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2 days the day!

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    2 days the day!

    oops, I see Starlight and I are on a little different advice groove here. Since she is from your country (No, I didn't mean that, for you Scot patriots) or thereabouts, she probably knows best. I live in a different European country that is nearly communist and the authorities think they know what's best for everyone and they have the power to do many things they probably don't in England. So, sorry for my advice. I guess it's better to be completely honest where you come from.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      2 days the day!

      im gonna go down the middle rd , enough to get help, not enuff to loose my baby, if i told exactly, id b askin for trouble, just gonna say about the shakin, an memory, u all speak wisely, an my fried brain does take it in, thanks, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


        2 days the day!

        Beatle--there are enough brains around here that we could start our own think tank!!

        Nope, rehab certainly isn't right for everyone--but, for me, it was just what I needd--a major dose of reality! Uggh! But it worked--or rather I worked IT--and here I am--over 14 months and counting (as I mention, ad nauseum, every time there's even the smallest excuse to do so!)

        Nighty night--

        "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


          2 days the day!

          You're a long way from fried brains, Rachel!
          "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


            2 days the day!

            I don`t know where you come from??

            Am only speaking from personal experience, that doc. didn`t class me as an unfit mother just because I drink. Then again, I don`t have young kids-mine is now a teen, although teens very much need a loving, supportive mum too.

            Am sorry that your doc. caused you enormous worry by the attitude he adopted to your drinking, whilst having kids.

            Just think society should learn not to equate the alcoholic mother with the neglectful mother. We really do get a raw deal sometimes.

            Starlight Impress


              2 days the day!

              hi rachel..hope by now you are heading out of the door to the docs.....feel the positive vibes from us all just willing you to take the first step to getting some help...a brave first step,,,,,,go girl!!!



                2 days the day!

                Hi Rach, it's Jas, I'm ok, and hoping that you've been to the docs and are getting the help you need.

                It was kinda funny when I went the other week, I felt like shit from the drinking, again, and was really worried cause my heart had been beating really fast and my chest hurt, when I got in to see him I just burst into tears and said I'm an alcoholic and I think i'm dying...

                He was so kind, and even said to me, so your still on the grog hey?? I didn't know how he knew, can only guess I had said it before to another doc, as since I've moved here I just saw whatever doc was available, and I know when I was first prescibed the antidepressants I had said I want something that wasn't going to react badly cause I was drinking alot, it was like he read my mind, surfice to say, he didn't judge me, just asked me questions and referred me to the psyc and councillor, and as you know I've been assessed, but now I'm waiting to hear back and get my appoitments going, it seems to be taking too long, but I've got the Campral, and a kind understanding doc, who I feel isn't judging me at all, just wanting to help me.

                I hope your doc is like that, and don't worry about being seen as an unfit mum, you've proved your not by looking for help, sorry to say theres alot of mums who don't do that....

                I'm having a good feeling that this is a great big step in the right direction for you, I know it was for me, no more hiding my problem and hoping it will just go away on it's own, we do need help with this, and we are brave for asking for it.

                Lot's of Love, Jas
                :thanks: :h


                  2 days the day!

                  Rachel, good luck to the pretty lady with the beautiful heart. All the best sweetheart!


                    2 days the day!

                    im bk, !!! well i walked in not knowing what to say , he asked whats wrong, i said whats right!! i just said im drinking to much, he looked at his screen, then his bloody phone went of an i sat like a lemon 4 what seemed 4ever! i said about a previous blood test that showed high , i told him ids tried reducing the amount i drink but am experiencing withdrawals, an dont seem to control it, like kyle said me off button seems to b broken, at a previus app, last yr i must a said about brandy, i cant remember, i know i was drunk at that 1, they asked if i drunk a lot as the blood test was 4 arthritus not liver related but the reading was high , i said i had stopped drinkin brandy but beer was still a problem, he did ask if i drunk in the mornings , i evaded that 1 a little and said i HAVE DONE , not yes every morning, or i cant function, i panicked a little as he asked if i had chiildren an how old an wrote ages down,? eek, i blurted out that im not ever drunk, i just seem to be maintaining my alcohol levels,by consuming a lot as my tolerance is so high, any way im booked in 4 alcohol councelling, bk on monday 4 blood tests, then when results come in , im on tablets, now im not sure what he said, sounded like chloric polic dride or something, im not allowed to work 4 48 hrs then im to continue takin them an should reduce withdrawals an help cravings, he seemed ok, so im just gonna keep reducing till then, i have learnt 1 thing about drinking in the mornings , i got 2 stop, i left work only to discover id lost my bloody door keys AGAIN, searched every where, dropped the shopping at door , was pised right of as i couldnt really drink beer out a bottle on doorstep, so went of to next job, as i was leaving neighbour ran out, id dropped the keys outside an not even heard them, so here i am, glad i got in so i could let u all no, thanks 4 gettin me there guys xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                      2 days the day!

                      Hi Rachel

                      I am soo glad you are going to see your doctor.

                      Some of the medications tried by people on this site seem quite effective.

                      Good luck!

                      and Keepon, glad you are thinking about rehab and have support to do that. I was just reading yesterday that there are a variety of rehab programs. some are AA based and others don't require 12 stepping. Some are more holistic. take some time to find one that is right for you. I think it would be good for you to have support with your child while you straighten this out.


                        2 days the day!

                        oops now im late, AGAIN, xx
                        :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                          2 days the day!

                          well youve made a great start !Good for you and well done. Things can only get better!


                            2 days the day!

                            Rachel tell us more when you have a little more time. Have a great day

                            If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                              2 days the day!

                              im finished early, so im bk,
                              :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                                2 days the day!

                                Glad it went well. You've made that initial're on your way. It's up to you now. I wish you sucess with this doctor.
                                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

