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International Army October 2020

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    Re: International Army October 2020

    Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
    Might have to go private which means emptying the £2 coin jar and use what's left of the re-furb fund. There's a waiting list for them too but they'll be able to give me a date.
    I'm tired, so tired of it all.
    Oh [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] sorry to hear that. Go private - look after your sight. Our health is all we have or need at the end of the day.


      Re: International Army October 2020

      Originally posted by satz123 View Post
      He's getting it done in Santry Sports Clinic - did you have a full replacement hip Molls ?
      Now I've started to get Sciatica-type pain shooting from my bum down my left leg - this is new since gym closed . I been very good going 3 times a week since June. Now the stretching classes had to stop last week - FFS !! I hope it's just a temporary thing ....

      The Nursing Home I work in have managed to stave off the 2nd wave of COVID-19. 3 of the staff had tested positive but testing of the residents proved the precautions, when done, work. All 87 tested negative. :hyper:
      Yup that's where I got it done...Michael Donnelly was the lad who did mine..yup it was a full hip replaced...bit sore for couple of days then norra bother...just a bit restrictive bending etc for a few weeks..I was back driving in 4 weeks..the SSC is lovely tell him...fab food!

      Great they kept the nursing home safe..such a worry..was reading that some Covid positive were sent to NH in Cork this week...shocking!
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Re: International Army October 2020

        Sorry...meant to say exactly what benjy said Jackie.. just go private...doesn't matter what it costs..your sight is priceless imo xx
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Re: International Army October 2020

          Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post

          JC, I started some Marie Kondo some time ago as well. Only got half way through then just left it in a high traffic area to be tripped over and spew forth it's contents. It's in a box which once housed marine winches, whatever they are. Everyone who walks in thinks that we are boating enthusiasts until they trip over one of my old bras. I don't think it's legit Kondo method, nor does it spark joy but I do enjoy folk looking at it askance on their way to the living room.

          Bridge I think Rustytop is right. I'd say you have an hilarius book in you - akin to the real Bridget Jones Diary ..... ever thought about it ?


            Re: International Army October 2020

            Originally posted by mollyka View Post
            Yup that's where I got it done...Michael Donnelly was the lad who did mine..yup it was a full hip replaced...bit sore for couple of days then norra bother...just a bit restrictive bending etc for a few weeks..I was back driving in 4 weeks..the SSC is lovely tell him...fab food!
            How did it first present and how long were you suffering Molls ? He's going to a foreign lad - Mehai - gorgeous looking in a grey Richard Gere way .... :heart:


              Re: International Army October 2020

              Originally posted by satz123 View Post
              How did it first present and how long were you suffering Molls ? He's going to a foreign lad - Mehai - gorgeous looking in a grey Richard Gere way .... :heart:
              I've had arthritis since in my late 30's...played a lot of sport and some injuries over the about a year before I got it done I was virtually crippled some I'd seized up...the other hip needs doing but it's not as bad yet...oh...and a knee:yay:
              Message is....don't do sport:congratulatory:
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Re: International Army October 2020

                Just a quickie............plans are afoot. Opticians first.......get my notes and watch Mr. JC whimper at the cost.
                Hoping its buy one get one free.

                France is closed. Wish our government could come up with something that's not dithering about with tiers, traffice lights and all sorts of fecking gobshiting.

                Although if we go into a proper lockdown. I'll have to sort out all the towels and linen so Mr. JC can use the back room as an office again.

                I can see this happening.

                Robin Hood - Call Off Christmas - YouTube
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Re: International Army October 2020

                  Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                  My prediction:
                  They'll keep us locked down as much as possible - apart from allowing us out to spend money - then they'll ease up for 48 hours over Christmas
                  The nation will go apeshit and we'll be back in lockdown 27th December ... :haha:

                  Christmas is all bollox anyway.
                  Too much money spent on rubbish we don't need.
                  Fake bonhomie for a day or two .... :rolleyes-new:
                  ( don't even get me started on NYE )

                  Christmas is for kids - should be kept simple. It's not an excuse to get blathered.

                  Yours sincerely
                  Mrs Grinch


                    Re: International Army October 2020

                    You crack me up Bridge.

                    Whats the story with health insurance there [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION]? Is it a 2 tier system like here?

                    You could be right Satz, out on Dec 1st. Mad shopping frenzy. Mad parties. Lockdown again by the end of January, until theres some bit of a vaccine.
                    AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                      Re: International Army October 2020

                      Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                      Message is....don't do sport:congratulatory:
                      Stop that now Molly! My FIL hated sports. Mid 70s and his legs don't work now. Use them of lose them.
                      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                        Re: International Army October 2020

                        Good morning/afternoon Troopers!

                        Was a bank holiday yesterday - wet and rainy most of the day and still cloudy today. A mere 16C - we're definitely into Fall. Love it when I get up in the morning and can smell smoke from the fireplaces. I don't have one yet but I can dream.

                        Jackie - what the others said - get yer orbs looked after darling. Hopefully it is just a matter of normal ageing and not something more serious. In the meantime Lutein is supposed to e good for your eyes. My Mom has taken it for years now and I, myself started recently. Hope your niece has recovered.

                        Satzy - having a dog is like having a toddler - the poo is gonna get you at some point! Best of luck to Mr. S on the hip replacement. Great news on the nursing home. No positives among the residents is brilliant. I agree about Christmas[ - it's just soooo commercial anymore. I was in a store on Tuesday and they have the Christmas decorations out. FFS, we haven't even had Hallowe'en yet, although I have no idea whatsoever why it is celebrated here in Greece. Never was until the last few years. Another marketing programme aimed at consumers. It's not like any of the kids would go trick or treating or anything...

