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International Army October 2020

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    Re: International Army October 2020

    Just waves today.....bit late for parafe

    [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION]...........that's awfully sad................. hIlarious about the car though. I'm convinced that's what killed my mother but back 15 years death certificates were lets just say very polite.

    Its changing though, slowly though. Mr. JC's seeing more certificates with an added 'due to misuse of alcohol over many years' Its a small chnage as I've banged on abut it for years about we're never going to get the true facts of how alcohol kills as we're too bloody polite...........might make the powers that be start realising this is something huge that can't be brushed under the carpet and start putting more help out there.

    Not a duvet day today...............just pyjama day.

    I joined out local history group on FB
    Did you know Butch Cassidy's mum was born in my town
    13 witches and one wizard were hung on the town moor in the 17 hundreds
    And one man was hung for stealing a letter..............17 hundreds again

    Its driving me nuts as I want to know what was in the letter.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Re: International Army October 2020

      Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
      Just waves today.....bit late for parafe


      I joined out local history group on FB
      Did you know Butch Cassidy's mum was born in my town
      13 witches and one wizard were hung on the town moor in the 17 hundreds
      And one man was hung for stealing a letter..............17 hundreds again

      Its driving me nuts as I want to know what was in the letter.
      Evening everyone. That sounds great JC would love something like that, find history and genealogy fascinating.

      We have a yellow weather warning for rain and the government soon announcing our new restrictions so we will find out how long and how much we are going to be locked up for. On a more positive note, hubby had blazing fire in the stove when I got home from work so thankful for warm house and just had a yummy dinner.


        Re: International Army October 2020

        Evening folks, just checking in.
        Your post summed up today well Rustop, almost everything back on lockdown again is depressing but necessary.
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          Re: International Army October 2020

          Evening all.
          Well there we go - Ireland at Level 5 COVID restrictions minus a few things
          Or is it Level 4 plus a few things ?
          It's just like pissing against the wind unless it's policed properly.

          Sad to say we Irish play loosely with rules and don't like to be told what to do.
          I think it's when we finally got rid of the British ( sorry Jacks)- we just want to do our own thing all the time :haha:
          ... it's hard for us to give up liberty for constraint.

          Anyhoo we can only go 5k in any direction .......... jesus !!
          Last edited by satz123; October 19, 2020, 04:30 PM.


            Re: International Army October 2020

            [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION] need to apologise...........lovely picture of our Minister of Health out and about without a mask ..............and remember we're in the North of England..............the foregotten bit. Also the same man ordering a pint in the Parliament bar after 10pm ans sniggering that they were the only pub open in Britain at that time.
            A veiled threat that Christmas may be cancelled if we don't 'behave'

            Our government couldn't organise a 4 year old's bouncy castle party, 20 party bags, a cake shaped like Thomas the Tank Engine, make sure none of the kids went home without major injuries without a think tank and a month long discussion.

            And I've just seen an advert to tell me to remember to wash my hands. I'm not six years old.

            I am beyond fed-up and mad as a box of frogs.

            Nighty night darlings. :heartbeat:
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Re: International Army October 2020

              Quick wave, flurry of calls and messages all evening... level 5 level 5 level 5 level 5 level 5..
              We've got until Wednesday to do the Christmas shopping

              If they could police the parties and gatherings, we could stay put
              AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                Re: International Army October 2020

                Hells Bells people. I am sorry for you going into Level 5. You must be so bloody sick of it. There are some advantages to being right down here at the other end of the Earth. Sadly, it won't be long until our next spike. I see the way people are behaving out there. They think it's over because it suits them to believe that. It is anything but.

                As Satzy has said above, we also seem to take perverse joy in rule breaking or 'getting around them'

                I have just written a large list of things to do today and am in the process of energetically ignoring it.

