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International Army September 2020

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    Re: International Army September 2020

    Morning all,
    Good to see you back on deck safe and sound Satzy!

    Sorry JC, I missed the passing of your dear Aunt. How sad for you. We've had a lot of loss all around this year. It's becoming exhausting.

    Mary, that sounds awful. There is not one thing that I miss about drinking. Stories like this remind me what a nightmare I must have been. Even though I tried so hard to keep it away from everyone, you can never completely achieve that. I remember throwing my drink down the sink one day when my mother was there and she let out a sigh of relief, thinking that was my drinking over for the day. Of course, I was only doing it for show. As soon as they left I got stuck right into the real drinking session.

    I hope Ruth got her cutlery protocol sorted out in her head, Molly. I suppose the amount of hand sanitiser per squirt will be next on her agenda, so I suggest a new policy for that.
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19


      Re: International Army September 2020

      Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
      You're poor MIL. Its a hard one. My mum was a nasty drunk............luckily I worked out when and what times the phone would ring and ignore it........I got slammed by my brother but it wasn't his number she'd ring.
      It's a shame there wasn't 'call forwarding' back in the day. I'd love to forward a few things automatically to my brother's phone. Just so that he can have the full experience.
      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
      Rejoined life 20/5/19


        Re: International Army September 2020

        Morning, just and waves to the universe.

        Would have been here a bit earlier but Bess did a whoopsie in the utility room and the kitchen.
        On Saturday Mr JC and I had the 'talk' about was this the know the time that you really don't want to talk about but you have to be honest and think and do what's best for Bess and of course Sunday and yesterday she's been like a pupper. Sigh.

        Thanks for the condolences she was a lovely person. Which reminds me I've got to ring my brother.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Re: International Army September 2020

          Hallo Army!!

          Originally posted by brit View Post
          Good morning.
          Mr A came home on Friday evening with a full package of care. Hard work but glad to have him back. I am sleeping on a camp (type) bed next to his hospital bed. (Sleeping better there)
          I just thought I would update you--Although it is now palliative care I am able to cope so much better.
          Mrs. A - so glad that you have him home with you. Like the others said, take care of yourself too. Sending you :hug:
          Originally posted by satz123 View Post
          Thank you so much for worrying about me Stirls - I saw your message pop up on my phone then couldn't find the bloody thing. So I messaged you on FB messenger.
          Sorry to have worried you :heart:
          Both Molls & Jacks have me on WhatsApp.

          All phones were hopping in the hotel with everyone trying to get alternative accommodation.
          I finally got to see Jacks message :heart: and replied.

          Our Welsh friends were not so lucky & were right in the thick of it. - they feared for their lives as tons & tons of water carrying rocks & boulders surged down from the higher ground. Rain & wind lashed at them. The village roads are 6 feet higher in some places since.
          They finally escaped down to us on the Monday.
          The stories got more elaborate as the pints & cocktails were downed.
          The stories were told again & again every night after that ( they drink a lot EVERY NIGHT)
          SIL - I had to carry home the first night - was such a sad sight to see her fall into a bush & literally stagger up the street to the apartment.....
          I was the only one who remembered it next day :egad:

          If I ever had doubts about staying sober - they are gone.....
          Heyho Satzeroonie - great to see you back and to know that all went as well as possible on your vacation. Your SIL has been going on these vactions for yonks. Does she ever even remember them or are they just a blur of drinks and more drinks? Good grief!!!
          Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
          Morning, just and waves to the universe.

          Would have been here a bit earlier but Bess did a whoopsie in the utility room and the kitchen.
          On Saturday Mr JC and I had the 'talk' about was this the know the time that you really don't want to talk about but you have to be honest and think and do what's best for Bess and of course Sunday and yesterday she's been like a pupper. Sigh.

          Thanks for the condolences she was a lovely person. Which reminds me I've got to ring my brother.
          Sorry to hear about your aunt, Jackie. I always think people who go peacefully in their sleep are so lucky. And she lived a good, long life.

          As for Bess, you'll know when the time comes. Not much we can do but wait and see. My Freddie got so very tired that it was time to let him go. Five years and I still miss him very much.

          Hello to all I haven't mentioned. Hope you are having a good day.

          Lovely here - 29C at the moment. Would love to be out for a walk or a drive. But gotta get back to the books....
          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


            Re: International Army September 2020

            Evening everyone. God that’s a hard one Mary, do you think he would ever try and do something about it or is he in denial? Would hate hate hate my kids ever seeing me like that. Poor old Bess, as Stirly says she will let you know when the time has come

            Glad to have working week over, it’s become manic busy. Daughter brought three pups home last night. It’s only for a few nights, they all have homes. Very very cute, you can’t but love them. Bit of a whiff about the place thought Any sign of your pup Molly? Oh started watching Borgen on Netflix and enjoying, although their dubbed accents bug me a bit.


              Re: International Army September 2020

              That time has come. We're taking Bess to the vets tomorrow for her final journy. We'll be with her.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Re: International Army September 2020

                Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                That time has come. We're taking Bess to the vets tomorrow for her final journy. We'll be with her.
                I'm thinking of you, JC. It is so hard but it is a gift we give to the animals we love. xx


                  Re: International Army September 2020

                  Sorry jacks was just peeping in to say goodnight and saw this...Will be thinking of you tomorrow xxx
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Re: International Army September 2020

                    Oh JC so so sorry :hug::hug: never gets easier. Will be thinking of you in the morning xx


                      Re: International Army September 2020

                      Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                      That time has come. We're taking Bess to the vets tomorrow for her final journy. We'll be with her.
                      NO Jacks !!
                      That makes me so sad....


                        Re: International Army September 2020

                        Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                        That time has come. We're taking Bess to the vets tomorrow for her final journy. We'll be with her.
                        Oh no JC, I am so sorry to hear that :disturbed: its a very brave decision.

                        Thanks for posts on my in-laws. I can see why you didnt have a good relationship with your mother JC. Rustop, Id be exactly the same, could never let my kids see me.
                        Everything my MIL told me last night about him, was no shock, but I cant feel any kinship or sympathy for him, as he gets quite nasty, self absorbed and blames everyone else. Maybe thats unkind of me as I do understand his obsession. Anyway, more chats today - MIL is strong, in her own understated way.

                        Good night all X
                        AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                          Re: International Army September 2020

                          Good morning Army.

                          Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                          That time has come. We're taking Bess to the vets tomorrow for her final journy. We'll be with her.
                          Jackie, dear, a difficult decision, but you know that it is the right one. Darling Bess - we will miss her. Always thought of her as the Army mascot. Thinking of you and Mr. JC. Sending :hug:.xo
                          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                            Re: International Army September 2020

                            So sorry Jackie --No words!


                              Re: International Army September 2020

                              Sad morning in the army. We are all thinking of you JC. 2020 is turning out to be the year we all want to forget, it seems to be one thing after another and dealing with it in the middle of a pandemic is all the more challenging. Your MIL might surprise you all Mary, sometimes a line is crossed and enough is enough but only she can make that decision.

                              We had a yellow rain warning yesterday and into today but amazingly it cleared up enough to get a walk in. Good to get out in the fresh air. Take care one and all.


                                Re: International Army September 2020

                                Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I can't really speak and having trouble typing. Bess went very peacefully just an hour or so ago. We couldn't be with her when they put the canula in but were with her for the injection and she passed so quickly and calmly.
                                The house is so empty yet full of reminders of her.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

