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International Army September 2020

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    Re: International Army September 2020

    Originally posted by mollyka View Post
    Ach Whiz. That really does sound so cruel..just without heart..thank God you do have the time to talk ..albeit by phone..he knows you all love him
    Sending all my love to you...keep coming here if you can..know we care deeply xxx
    Night everyone. I echo everything Molly just said. Such sad cruel times. You are very much in our thoughts Brit.

    In bed about to watch Netflix movie. Very busy day. Met work friend for long walk in the morning and then had book club in afternoon. Hope I can stay awake. Take care everyone.


      Re: International Army September 2020

      [MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION].............I'm so, so very sorry. He knows his family loves him. We know you love him.
      And we love you.

      I'll save my anger about the whys and wherefores for you and your family can't visit for another day. It's just so unfair and so, so wrong.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Re: International Army September 2020

        Ah [MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION], I am so sorry. Have they given you any hope of recovery?
        AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


          Re: International Army September 2020

          [MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION], like JC said, its like watching a movie. I did watch the Netflix documentary about that town that were ravished a few years back, I think I read that the fires were back there again. Just awful.

          thai takeaway 3 hours ago and Im still stuffed. Its a place up your way Molly, its always good.
          AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


            Re: International Army September 2020

            Originally posted by brit View Post
            Love to you all from a heartbroken Whizzy. Always found posting etc. so difficult. So glad I have you all now. Mr A still going strong(ish) Arranging his final wishes on the phone to me. cannot visit until end of life . So sad ---
            Oh MsA :hug:
            I want to bawl for the unfairness of it all.
            I won't give platitudes but I have to say : I know you won't have the heart to fight them but you must. It's wrong.
            They say end of life - but it's too late then poor man :hug:
            All I can say is insist on visiting your husband - just INSIST MsA.

            What is the logic behind not letting you in? That you will spread COVID?
            If you gown-up & wear full PPE like the staff there is no way you can infect others.
            Say you'll go to the media / go you local councillor .... not to complain about the nursing staff but to raise awareness of the stupidity of these 'blanket' rules. Each case should be looked at individually.

            Now tell me to shut my gob & just ignore this rant if it hurts too much even to consider MsA .... :hug:
            Last edited by satz123; September 13, 2020, 04:44 PM.


              Re: International Army September 2020

              [MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION] - I am heartbroken for you.
              [MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION] - check in when you can
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Re: International Army September 2020

                Morning all...hey Whizzy...nothing I can say to make anything any different or better..just sending love
                And to you too your mum content in herself or is she aware of how things are? All my caring thoughts to you too xx
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Re: International Army September 2020

                  Heading home today..feel sad cos it was an amazing week..but I'm off work for another week anyway so at least there's that!
                  Very small in comparison to others sadnesses here but my hands are scaling and blistering..I'm guessing it's the hand sanitizer ...anyone know anything bout that or anything I can do to protect them? As I say big deal but it's a bit debilitating
                  Right...gotta later xxx
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Re: International Army September 2020

                    [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION].............I can go to the dentist, the optician,I can see my pharmacist, I can go to the supermarhet, I can go out and get rat-arsed and slobber over my new best mate I'd met just 10 minutes ago, I can see my practice nurse, I can see our vet, I can go with the hoards to Tesco but as yet I cannot 'see' my doctor.
                    Would you believe a friend's daughter who's just had twins by caesarian and her scar got infected had to do a phone consultation and was told to send him a photo of the scar...............the twins would be a week old then. He sent her a prescription for antibiotics.
                    Perhaps a couple of days later said doctor was seen by my Aunt in the local fish and chip shop.................wearing crocs and his stethescope round his neck.

                    [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION]......try this.........How to Use Olive Oil and Sugar to Soften Hands: 6 Steps..

                    Loves and hugs to all...........:hug:

                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Re: International Army September 2020

                      And its official...............Jenny & Ads are engaged. Got a lovely photo of her wearing my mums engagement ring bought in 1952 for a whole £25. It's sapphire with two wee diamonds.
                      They had to wait until they'd told his 101 year old granddad and of course Ads children.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Re: International Army September 2020

                        Good morning everyone.

                        Weather is absolutely beautiful here on East coast and more promised for the week so you have that to look forward to Molly. No help re hands but see JC has posted something. Where is Tony? Come post, no matter what, accountability is key.

                        Ah that’s lovely regarding the ring JC . Seems mad re the doctors. Had a lovely walk with doggies along the river, spent an hour in garden and now going to have lunch outside. Thinking of you Brit :hug::hug:


                          Re: International Army September 2020

                          When I was married first we moved here to this town.if you were sick you rang the doc. He would call to the house day or night 7 days a week.he would call back at the end if his days work free of charge to be sure whoever it was was ok and improving.
                          Doctors were very well to do but they deserved it ..they worked very hard and were always there when Well Jackie you said it all...its like that over there in England and it's the same here

                          Home at last after a wonderful week...couldn't have been tired now tho so off to bed shortly...hope everyone is as well as can be under the circumstances
                          And yes Rusters what a glorious'll be me for the garden if tomorrow the same!!
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Re: International Army September 2020

                            Good morning Army--I did not have to fight the hospital to arrange a visit as they have sorted out a way for me to see him privately in a day room. The hospital authorities are saying no visitors but the nursing staff can see what a difference it makes to both his physical and mental health when we see each other.
                            Lovely news JC about the engagement!
                            Thank you everyone for the love you are sending my way


                              Re: International Army September 2020

                              Originally posted by brit View Post
                              Good morning Army--I did not have to fight the hospital to arrange a visit as they have sorted out a way for me to see him privately in a day room. The hospital authorities are saying no visitors but the nursing staff can see what a difference it makes to both his physical and mental health when we see each other.
                              Lovely news JC about the engagement!
                              Thank you everyone for the love you are sending my way
                              So glad to hear's a hard time anyway..that was all making it so much appreciate the time you have's precious..and you are wonderful...truly xxxx
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                                Re: International Army September 2020

                                Originally posted by brit View Post
                                Good morning Army--I did not have to fight the hospital to arrange a visit as they have sorted out a way for me to see him privately in a day room. The hospital authorities are saying no visitors but the nursing staff can see what a difference it makes to both his physical and mental health when we see each other.
                                Lovely news JC about the engagement!
                                Thank you everyone for the love you are sending my way
                                Good morning Army!!

                                Mrs A - so very glad to see your news. I had thought exactly that myself - how much difference it makes to a patient when they can have their loved ones by their side. Thank the powers that be for nursing staff!!!!!! What a relief it must be for all of you. Sending you huge :hug:

                                Waves to all -will get back later for an update.

                                Last edited by stirly-girly; September 14, 2020, 03:21 AM.
                                For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                                AF since 10/10/2015:yay:

