confess. he sent me for Blood Work and specifically a whole Renal Diagnostic thru blood sample. It includes Liver, Kidney function and more. I am not being a "fear monger" but my results concluded that my Liver and right side Kidney were not working but at 73%! If this isnt enough to scare anyone that wants to live for a while to not do everything in their power to stop drinking, nothing will. I am on 63 days clean and mentally feeling better but not phisically yet on that right side.
                              So forget about threads on "Stomach problems" and the like! Get real with your Doctor.