                This is an attractive account of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (WKS)
                Last edited by byebyebridgetjones; October 19, 2020, 08:00 PM.
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  Re: International Army October 2020

                  Morning just and errrr that's about it. Nothing going on here.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Re: International Army October 2020

                    Afternoon folks -- just home after one of my 'short' days -- well so much for lockdown -- apparently I'm so essential that we are working fulltime throughout -- it doesn't bother me that I'M working -- what bothers me is that the 'oh so important people' who are PLEADING with the government for us to stay working -- are ALL 'working from home' -- just absolutely drives me mad --anyways -- it is what it is -- I'm on 'holidays' this week anyway -- s'posed to be going to Canaries tomorrow for a week with Jill -- we need to stick by the rules or we'll be at this nonsense till kingdom come
                    Last edited by mollyka; October 20, 2020, 01:51 PM.
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Re: International Army October 2020

                      Evening everyone. Enjoy your week off Molly. At least this time it’s 5km not 2 km and you are allowed to walk out doors with someone else so I will be able to get my walk in the woods every morning. That hopefully will keep me sane. Being honest I never go near shopping centres from end of November until February so that’s no hardship. Hate crowds.

                      Working week over and I am taking Tuesday next week off. Monday is a bank holiday so by taking Tuesday I will have two weeks off. We normally go on a walking weekend but that is cancelled. Must get motivated to go hill walking again, I have gotten out of the routine.


                        Re: International Army October 2020

                        Im the same Rustop, no interest in shopping centers.
                        YEs, its much less restrictive than earlier in the year, we can meet another household and the 5 k radius is loads. We have been training for a virtual half marathon this weekend, so some adjustment needed to the route, but we are sorted now.

                        Read that attractive account of WKS Bridge... remind me not to take up drinking again.

                        Wonder where [MENTION=24564]Anjicia[/MENTION] got to?

                        And Tabbers, how are you doing? How are you finding things this week?
                        AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                          Re: International Army October 2020

                          Morning and waves to the undies and those over the pond.
                          Pig of a day yesterday. This grieving isn't for faint hearted...........luckily we're a dog friendly family so I don't get the 'its only a dog' look

                          [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION].............alcoholism is also a carcogenic

                          Alcohol and cancer | Drinkaware

                          Gawd,I'm all doom and gloom this morning and its my brother's birthday.................the one day of the year I have to be nice to him. Love him to bits but sometimes I want to throttle him.

                          Luckily expecting my favourtite cousin round so I'll stand on the door step and shut across the lawn to her for a bit.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Re: International Army October 2020

                            Morning JC and all to come. Helps when people appreciate how you feel after loosing a pet :hug:

                            Pig of a day here too yesterday but this morning the sun is shining and got out for a lovely walk. My friend who I walk with has gotten a job in the Covid testing center. Supposed to start this week but still waiting to hear back about training, does not sound very organized. She’s only doing 16 hours a week so hopefully will still get some of her walks.

                            I have a birthday next week. Think I’ll just get hubby to bring me on a nice hill walk. Hope your brother has a nice day JC and enjoy your catch up across the lawn.

                            Waves to everyone else. We seem to have lost a few again. Think Anjicia is still around but Tony gone awol. Checking in imho is paramount to sustaining an af lifestyle, especially if you are struggling.


                              Re: International Army October 2020

                              Evening all,
                              Have had a long day but have enjoyed catching up on your posts


                                Re: International Army October 2020

                                Evening folks -- have had the crankiest day EVER but I've decided to calm down -- I've been whinging in my head ALL day how unfair everything is -- like EVERYTHING -- but a little voice from the treatment centre kept trying to break through and it eventually did --- 'whoever told you life was fair?' -- and it's not - but that's not my fault nor within my remit to change - so instead of railing against everything I need to make things as good as I can with the constraints I'm given... so yeah - going to try... so next time I'm whinging around here just tell me to shut the feck up

                                Haven't really read back so hope yiz are all surviving? made THE most amazing pavlova and just ate about half it... too good... food DOES help ;-)
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

