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International Army November 2020

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    Re: International Army November 2020

    Originally posted by techie View Post
    Hi friends. I will be out fir a few days. I have surgery at Stanford Oncology on Monday. I’m more concerned with COVID-19, not necessarily with the procedure. Be well and I will update when recovered. Blessings x
    Best of luck Techie, I hope everything goes really well for you.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Re: International Army November 2020

      Still haven't made the pork burgers.................ended up with a curry. Been a proper pyjama day and frantically knitting a teddy. Mr. JC's collegue is going on maternity leave any minute. She's only got six weeks left til she pops.
      Got another ready to go far, far away................well across the Atlantic.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Re: International Army November 2020

        Originally posted by techie View Post
        Hi friends. I will be out fir a few days. I have surgery at Stanford Oncology on Monday. I’m more concerned with COVID-19, not necessarily with the procedure. Be well and I will update when recovered. Blessings x
        BEst of luck techie, give us a wave when you can.

        Originally posted by Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB) View Post
        I have several log piles around the garden, areas of rough scrub and a small wooded area I would like to think I have hedgehogs using them but recently took part in a survey and set up a wildlife night camera but alas none were recorded: Irish Hedgehog Survey - Biodiversity Ireland
        Very interesting Tabbers, we have a little fella in the garden for the past couple of years. Maybe theres a few of them.. Mr M is always out in the garden /shed and hears him rustling away. We had a problem rat a couple of years ago and caught the hedgehog in the trap (more of a cage). That was a fun morning getting him out.

        Had a crap sleep last night and the morning brought memories back - didnt come close to full blown hangover, but it was probably equivalent to a good day, still knackered. Shudder....
        AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


          Re: International Army November 2020

          Originally posted by techie View Post
          Hi friends. I will be out fir a few days. I have surgery at Stanford Oncology on Monday. I’m more concerned with COVID-19, not necessarily with the procedure. Be well and I will update when recovered. Blessings x
          Go well Techster and we'll see you soon as good as new.
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            Re: International Army November 2020

            Evening all,
            Not a great day here. The work announcement was appalling. It's going to be the old spill and fill - apply for your own job which you hate anyway - scenario. Frig.

            Dog has managed to get something stuck up her nose.
            Rang vet 'Dog. Nose. Stuck. Can't get her to keep her head still. Can you help?'
            Vet: 'Yes. Sure. Lots of help here. Treats'
            Self: Done. See you at 4pm
            4.30pm 'We can't get her to keep her head still. Still stuck in nose. $75 please'

            WTF? I am so effing cranky. Why can't anyone just do things these days?
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              Re: International Army November 2020

              Bullshit. Don't pay them Bridge.
              You asked for something to be done - at an agreed price ..... they didn't do it. No pay ........ I'm pissed off for you. I'm tired of people wanting to be paid for their time and not ACTUALLY doing the job right.


                Re: International Army November 2020

                Originally posted by techie View Post
                Hi friends. I will be out fir a few days. I have surgery at Stanford Oncology on Monday. I’m more concerned with COVID-19, not necessarily with the procedure. Be well and I will update when recovered. Blessings x
                Prayers sent your way, Techie. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
                For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                  Re: International Army November 2020

                  Good morning/evening Army!!
                  Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post
                  Evening all,
                  Not a great day here. The work announcement was appalling. It's going to be the old spill and fill - apply for your own job which you hate anyway - scenario. Frig.

                  Dog has managed to get something stuck up her nose.
                  Rang vet 'Dog. Nose. Stuck. Can't get her to keep her head still. Can you help?'
                  Vet: 'Yes. Sure. Lots of help here. Treats'
                  Self: Done. See you at 4pm
                  4.30pm 'We can't get her to keep her head still. Still stuck in nose. $75 please'

                  WTF? I am so effing cranky. Why can't anyone just do things these days?
                  Did you ever get it out, Bridge? Hope it isn't one of those spikey grass thingeys that get stuck between their toes and you can't pull them out. Had one taken out of Freddie's ears a couple of times. Very distressing for the pet. Hmmmm, if I remember well, your girl had gotten herself a tail-full of burrs many years ago. I remember you posted a before and after pic. Not fun!

                  News in Stirly-World is that young grandson's teacher at daycare tested positive for Covid on Friday. We don't of course know how long she's had it. Grandson was here at the store with me for over an hour on both Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. He will be tested on Thursday, so we wait and see. Sitting on burning coals here....

