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You cant Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

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    You cant Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

    May was a strange old month, I managed to get through it almost alcohol free, something of a major achievement for me.

    The reason for my abstinence, our impending house move. Quite how I managed it I am still trying to figure out! The trials and tribulations, the stress and the strain of dealing with Estate Agents, phone companies, utility companies, mortgage lenders, banks, ect ect.

    I am certain that no matter which company you are dealing with, be it BT, to Barclays bank, all your calls are directed to one poor chap in Calcutta, called Steve.

    Of course he is not called Steve he is really called something like, Apugh Nahasapeemapetilon, but when you are trying to relocate your broadband, or organise your mortgage, Steve is a little less of a mouthful.

    The give away is when you actually address Steve, with his name, there is a deathly silence on the other end of the phone, until he finally realises that you are talking to him.

    Anyway, the temptation to down a full bottle of 40% proof spirit, after all my conversations with Steve was nothing to the cravings I got after we had to sort our poor old dog out.

    Since the turn of the year, it had become apparent that old age was catching up with the old girl. She had lost weight, and she had become almost totally incontinent. Her old limbs could hardly carry her up the stairs and since we were moving to a 3 story property, we were both coming to the conclusion that something drastic needed to be done.

    The clincher came 2 weeks before we moved, my wife and I had decided to take the dog for a lunch time walk. What neither of us had realised, was that she had gone completely blind, when we took her lead off so she could have a run, she was totally lost, she just stood there routed to the spot, not knowing which way to turn.

    When she did finally move, it was in completely the opposite direction to where we were headed.

    Both the wife and I looked at each other and realised that the time had come, no more putting it off. Not only was our carpet smelling like a urinal, but the poor old dogs sensors were failing.

    As soon as we managed to drag her back to the house I rang the vet. I explained the problems, she asked the dogs age, (14 years old) and she quickly came to the conclusion that there was possibly only one solution.

    So we took her down to the vets, fortunately it was only a short drive, and she only had time for one piss on my wifes knee.

    It was mercifully quick and painless, both my wife and I stroked her as she slipped away. Then one final indiscretion on her part, as the toxic mixture passed through her veins and her body relaxed as she slipped away onto a deep sleep, her bowels, also, relaxed one last time, and she did the most enormous crap all over the vets table.

    Anyway despite the brevity of events, we were still presented with a bill for ?75, ?22 of which were for disposal of the body.

    "Christ" I said, "You dont have to give her a state bloody funeral"

    "Hope the old girl gets a nice casket for that" I added.

    I hate to think what did happen to her after we left her with the vet, for all I know she is winging her way to South Korea to be served up with noodles. I hope not, as I cant help but think that at 14 years old she would be a bit chewy.

    RIP Lottie.

    You cant Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

    That is a bit much to put an animal down, but then again that's the price you pay in the big cities where disposal of an animal can be expensive.

    I have disposed of every pet personally finding a suitable location somewhere in the kazillion square miles of forest around me. Ilive so far in the sticks I have to come out to

    The one animal I had to dispose of during the dead of winter this year was also simple. The vet never charged for putting him down and the cremation fees were only $ 50 Can.
    Our Vet just asks us to make a voluntary donation to the local SPCA , which we do .


      You cant Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

      Hi jonboy 1968

      Sorry to hear about your poor dog thats what happened to my last two dogs they got to old to cope so you did the best thing!!!!!
      Also im sorry if I read it wrong but there was a slite humour to your post the way explained things and you had me gigglin you have a good sense of humour and thats what gets us through some hard situations!!!

      Thanks for making me smile


        You cant Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

        Jon, as a owner of 5 dogs the oldest being 11 I can identufy with you. My husband wants to cremate our dogs, but this weekend I found a cemetary in town that sells plots for animals. I'm going to go look so to be prepared. My husband said "Whoa wait a minute does that mean caskets and headstones as well?" I said whatever it takes. Our one dog weighs 139 pounds. His funeral I'm sure will be as much as a persons. They mean so much to me I can't see doing it any other way. My beloved Simeybear is going blind too, currently he is afraid to walk through doorways and can't see a thing to the side of him. At least your dog let the vet a parting gift. I don't think she is an entree, she is dog heaven! I do think there is a heaven for dogs. Better be because that's where I'm going!


          You cant Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

          jonboy, you have an amazing talent for storytelling and obviously a very good heart in there too. Can't remember the last time I laughed and cried at the same time while reading an internet post.

