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International Army November 2020

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    Re: International Army November 2020

    Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
    Morning to the heroes and the heroines.My mantra has always been I've given up alcohol not life, I couldn't give a flying fox what's in your glass so why the interest about what's in mine,
    I shall spend the rest of the day waiting had sent me a letter can spare half an hour to get this fecking cataract removed,
    Morning all -- yeah bridge it's getting to us all I reckon - has to -- it's poxy endless and apparently futile!

    what you saying Jackie - they are writing to you about the cataract?
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Re: International Army November 2020

      Good morning/afternoon Army!!!

      [MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION] - so happy to hear that your surgery went well and wishing you a full and speedy recovery!! Good for you on the coaching. I'm sure it gives you great satisfaction to be able to help others.

      [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] - delighted to hear that a wedding is in the planning! And luckily you've got lots of time to find your outfit. AND soon you'll be able to see well enough to start to look around for it. Glad Jennie is better.

      Satzy - hope your sciatica is less painful. Not fun being in pain with every move. What did you do with that over-sized cushion?

      Bridge - I liked your comment about the clean sheets. There are so many small things that we enjoy now that we took for granted when drinking and/or didn't even realize that we missed them. The sober life is just so much better on so many levels.

      Tabbers - I love a good storm myself. Don't know that I would be out in the rain enjoying it but I do love it when it's very windy and the sea is wild. There's just so much power all around you. I think I may try painting a seascape soon. I've never done one. Try and get that power on canvas!

      Well, my grandson was tested for Covid and luckily the test came back negative. However, our numbers are still very high - 2500 to 3000 new cases per day. Yesterday the numbers were lower - around 1700 but the deaths were up to 70 as opposed to previous days of 40 to 50 per day. All in all very unsettling. And I'm tired of it, too. But we will get through it. I am just so thankful that for the present we are all healthy and doubly thankful that I don't drink. I think it would be psychologically crippling if I was still drinking.

      Waves to anyone I haven't mentioned. Hope you are all safe and warm.

      Make it a good day!!
      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


        Re: International Army November 2020

        Satzy - hope your sciatica is less painful. Not fun being in pain with every move. What did you do with that over-sized cushion?
        Stirls - it is not as bad - but that could be the drugs. But thankfully it is not limiting my getting around.

        I went into Dublin today for my annual full medical.
        THE best money I ever spend.
        I told him about my Sciatica and he said we can hit this hard with 2 things - anti-inflammatories & Valium :egad: ?? I says ok ...

        Everything was checked & I even got my ears syringed.
        The ECG on the heart showed up something that wasn't there before - so he is organising a referral to an expert to have a look.
        My blood has gone for every test known to medicine ...
        Always feel much better after the trip.

        Dublin City is dead - the seagulls have taken over. The lady in M&S told me she was going into work & was actually terrified there were so many hanging around Grafton Street just sitting in gangs looking at her:haha:


          Re: International Army November 2020

          Oh and I managed to add 6 COVID kilos - FFS !
          Not surprising the amount of chocolate I eat in work :egad:


            Re: International Army November 2020

            Evening everyone. Great news about the non COVID result Stirly and Jenny’s news. Nice to have something like that to look forward to. We will all be so happy to see the back of 2020. You are very brave getting everything checked Satz. I do all the regular ones and bloods every so often but getting to an age when I am expecting things to break down and doing a bit of sticking my head in the sand. Hope you get the sciatica sorted and you the eyes JC.

            Work today so just in and need to get something to eat. Started watching the Crown but thanks for the other suggestion Mary.


              Re: International Army November 2020

              Thw bloody cataract again,
              Step one. Optotpmatrist sends letter to my GP.
              Step two>: Doctor writes to the man (or woman that can) does the operation. Takes about half an hour.
              Step three: Optition writes again Still haven;theard peep.
              I have yet to hear from Doctor that he has rececieved letter even though my optition has included in her recommendation that this should be done with some urgency.............twice. I have heard nothing,
              I have heard nothing.
              I am near blind in my left and my right eye is catching up with speed.

              I am getting Mr. JC to write a rather scathing letter to the head of the practice to get a fecking shift on or he'll be wrting to the powers that be
              I'm getting a flu jab and a smear test ( both done but the practice nurse) on Thrursday,

              I look at Satz and see her fulll work out with a doctor and wonder why the feck are our GPS so prescious.

              Apologies for spelling mistakes.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Re: International Army November 2020

                Ah Jackie that's just so unfair..surely someone can take control of the situation? Some decent doctor or something? I feel for you...I'm pulling my hair out just with the situation with Covid but you have your eyes...thinking of you and please ...let himself try and help for's still a patriarchal society a lot of the time so maybe someone will listen to the big fella?:hug:
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Re: International Army November 2020

                  Hi JC, sorry you are going through this.
                  Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                    Re: International Army November 2020

                    Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post
                    I was only thinking as I drove yesterday (prime thinking time) about the family's attitude to us drinking, my cousins and I. They thought we were hilarious and wild and a bit naughty with our all-nighter stories. They would feign disapproval but then crack up laughing. It was the very stage that all of the most dangerous habits and pathways were being set down. Not funny at all in the end.
                    Thats families the world over. Mine were the same, hilarious when we we together and drank a truck full of wine. 3 of us dont drink at all now, funny that! My Dad was on at me to let my 16 year old son have a drink over lunch recently, if looks could kill...