                  We don't have rats or any other rodents in our gardens but we do have our shares of centipedes and millipedes and HUGE garden slugs that try to get into my apartment. I don't like them much....

                  My cousin in Alberta, Canada, has 2 feet of snow. I like it here in Greece - partly cloudy, light breeze and high of 21C here by early afternoon.

                  Wishing you all the best day you can make it!!!
                  Last edited by stirly-girly; November 9, 2020, 04:31 AM.
                  For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                  AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                    Re: International Army November 2020

                    That is crappy about work Bridget. Hope your pup is OK

                    I have been away to take care of a niece who was going through a bit of a crisis. Spent a couple of days with her trying to talk her down and get her to medical appointments. She is doing better now. I didn't take my laptop which was a mistake as it would've been nice to debrief. As it was I had a bit of a setback. I had 217 days on Saturday but am back on day two today. I think it was just a sort of emotional exhaustion. That I forgot to eat during all the drama was also a contributor.

                    Grateful to be home again and able to get back on track.

                    Greece sounds beautiful!

                    Love to all

                    PS been racking my brains over what is a vivulezar and why would you bury one in the garden? Google has been no help!
                    Last edited by fickle; November 9, 2020, 05:56 AM.


                      Re: International Army November 2020

                      Originally posted by fickle View Post

                      PS been racking my brains over what is a vivulezar and why would you bury one in the garden? Google has been no help!
                      Jackie meant vuvuzela, Ficks. Very noisy horn that the South Africans blew constantly during the World Cup. I believe the S&H had one and his Mammy (Jackie) buried in the garden so he couldn't find it and drive her bonkers. (I could be wrong - maybe Mr. JC had it! :smile: )

                      Good that you got right back on track.
                      Last edited by stirly-girly; November 9, 2020, 06:42 AM.
                      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                        Re: International Army November 2020


                        [MENTION=4040]fickle[/MENTION].......bless your heart. :hug: Trying to help others and you're the one that feels worse.
                        Questions: On the whole did you enjoy you 271 days? If its a yes then the the next 271 will be better, Forget the slip, Every single one of us here have done it. Recognise the reasons and then avoid it like the plague.
                        You're a good woman..............but how's about giving out a load of helplines that she/he could follow.
                        Send me your number and we could whatsapp.

                        Just talked to the S&H............I miss him and ended up crying. I want to hug my baby boy................the fact he's 6'2" and I can't get my arms round him.
                        Interesting that his brother in law is arriving from Mexico (he teaches out there) with his mexican partner, They'll be getting married as soon as they can after they touch down in Scotland. They will not be returning to Mexico for many years apparently its a proper shit-show over there.

                        Is it a it one of those trumpety things from the South African World cup?
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Re: International Army November 2020

                          Originally posted by stirly-girly View Post
                          Jackie meant vuvuzela, Ficks. Very noisy horn that the South Africans blew constantly during the World Cup. I believe the S&H had one and his Mammy (Jackie) buried in the garden so he couldn't find it and drive her bonkers. (I could be wrong - maybe Mr. JC had it! :smile: )

                          Good that you got right back on track.
                          Cross post, Stirls.
                          My Sister-in-law thought it was such fun as a birthday preeies for him...............yes it was for half an hour. I nearly rammed it where the sun don't show.
                          It could well be in the garden................prolly between a rabbit, two hamsters and a guinea pig but I have a sneaky feeling its in the cupboard umder the stairs.
                          Gawd they were a racket.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Re: International Army November 2020

                            Evening everyone. Sorry you drank Fickle but you have a good stretch behind you and checking in and getting back to being alcohol free again is the important thing.

                            Miserable day here but got my walk in before work. Did a casserole in the slow cooker so feet up now for the evening.


                              Re: International Army November 2020

                              [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION].... ......just quickie................had the pork burger and salad ror dinner tonight. Om a scale of 1 t0 came out 11.
                              Full to the gills.Haven't enjoyed something like that in many a year,
                              Thank you and now I'll slouch on the settee.
                              NIght night again.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Re: International Army November 2020

                                Glad you enjoyed. The burgers are very quick to put together, no faffing around which is what I like. Off to the leaba, good night everyone.