                        Bridge - what the others say - you have a fab sense of humour and have always made me laugh with the way you express yourself. That was one of the things that stood out on the Undies thread - the Aussie humour!

                        KTAB - I saw your post on the Sunday Shout Out thread. Well done. It's so good to see you sounding so much more positive in spite of all the shite that's happening.

                        Well, we are NOT doing well here in Greece as far as Covid goes. 1550 new cases yesterday and 1250 the day before with 22 new deaths in those two days. I'm starting to get freaked out. No way to protect myself from others around me. I don't even feel that wearing a mask all the time will help. And younger son who works with me is not helping. He went out for drinks with a friend on Tuesday night, then had two couples and their children over to his place for lunch yesterday. He is not practicing social distancing and is putting me in danger by his actions. I'm not pleased about it but not much I can do about it either. Can't force him to wear a mask all the time. Just both frustrating and scary.

                        Well, the good part about the week, except for it being a holiday yesterday is that the thick smelly person has been given his notice and as of tomorrow at 5:30 pm will no longer be a part of our staff. So that should help me be less stressed out and more content in my work environment. Just have to find someone to replace him.

                        Waves to Rusters, Mers, Molly and anyone I haven't mentioned and wishing you all a great day/evening!!

                        Last edited by stirly-girly; October 29, 2020, 02:11 AM.
                        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                          Re: International Army October 2020

                          [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION] - I'd always agree to the 'use it or lose it'. But to excess is worse than not at all.
                          I never had issues with my back - always going to gym or somewhere. Building strength in bones & muscles rather than anything else.
                          Now self diagnosed Sciatica FFS... anyone know how to help that ? Physio ?
                          I think it's from the chair in work.

                          I'll be stealing MrS painkillers today just to walk.


                            Re: International Army October 2020

                            Originally posted by stirly-girly View Post
                            And younger son who works with me is not helping. He went out for drinks with a friend on Tuesday night, then had two couples and their children over to his place for lunch yesterday. He is not practicing social distancing and is putting me in danger by his actions. I'm not pleased about it but not much I can do about it either. Can't force him to wear a mask all the time. Just both frustrating and scary.

                            Well Stirls you CAN insist he wear a mask. He is endangering all that he meets - you & customers - with his attitude. His actions are worse than smelly guy
                            If I were you I'd insist he doesn't come to work unless he adheres to guidelines. I presume you are his boss ?
                            I think the Greeks are a bit like the Irish - blàse about rules & regulations ? Breaking the law is the only thing that gets through to us.
                            He would be fined here. We are in lockdown.
                            Police have been given new power to fine on the spot. And rightly so.
                            Last edited by satz123; October 29, 2020, 04:52 AM.


                              Re: International Army October 2020

                              Good morning everyone. Sending healing vibes to those of you with health issues. Look after yourselves in this crazy time. That’s a hard one Stirly but we are all facing issues like that. Daughter in Norway determined to come home for Christmas and other daughter saying she better not come and bring virus or my whole team at work goes down. Norway not bad but there is a risk traveling but then again other daughter dealing with the public all day every day so is at constant risk anyways. Our numbers are going down but once they open up we will be off again.

                              Horrible horrible morning here. Got a short walk in so that is good for the head space. We are burning wood and love the smell in the evening. Should really be sitting in front of a fire now but am clearing out shoes!


                                Re: International Army October 2020

                                Morning and waves,
                                Crap stuff:
                                Gawd knows what's going to happen. Borris is in Brussel arguing about fish.
                                Disgusting images of the day. Nigel Farrage at a Trump rally.

                                Medical stuff:
                                [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION]....especially for you and anyone else
                                iI suppose it is a two tier.
                                NHS..........we pay through our wages.............big chunk for pensions and the NHS depending on your earnings.
                                Private:I'm talking about the hospital near us. Used by those that have it as perk from work ( I did when I worked at the wine merchant) or the very rich or like us counting the £2 pound jar. At our local private hospital doesn't have an emergency room so if it goes belly up they ring for an NHS ambulance.

                                Back Stuff:
                                [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]................I had sciatica when I was pregant with the S&H......he would position himself near on on the hurts. I used to have to get on my hands and knees and gently rock back and forwards.......a rather odd image. I've got some of Bess's pain medication and its exactly the same as co-codomol but a tad more expensive.

                                Christmas stuff:
                                Jenny and Ads were going to his mum's this year anyway.....his children are 9 and 6....and he should be seeing them on Christmas day for year first time in six years.
                                The S&H is supposed to here as DIL's mother makes mashed potato out of the powdered stuff and microwave veg (actually now I've typed that I might give it a go) and our bubble (my friend from infant's school).

                                Virus stuff:
                                After Boris is finished talking about fish him and 'people' will dither about woneridng if we should have a 4th Tier but its OK they give us a few days to get ready.
                                The vaccine is on its way ( apprently there's loads to go around)

                                Shiow him Dr. Fauci, Stirly, he's one of the good guys who talk sense.

                                Other things;
                                I could have sworn I heard Bess in the kitchen last night.:heartbeat:
                                I must get dressed.
                                [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION]..........have you had your birthday? Shall we have a cake day tomorrow for you?
                                It was 11:45am when I started this post but I kept wandering off to do stuff.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