          I guess it's too late now, but you could get the dog cremated and bury the ashes in th e backyard-- that's what we do, though it might not be so easy if you live in an apartment block-- also, what do you do next time you move? oh, that's easy, just call Steve, he'll sort it out, won't he?
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            You cant Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

            Oh, i know i shouldn't be laughing, but you are so funny! I love the story about Steve. I too get frustrated with 'Steve' all the time. Especially when they say, "you have a good day ma'am", like they've got world clocks next to them.

            Sorry about your dog, but it sounds like she had a long life though. Poor little thing slipping away at the vets.
            One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


              You cant Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

              I think Steve has since quit & has gotten a job at MSN. I spoke to him last month.

              I remember when you first started here & am glad your back. Thanks for the amusing story & sorry about your pup. Funny my hubby's dog was named Lattie.
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                You cant Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

                I've spoken to Steve many times!! In fact I spoke to him more than 20 times over a period of several days regarding my new Dell laptop which didn't work from the moment I took it out of the box....Steve lied to me to me about a technician coming to my home (wasn't even an option, I found out later), on other occasions Steve hung up on me and finally, finally Steve must have been in a good mood because he said that Dell would take it back....then Steve got my address wrong and trying to correct it required another half dozen phone calls guessed it, Steve!

                Then there was the time that I called to make a late payment on my credit card and Steve decided to give me a lecture on money management!

                What I find most weird, though, is Steve's small talk...asking about the weather, how my day is going and so on. He always seems quite offended when I say I just want to deal with my problem, not have a chat with him!

                And, if Steve repeats my name one more time (as in, Well, Susan, I think I can help you today with that, Susan...and on and on...), I think I'll totally lose it!

                Okay--thanks for giving me that chance to rant on about Steve....

                My sympathies regarding Lottie--it's always sad to lose a member of the family...but you did the right thing. We had our cat cremated and then returned to pick up the ashes and sprinkled them in Cape Cod Bay. Of course, I always suspected that despite the enormous price we paid, we just got any old ashes...still, it felt good to us to do that.

                Our other cat--well, we kept him in the freezer until we could give him a proper burial in the THAT was weird....

                Aaaah, life in the city--

                Thanks, jonboy--and good news on not drinking too much in spite of all those challenges!

                "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


                  You cant Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

                  I too am sorry about your dog, sounds like he had a great life w/loving parents tho. Never easy. I too have talked to Steve a number of times......sure gets around doesn't he?:k Steve does help a lot at Dell, he helps me at work when our four copiers have four different companies and Steve or Steve's sis, Jane, answers. Jane I don't mind so much, although she apologizes too much, but what the hey, who wouldn't with a brother like Steve in the family.

                  Thanx for sharing!


                    You cant Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

                    Hi Jon, sorry about old Lottie, and hope shes not Kimche. Buffy


                      You cant Teach an Old Dog New Tricks


                      Sorry about the dog, you do tell 'em though, I wish I had your writing skills.

                      Look I have to insist that both Steve and Jane are my personal call centre operators, I don't know how they answer all 'you lots' phone calls when they always answer mine !! LOL
                      I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                      I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                      Marilyn Monroe


                        You cant Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

                        What I find most weird, though, is Steve's small talk...asking about the weather, how my day is going and so on. He always seems quite offended when I say I just want to deal with my problem, not have a chat with him!

                        And, if Steve repeats my name one more time (as in, Well, Susan, I think I can help you today with that, Susan...and on and on...), I think I'll totally lose it!

                        Glad to here that you also have to deal with "Steve" over in the US.

                        Your right, his small talk could do with sharpening up. As soon as he get onto the weather, I usually ask him if it is monsoon season over there, that usually shuts him up.

                        The other thing that really gets me is when you first get through, and he starts with his speel.

                        "Good morning my name is Steve, can I ask you your name?"

                        "Yes, its Jon"

                        "Is it OK if I call you Jon"

                        I am so tempted to say no, you can call me sir.

                        Then at the end of the call, when you are about to slam the phone down in rage, Steve asks, oh so politley,

                        "Jon, is there anything else that I can help you with today, Jon?"

                        You almost feel like saying.

                        "Steve, with all due respect you havnt come close to helping me with my first problem. You dont seriously think I am going to ask you to help me with anything else."

                        You here horror stories of recently widowed women ringing up in order to sort out their ex husbands financial affairs, and the conversation going something like this.

                        "Good morning, ***** Bank, you are talking to Steve, may I ask who I am talking to today?

                        "Yes, good morning, this is Mrs Smith."

                        "Is it OK if I call you Mrs Smith?"

                        "Yes, thats fine."

                        "How can I help you today, Mrs Smith."

                        "Well, I recently lost my husband and I am trying to sort out his financial affairs."

                        "I am sorry to hear that, I hope you find him again soon!!!!!"


