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Finale message from Tz

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    Finale message from Tz

    I am sorry if u din't iike me. I belief
    A BushBaby with Attitude

    Finale message from Tz

    I don't get the feeling that nobody likes you.
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


      Finale message from Tz

      Elizabeth, there seems to be a repetitive theme going on here where you think people here do not like you. I feel like we have shown nothing but support for you and your way of life. If there is something going on behind the scenes we are not aware of that is causing you to feel this way then I hope you can resolve it.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Finale message from Tz

        I agree, what is going on Elizabeth? Everyone accepts you here.
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          Finale message from Tz

          I hope you did not get one of those nasty PM's. If that is the case say so right now. that is not the consensus here.
          If you didn't then please tell us what happened to make you think we don't want you to be here. We love you.

          If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


            Finale message from Tz

            From replies to your past posts, it is obvious that many people like you and respect your ideals, as I do.
            Personally speaking, I initially struggled to find my niche here, but that was my fault entirely, and not at all the fault of any other M.W.O. member/s. I now realise that I felt that way as the booze had robbed me of all my self-esteem and confidence.

            However, as I became more active on the boards, I began to make connections and now consider I have some great friends here, who mean a great deal to me.I love this site. Never before have I met such giving people.

            I wish you well.

            Starlight Impress


              Finale message from Tz


              I admit I don't really understand some of the things you have been through and experience in life, but I don't dislike you at all, just curious to why you would feel that way.

              I'm still here because I've received nothing but good advice, support and love, and from what I've read, everyone here is giving that to you too, so is something happening we don't know about? Better to put it out in the open, noone here will judge, I know that from experience.

              Lot's of Love, Jas
              :thanks: :h


                Finale message from Tz

                Me again,

                Just wanted to add I hope you don't feel like it's a cultural thing, because we all come from everywhere imaginable around the world, but we are all people with a common problem, and therefore a common bond, please don't feel like an outsider...

                Love Jas
                :thanks: :h


                  Finale message from Tz

                  Hi Elizabeth,

                  I read this post and was curious as to what it referred to so went back through your other posts and read them to see if you were indeed saying anything to annoy or irritate anyone.

                  I didn't see anything that annoyed me at all. You sound like a very interesting, intelligent and sensitive woman with a fantastically broad range of life experiences (both good and bad).

                  Maybe what you are feeling is down to perception,....and I know at times in other unrelated posts, others have mentioned this, but, when we read words typed by others, we don't hear their tone of voice, see facial expressions etc etc.
                  And, if we are already not feeling too good, our feelings can sometimes colour our perceptions.......

                  Elizabeth, come back to the boards and keep on posting. If you are having a really hard time at the moment, let us know. This is what this site is about. Support, support, support.

                  Amelia x

                  Sober since 30/06/10


                    Finale message from Tz

                    Elizabeth, you are a wonderful caring person, this I know first hand. Caring, loyal and compassionate. If someone sent you a pm that upset you, as someone said just say so,please don't hold it against the rest of us. I know a while back you said you were diagnosed with diabetes, are you taking care to manage it ? If not it can cause some dramatic mood swings, perhaps that is a part of this equation. We can only help with what we know.Please share with us. I ask here on this open forum rather than privately, reason being a great deal of people do care about you and your gifts that you share with such an open heart. You are my friend!
                    Smiles & Hugs


                      Finale message from Tz

                      Everyone here loves and respects everyone! We are hre for support not to beat each other up. I am sorry you are down.


                        Finale message from Tz

                        Hello there Elizabeth. Your post was so short it is hard to know what you mean. I have read the replies you have got and to be brutally honest with are very much liked! I could be totally wrong here but.....maybe you feel like no one understands you? Write some more on how you feel. Then perhaps this can be resolved? Do this for yourself as I think you are worth it. Bella xxxx


                          Finale message from Tz

                          yey, I add my vehement "we want you here" to all the others. If you got a nasty private message, many others did too. You must ignore it. Roberta is taking care of blocking them now. Pls stay. And tell us what is bothering you. what is making you think we don't want you?
                          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                            Finale message from Tz

                            Hi Elizabeth ..just to reinforce nobody has a problem with you posting and i,ve read a lot of your posts.
                            maybe you are in a bad space right now emotionally??? we dont know whats going on and dont wish to probe.I,ve noticed on here that when people post when hung over or drunk they say some things that are difficult to follow!!

                            however, the best thing to do is keep coming back for support when you feel you can.
                            We all have off days and need to go have some solitude and think through the next step.

                            Hope all is well with you and take care. post when you feel able to..regards Cassy


                              Finale message from Tz

                              Ditto what Lushy said.
                              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

