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International Army October 2020

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    Re: International Army October 2020

    Hi all, Sorry things are not working out at the moment Molly. Everyone is so fragile at the moment. A friend at work has been incredibly upset by some family things going on -not because of Covid but it's not helping anyone's state of mind is it? She's normally a highly resilient person, not at all a moaner like me, but it's still done her head in and she couldn't work.

    Jeez a doona day sounds great to me JC.

    Holidays are over Mary. I was back to work Monday and head long into the next furore.

    Satzy, I have those experiences and they rattle you no end. There are some pieces of work attached to some patients. Mad as cut snakes. Glad management is behind you though-they aren't always. But the poor patient!

    Enjoy your days off Rustop! I love a good clean when I'm in the mood.

    Anijicia how are you going with the no drinking? I love that burst of energy you get when you finally wake up without a hangover.

    KTAB how is the garden?

    Hope all is well in your world Stirly.
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19


      Re: International Army October 2020

      Good morning/afternoon Ladies and Gent of the Army. (and to any visitors who may be lurking)

      [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION] - sorry to hear of your troubles. Hope you manage to pull yourself out of it soon. Not easy, I know and this Covid shite doesn't make things easier.

      [MENTION=21798]Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB)[/MENTION] - I don't know who Imelda May is but I will look her up. Always ready to expand my horizons.

      [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] - hope you are feeling more positive today. A little knitting, tapestry, along with some good music might just set the mood for the day.

      [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION] - so sorry you were treated that way by those horrible people. Glad to hear they will no longer be associated with the place you work at but unfortunately for the poor Grandma, she will take them with her wherever she goes. :sad:

      [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION] - our day yesterday was just the opposite. Thunder and lighting storm woke me up at 6 am followed by a deluge of rain. By 10 am the skies were clear and temps up to 26C by midday.

      [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION] - hope you got a good nights sleep. It's amazing how much a bad sleep can affect our mood the next day!.

      [MENTION=24564]Anjicia[/MENTION] - you are really going strong. Great job!! Let us know how the bike ride went. Haven't ridden a bike in many, many years. Don't think my old bones and muscles would manage that.

      [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION] - all is well in Stirly-World. I have just finished another painting. Different from the others - more of an experiment although I am rather happy with the way the blossoms turned out. Before I got sober, my hands weren't steady enough to paint. Another thing to add to my grateful list....


      Wishing you all a satisfying day. We make our day good or bad. No matter who or what happens, we decide how to react to that person/situation. Make it a good one!!!
      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


        Re: International Army October 2020

        Morning all from a wet showery Dublin. Stiirly i got a bike during summer when lockdown was strict. It had been years since i was on a bike and i was a bit shakey at first but doing well now when i do cycle lol. I am no spring chicken either but i do like cycling and not too sore now if i do it regular. As for drinking i am in early days still and been there too many times so just getting on with it. Its no achievement i hate drink i hate drinking culture but it is a bad addiction for me and very hard to stay off for long. i just do my best i have no support only online podcast mostly via youtubet that help a bit and now here. There was some facebook groups but not very active and 1 closed down. Ireland still has a big drinking culture you can buy it almost every where and its quite cheap in the supermarkets and off liciences or liquer stores. Pubs and restaurants are more expensive for drinks with or without meals. and it seems with covid 19 drinking at home has gone way up with bars and restaurants shut and the few remaining open is take away and outdoor service with a minimum spend of 9 euros for food just to have a few drinks. any enough of drink talk i need to look after my netal nad physical health and i still don't feel great. sleep is not so good some nights and i get bloating and cramps sometimes after eating tho i do have ibs. and energy is up and down but i have kept busy with house and yard work. when i am drinking little or nothing gets done. anyway enough of me of i will sound like a moaner lol have a wonderful wednesday x
        Last edited by Guest; October 14, 2020, 02:52 AM.


          Re: International Army October 2020

          Oh i love the painting Stirly you are very talented. Oh i did not get out on the bike yesterday it rained all afternoon. but there will be other days weather permitting lol


            Re: International Army October 2020

            Good morning everyone. Love the painting Stirly, you are very talented. Absolutely lashed rain here this morning around 8 am but cleared up and myself and friend and doggies got to walk in the woods. Deer are rutting so had to put dogs back on lead. Three are a handful. All tired out now so there will be peace for the day. Thanks Tabs, can only take Imelda May in small doses but will check it out.

