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International Army October 2020

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    Re: International Army October 2020

    Evening ladies, not much interesting to report. Cancel that nothing to report, same old, except for the lockdown. Our business is classified as vital, debatable imo, so I am working as normal, as it appears most businesses as in so far as I can tell, certainly there are loads of cars parked outside every factory in our vicinity. There seems to be an attitude that business must go on as usual, but it’s all far from usual isn’t it. I know of two retail shops who between them decided this week to start to stock a couple of ‘covid’ items in a guise to say they were essential. Rant over.

    Originally posted by IamMary View Post
    And Tabbers, how are you doing? How are you finding things this week?
    All good thank Mary.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Re: International Army October 2020

      I think theres alot of companies doing that Tabbers. Husbands company are making a small bit of hand sanitizer, feck all really, but now they all have letters to travel anywhere they need to go. They make whiskey.

      Its all part of grieving [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION], a good cry with a friend :hug:

      Poor you [MENTION=11158]stirly-girly[/MENTION], will you mange until Christmas in such pain? What happens if you did take off a couple of weeks?
      [MENTION=4040]fickle[/MENTION], chalk it up, that interview. You'll probably end up with the job now! [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION], any chance you'll walk out of there with a medium sized bag of cash? Whats the best case scenario from this change?

      Kids are all off for a week now. But it will be tricky keeping them locked in. The current rules allow, specifically, meeting one other household in an outdoor setting for the purpose of exercise, within a 5 k radius - but teens tend to roam in 10s. We are friends with the parents of their close friends, so we are all on the same page, but I wouldn't know the wider group. Seems to be loads of sleepovers etc planned, which is incredibly annoying...
      Running a half marathon on Sunday where I will not give a seconds thought to sleepovers, lockdowns, boyfriends, girlfriends, inappropriate clothes and alcohol! well I will think about alcohol, I always marvel about the fact that I can do what Im doing as Im no longer under its spell.
      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


        Re: International Army October 2020

        Wow Mary Good for you, running a marathon. I just couldn't imagine doing something like that myself so go well and Hats Off!!
        Raining a lot here so pretty quiet day. I used my eldest daughter who was being a couch potato to be a fashion critic. After losing weight and with the summer coming I pulled everything out of storage and voila!! New wardrobe! Let the Marie Kondo's of this world take a step back. If I'd thrown that lot out I would've spent at least a thousand bucks. As it was, I spent the day throwing out my 'fat clothes' which are all the nice drapey things which are falling off me now, and the things I judge that I am a bit too old for. What I'm left with is pretty nice actually. I did a lot of sewing to take in the waist of anything I could. I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself now and expecting compliments at work next week on my 'new' clothes. Neheheh They will never know :belchha:


          Re: International Army October 2020

          Morning and waves
          Late this morning............the weather is so crap and executive decision was taken to not go to Tesco. Its hissing down, its dark and windy and just vile out there...........and there's rugby on TV.

          Covid news

          Youngest niece (aged 20) has got the virus down in York.
          Wales is shut
          We await our orders to see what tier we're in.
          Luckily Mr. JC can work from home.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Re: International Army October 2020

            Good morning everyone. Well done on the half marathon Mary. Would say the running keeps you sane, don’t envy you dealing with teenagers during this pandemic. We had mega snow one year when mine were that age and it was a nightmare and that was just a week, tops.

            Wow Fickle, I am very impressed. I lost a weight since January but started putting some of it back on so reined myself in and eating very healthy for this lockdown. It is much easier when you are not going anywhere. Would love a new wardrobe but not going anywhere to justify it. Bought a few jumpers online, that will have to do. Cleaning the bbq before we put it away, that’s my excitement for the day.


              Re: International Army October 2020

              Evening folks! I have to say having teenagers was the hardest time in my life...I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy..maybe that was just my kids tho...mind you..the way they still bicker I sometimes wonder did time stand still!!!
              Hope everyone ok..going to bed early with my book...this is one riveting holiday :yay:
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Re: International Army October 2020

                [MENTION=4040]fickle[/MENTION].........we must stop cross posting, well done you.

                Don't forget the clocks tonight (except the undies and over the pond).

                Nighty night and morning to the underoooos.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Re: International Army October 2020

                  Internet was down.
                  Extra hour sleep tonight!
                  Hope your niece is doing ok JC?

                  Absolutely does keep me sane Rustop, same way as you need your walks Id say.
                  Molly, hope the company is good on your holiday@home :heart:
                  [MENTION=4040]fickle[/MENTION], its only a half this year. Well done on all that weight loss!! Very exciting doing a clear out. All my nice clothes must be so bored at this stage. Jeans are about as dressed up as i get...

                  Night all xx
                  AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                    Re: International Army October 2020

                    Morning ladies, up nice and early, going to try and get a few odd jobs done outside weather permitting and be done before lunchtime when the hairy tongue brigade emerge from their pits. Did I mention I love sober Sunday mornings the best of all?
                    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                      Re: International Army October 2020

                      Originally posted by Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB) View Post
                      Morning ladies, up nice and early, going to try and get a few odd jobs done outside weather permitting and be done before lunchtime when the hairy tongue brigade emerge from their pits. Did I mention I love sober Sunday mornings the best of all?
                      Good morning Tabs and everyone else. You are right, nothing beats a sober Sunday morning and we got an extra hour in bed today. Did a lot of clean up work outside yesterday and hope to finish it off today. Between that and a walk with the doggies it will keep me occupied for the day.

                      Started listening to Elton Johns autobiography Me last night and reserved a good few more books on BorrowBox. Big fire and a good book, bliss.


                        Re: International Army October 2020


                        [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION]........niece is getting better day by day..............she's at home and out of isolation. on Saturday. She can go trick or treating but she's 20 and over that.

                        Doing the big shop today.............we'd have needed Noah's big boat to get out of doors yesterday.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Re: International Army October 2020

                          Morning all, [MENTION=4040]fickle[/MENTION] a massive congratulations on all that hard work. I have 'intimate knowledge' about such issues and how much sustained effort it takes to get that sort of weight off. Some of us do struggle! I also have several entire new wardrobes in storage waiting for the day that I can find some discipline.
                          Back to work today and anticipating a busy, frustrating and annoying week as things are starting to stack up. It's very hard to maintain the vaguest of interest when we might all be getting the sack anyway!

                          I'm thinking of you all going into lock down again (a lot) Don't know what to say except I have baked some yummies and left them on the kitchen island bench for you...
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            Re: International Army October 2020

                            Thanks bridge, not many left, and we cant blame Fickle!

                            Busy day, so didnt get to embrace the Hungover free sunday, but I will tomorrow, bank holiday! It will be a weird one, being in lockdown.

                            Glad your Niece is feeling better JC.

                            Night all. XX
                            AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                              Re: International Army October 2020

                              Morning and waves and yooo hoos

                              [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION]..........ta for the yummies.......put them in Mr. JC's lunch box

                              Bit discombulated with clocks faffing about.

                              Shout out to [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]............are you okay?
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Re: International Army October 2020

                                Good morning JC and all to come.

                                Spent the morning walking. First brought the dogs out as there were too many sheep on second walk and then did a hill walk with a friend. Large loop, all within my 5km. Having a coffee now and then plan to re-organize the garage. All the summer stuff will then have been put away. Is it too early to put up the outside lights?. Do it for Xmas but feel this year need a bit of light earlier to cheer me up.

