Morning all. I acheived 5.30am this morning in the early riser goals. I thought that might do, but in fact you do miss the sunrise at 5.00am, which is half the point of waking early. So tomorrow I will plug on to 5am.
The fatigue is starting to lift one week into holidays and many sneaky snoozes on the lounge. I would love not to feel tired for a change.
Only a few days to go JC. My Dad had that op done some years ago and it was life changing for him.
Satz, I'm going to do my own research on the vaccine. We will be vaccinating later than a lot of other countries, so more data will be available by the time I line up myself. I will certainly post any information that I see as long as it is from a reliable source.
Stirly, I keep coming back to the old AA adage 'anything that you put ahead of your sobriety, you will lose' - or something like that. It took me so long to understand that. But now I really do. It has to be priority number one, ticking along in the background like anti-virus software, but still requiring regular updates.