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International Army November 2020

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    Re: International Army November 2020

    So that's me done this morning talking to myself ..........


      Re: International Army November 2020

      Originally posted by satz123 View Post
      [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION] welcome back .....
      Sorry about the job loss.

      why so Starts ? Is he happier & stress free ? No amount of money can replace that feeling of freedom after leaving a stressy job.
      Exactly! Totally different from anything he has done. He loves the physical work and has so far lost 3.5 stone and feels so much better. Money was the least of our priorities it was less stress we were looking for but now we have to just wait to see if we can afford to both work part time. We have gone through our finances and cut back to the bare minimum so I am hoping it will be doable. Its a bit of an adventure really


        Re: International Army November 2020

        Evening everyone and welcome back Starty. Hope it all works out for you and hubby with the part-time work. :hug::hug: JC, really hope you get the eyes sorted.

        Waves to everyone else. Have grub on and then need to catch up on I’m a celebrity, mindless tv but that’s what I need at the moment.


          Re: International Army November 2020

          Good morning,
          i have some reading back to do. Can someone advise me how to upload a pic?
          I will check back later.. kicking goals in the paddock weeding race and am off to do a bit more.


            Re: International Army November 2020

            Over & out Army !


              Re: International Army November 2020

              its tomorrow already so I will keep it short. Great to see you [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION]!!

              Night, talk tomorrow... :moon:
              AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                Re: International Army November 2020

                Morning..good to see you Starty..sorry bout himselfs job.....I think?? If he's under less stress and life is simpler I have found in a topsy-turvy financial life in our family it's incredible how little you can live on when you have one stage I remember realising I could feed my lot dinner for the price of a take-out coffee!! Never sacrifice peace of mind when possible!
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Re: International Army November 2020

                  Hi Molls. Totally agree! We have cut down so much especially on food. We are spending about half what we were! Other things to go are stuff like sky tv, spotify etc and renegotiated insurances. All helps. Peace of mind for both of us is our no1 priority along with health. He has lost loads of weight and is also walking the dogs more which is great as I think they had almost forgotten who he was which is awful.


                    Re: International Army November 2020

                    Good morning everyone. That’s great news about hubby Starty. Dogs are fantastic, not a great morning here but managed to get a walk with the two little ones. It really does get you moving. The lab/retriever had his snip last Friday, keeping him quiet is a challenge to say the least. One thing that this pandemic is teaching us is to live in the moment and to use what we have. Not all of it is bad.


                      Re: International Army November 2020

                      Originally posted by rustop59 View Post
                      One thing that this pandemic is teaching us is to live in the moment and to use what we have. Not all of it is bad.
                      That's it in a nutshell Rusters
                      Last edited by satz123; November 18, 2020, 04:23 AM.


                        Re: International Army November 2020

                        Dogs are amazing. One of my favourite dog friends who used to live here had to be put down yesterday. The most beautiful cattle dog. Gentle and lovely.

                        Approximately 50% of my colleagues did not make it to our team meeting today because they are buckling under the pressure of everything. What a situation. But you are correct Rustop, it is not all bad. I think there might be a better opportunity out there for me if I am brave enough to go after it. Look at Mr Starts.
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          Re: International Army November 2020

                          Morning and waves,
                          [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]..................I have my lawyer putting the final tweaks in the letter to my head of my Doc's surgery with a copy being sent to the big people. With a proviso, we want to hear something within two weeks.

                          And welcome home Starty. Odd how we seem to have coped I've got himself in the back bedroom And every single day I forget at leats 10 times.

                          You might have read seen my beautiful Bess died. She's been gone just over a month and it still hurts I've given up looking at Budgies and started looking bearded dragons.
                          Apparently, they're easy to house train and like cuddles.

                          [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION].............MIck's pretty spot on at posting photos. Stirls is another one I can think of.

                          Off to get my flu jab..................hopefully before he reads the latter.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Re: International Army November 2020

                            Odd how we seem to have coped I've got himself in the back bedroom And every single day I forget at leats 10 times.
                            The human race Jacks is adaptable when we need to be. We don't relish change but to survive as long as we have ....... we do it.
                            If the was a war tomorrow ( not so far fetched - with the orange fella still having access to the red button ) :egad:
                            we would have to adapt and it'd be worse than any Pandemic ...


                              Re: International Army November 2020

                              Odd how we seem to have coped I've got himself in the back bedroom And every single day I forget at leats 10 times.
                              JAcks t'wasn't me wanted to know - 'cos I knows.
                              Go to Quick Reply
                              In the toolbar above you'll see icons - hold the curser over each & pick the insert image.
                              Then either load from computer or copy & paste the image address into the URL box.
                              Last edited by satz123; November 18, 2020, 05:33 AM.


                                Re: International Army November 2020

                                OH GOD [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]........I should bet MrJC to copy some of this thread tp show the Doc just how crap my reading my is.

                                I had better bugger off as Mr JC needs the printer.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