                    Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                    Morning to the heroes and the heroines.My mantra has always been I've given up alcohol not life,
                    Love that.
                    What kind of palaver is going on over there? Could you get it done in Scotland? I know when theres a backlog here, everyone gets the bus to belfast - no hanging around up there!

                    Great to get all the tests done Satz. I get an annual medical at work, but probably a few more things I could be getting checked now. I love when he asks now about my alcohol intake. I still expect him to look surprised and tell me that I am probably the most fascistic person in the building.. but he just puts a line through that section.. boring old fart.
                    [MENTION=11158]stirly-girly[/MENTION], great your son is negative. Will you turn off the news and live in lala land for a few days, work, paint, read and eat nice food. Its with us for a little bit longer, but theres a few lights at the end of the tunnel now, yay!
                    AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                      Re: International Army November 2020

                      Hello everyone! Thanks for the shoutout Satzy

                      All is OK here, well life has changed somewhat with the situation of course but we are doing well. Mr S sadly lost his job of 33 years in July which was a massive shock but I think ultimately a bit of a blessing (not financially of course) and he is now working part time as a delivery driver for Tesco. Bit of a change from production manager at an engineering firm. I have been working from home since March which i like really as I have more time to get out walking before work. I have walked well over 1000 miles this year which I am delighted about considering I only had hip replacement last year.

                      Sorry to hear of your cataracts JC. Both Mr S and I had lens replacements done last year which has been fantastic. Have you looked at getting it done privately?

                      Re back problems. I have had a couple of back issues too and have started doing pilates which helps. I also hang from a door frame which seems to release something and is amazing

                      All clean and sober in the Starty household. Well over a year now which is great. Cannot imagine having to cope with addiction as well during this time so very grateful


                        Re: International Army November 2020


                        I'm sorry to hear about Mr Starty's job. I think I will be joining him soon. Covid really is the gift that keeps on giving.
                        So nice to see you here.

                        Stirly, I'm so relieved the grandson's Covid test was negative. What a nasty wait it is for these things. We have another cluster in South Australia. I think realistically that we will be spiking and plateauing madly until the vaccine is out there.

                        Oh JC, I don't know what to do with you. :hug:
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          Re: International Army November 2020

                          Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post

                          I look at Satz and see her fulll work out with a doctor and wonder why the feck are our GPS so prescious.

                          Apologies for spelling mistakes.

                          Ah JAcks - so sorry - I really hope you didn't think I was gloating.

                          In my experience all they understand is money.
                          I went privately yesterday - I paid €300 for full medical.
                          I got 2 referrals :

                          1) Me heart issue
                          2) Colonoscopy
                          Both of these will be covered by private health insurance we pay monthly over the year - costs 3k ( but I'd rather starve than stop it )
                          He told me yesterday I'd have to wait 2 years for both if I didn't have private insurance.


                            Re: International Army November 2020

                            Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                            Ah Jackie that's just so unfair..surely someone can take control of the situation? Some decent doctor or something? I feel for you...I'm pulling my hair out just with the situation with Covid but you have your eyes...thinking of you and please ...let himself try and help for's still a patriarchal society a lot of the time so maybe someone will listen to the big fella?:hug:
                            I shall spend the rest of the day waiting had sent me a letter can spare half an hour to get this fecking cataract removed,
                            Jacks :hug:
                            Do not wait any longer. Pick up the phone. Annoy the shit out of them - it's the only way.
                            Tell them to forget letters & to email or phone you.

                            Listen to Molls

                            Get Mr JC to write that letter & start sending emails yourself to your local government official , Health minister etc. That deffo would be my plan of action.
                            Fuck them - threaten social media , local radio - THROW EVERYTHING at them. This is YOUR eyesight at stake here.

                            The fact is that you shouldn't have to do this - BUT it doesn't matter now - when the job is done - then tell them they are arseholes.

                            ps Have you tried going privately ? 1/2 hour treatment they surely can't charge too much for that ?
                            Last edited by satz123; November 17, 2020, 05:19 PM.


                              Re: International Army November 2020

                              I love when he asks now about my alcohol intake. I still expect him to look surprised and tell me that I am probably the most fascistic person in the building.. but he just puts a line through that section.. boring old fart.

                              [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION] I LOVE that bit :heart: and the smoking bit too - but that's not as unusual these days.
                              What annoyed me yesterday was he looked at me & my age, assumed and said " just the odd social drink then ?"
                              Like I couldn't be a mad alcoholic at my age - I COULD :rant:

                              He didn't get excited when I said "I don't Drink "


                                Re: International Army November 2020

                                [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION] welcome back .....
                                Sorry about the job loss.

                                Mr S sadly lost his job of 33 years in July which was a massive shock but I think ultimately a bit of a blessing (not financially of course) and he is now working part time as a delivery driver for Tesco.
                                why so Starts ? Is he happier & stress free ? No amount of money can replace that feeling of freedom after leaving a stressy job.