            That’s terrible Satz, you should not have to put up with that nonsense. What planet are some people on. Nice that you can get out with your daughter Mary and hope you get out on your bike Anjicia.


              Re: International Army October 2020

              Late for parade and still in dressing gown.............not my fault my Aunt phoned (just a short 90 mins of putting the world to rights) then the S&H rang.
              I was going to do my roots that can wait its hat weather anyway.

              [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]..............that is just not on Its not the 1800s and you're not their servant.

              [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION]...........its donkeys years ago must be 50 years we tried in the UK not to have daylight saving for a couple of years. It didn't work well as we went back to 'nornal'. I remember walking my brother to school and he had a strips of reflective tape on his coat.

              [MENTION=11158]stirly-girly[/MENTION]....that is fab.:applouse:
              I've got much to do when the the spirit is willing. Knitting baby cardigans for a charity. I'll be knitting poppies for Remberence Day and a teddy for the criminal lawyer who works with Mr. JC iis due her second baby early January.

              :heartbeat::heartbeat: to all. I know an easy way out but I've lost track of time and what I should be doing.

              I've fallen in love with this little chap. He makes my heart smile.

              Piglet – a pink, blind and deaf puppy – inspires others to overcome the odds - YouTube
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Re: International Army October 2020

                Originally posted by stirly-girly View Post


                Wishing you all a satisfying day. We make our day good or bad. No matter who or what happens, we decide how to react to that person/situation. Make it a good one!!!
                Just beautiful Stirls.
                My still-life in school was a disaster.
                The apples & grapes & bottle of wine were just flat on the paper. Shading was crap.

                HAving said that future son in law has a painting in their sitting room - apparently he paid mega bucks for it.
                It's just a vase - but like my painting FLAT to the canvas & the bottom of the vase was crooked. Like a toddler would do. I just don't get it...
                I even asked was it painted by a child or someone's mouth or foot :haha:
                Let's just say what I did in school outstrips it every time.


                  Re: International Army October 2020

                  Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                  I've fallen in love with this little chap. He makes my heart smile.

                  Piglet – a pink, blind and deaf puppy – inspires others to overcome the odds - YouTube
                  Made me cry - happy cry I think


                    Re: International Army October 2020

                    I've just been out out! :hyper:
                    Outdoors in a lovely Italian restaurant.
                    Sun shining but very cozy in our winter jackets.

                    MrS, according to himself ,was deprived for so long , guzzling the pints. Happy as Larry ...


                      Re: International Army October 2020

                      Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                      Made me cry - happy cry I think
                      Its what my Jenny calls prickly eyes...........comes from yonks ago when she was watching a Disney video (that's how long ago and can't remember the film) and she'd be about 7 ish and couldn't understand why she was crying and happy at the same time.

                      We got Bess's ashes back tonight. She's home. :heartbeat:
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Re: International Army October 2020

                        Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                        She's home. :heartbeat:
                        :hug::hug: where she belongs ...
                        Last edited by satz123; October 14, 2020, 04:20 PM.


                          Re: International Army October 2020

                          Ah glad to hear lovely Bess is home [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION]. There's an idea, a painting of her. But dont ask Satz :happy2:

                          We here in the republic have new restrictions, ban on visitors to the house. The upside, no frantic house cleaning. Loads more restriction in NI.

                          Another fabulous, happy picture [MENTION=11158]stirly-girly[/MENTION].
                          AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                            Re: International Army October 2020

                            Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post

                            We got Bess's ashes back tonight. She's home. :heartbeat:
                            Glad to hear that, Jackie dearest. :heart:
                            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                              Re: International Army October 2020

                              Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post

                              We got Bess's ashes back tonight. She's home. :heartbeat:
                              Delighted to hear that :heartbeat: morning everyone else. Same type of morning here as yesterday, thunder rain and then it cleared so got my walk in. Got a delivery of logs yesterday so just enjoying cup of coffee before I start putting them away. Then it is the dreaded grocery shop.

                              More restrictions since yesterday, can’t keep up with them. No visitors so hubby will be happy, very anti social. Have a good day everyone.


                                Re: International Army October 2020

                                Morning all

                                Sarcasm alert :

                                Poor MrS had to go play golf today - because as you know he is so deprived not being able to go to the pub.( & funerals)
                                My heart bleeds for him - cos as you know I get to go to the frontline tomorrow, Saturday & Sunday and we know that is a laugh a minute.

                                So today it's me & Rosie .......... :heart:

                                off out for a walk now.....:llama:
                                Last edited by satz123; October 15, 2020, 05:08 AM.

