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New Year New Start Army January 2021

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    Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

    Originally posted by rustop59 View Post
    Good morning everyone. Great news about the wedding JC, nice to have something to look forward to. What a shit show in the US, see all his Twitter, Facebook accounts etc have been suspended and rightly so, he should be impeached. Scotland said that they are not having him next week, hope he does not decide to visit here.
    I think that man has serious mental issues.
    Gotta love Nicola.
    If he comes here I'm leaving & up to Dublin to bomb that bleedin' Dáil and all in it.
    I'll get the Army minibus out and pick you up Rustop and then go for Tabbers, Molls, and Mers.



      Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

      Not sleeping well..........but I haven't got to got anyway apart from Tesco and there's enough food in there to do next Chrimbo.
      I have had a text to say get ready for the vax but that was two months ago so I'm not holding my breath but you'll all be safe in Scotland by then.

      And a birthday cake to celebrate my Godson's birthday. I was only 15 when I took on that job (apparently you don't get paid). Hes is Massatutis now and wish him and his twins, his missus and their two dogs were home.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by JackieClaire; January 7, 2021, 09:28 AM.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

        Originally posted by starty View Post
        Good morning all!

        Im not due in to work today but logging on for a health and wellbeing course. Couldnt have come at a better time because I must admit I have been feeling a tad low over the last few days with everything going on. I really must give myself a boot up the hole as I really dont have anything to be worried about other than the usual world problems and I can do nowt about them.

        Over here the vax's are ramping up Satz but I think it will be quite a while before they get the vulnerable done.
        Hey Starts. Well when the vulnerable are all done and no-one grows an extra head you can make an informed decision :haha:
        But I deffo think now, having listened to the scientists, not government, that it's not worth the risk of getting COVID 19.

        There used to be a gratitude thread and I thought it was great. So we should start the Army day with one thing we are grateful for that day. You are first up ......


          Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

          Originally posted by satz123 View Post
          Hey Starts. Well when the vulnerable are all done and no-one grows an extra head you can make an informed decision
          But I deffo think now, having listened to the scientists, not government, that it's not worth the risk of getting COVID 19.

          There used to be a gratitude thread and I thought it was great. So we should start the Army day with one thing we are grateful for that day. You are first up ......
          :hahaha: I keep asking the outlaws for photographic evidence. They have their 2nd Jab Monday. :monkeysmile:

          Yes I was remembering the gratitude thread too. The course I did this morning at work was fab. It was all about how the brain works and the things it does to keep us less than up to par. Really interesting. One of the things they highly recommended (clinically proven) was to write one thing you are grateful for each day. It trains the brain to work differently. So here goes.

          Today I am grateful for hauling my sorry arse out of bed and seeing the most beautiful frosty sunrise and not another soul was about and not falling on my arse in the ice. Half expected to see Molls :haha:



            Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

            Grateful for my fur babies who get me out and moving even when I do not feel like it.


              Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

              Hello Army. Reading about the folks with arthritis, I thought I’d share something that has helped all my sports related aches & pains. When I investigating drugs and supplements that would help the cancer, I found one that my doctor agreed may be beneficial. It’s called low dose naltrexone. I am currently taking 4.5mg before bed. While I’m not sure how it benefited the cancer, it did relieve most of my body aches. I found it rather miraculous tbh. Doing a deeper dive, I have found that it’s an excellent choice for arthritis, fibromyalgia, etc. It also has a profound positive effect on mood. Yesterday while looking into Naltrexone, researchers noted it also helps avoid the more serious symptoms of COVID-19. I have had no negative side effects since starting LDN 4.5 in February 2019. I hope this helps someone.
              Last edited by techie; January 7, 2021, 12:08 PM.
              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                Originally posted by techie View Post
                Hello Army. Reading about the folks with arthritis, I thought I’d share something that has helped all my sports related aches & pains. When I investigating drugs and supplements that would help the cancer, I found one that my doctor agreed may be beneficial. It’s called low dose naltrexone. I am currently taking 4.5mg before bed. While I’m not sure how it benefited the cancer, it did relieve most of my body aches. I found it rather miraculous tbh. Doing a deeper dive, I have found that it’s an excellent choice for arthritis, fibromyalgia, etc. It also has a profound positive effect on mood. Yesterday while looking into Naltrexone, researchers noted it also helps avoid the more serious symptoms of COVID-19. I have had no negative side effects since starting LDN 4.5 in February 2019. I hope this helps someone.
                Very interesting Techie, thats for that. I'll look into it for himself.

                Great idea [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION].. Aside from my fridge packing in, a major issue in work and the icy roads that I was too chicken to run on :haha:
                I got a replacement fridge sorted, son sorted the dinner and I rested my legs, ready to take on a good stretch tomorrow :happy2:

                Hope you get a better kip tonight [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] and that your lovely doggy doesn't get you up too early Molls.

                Starty, dont over think the vaccine for now. It could be a very long wait yet..
                AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                  Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                  Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                  I think that man has serious mental issues.
                  Gotta love Nicola.
                  If he comes here I'm leaving & up to Dublin to bomb that bleedin' Dáil and all in it.
                  I'll get the Army minibus out and pick you up Rustop and then go for Tabbers, Molls, and Mers.

                  In there Satz, thumb out..
                  AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                    Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                    Hola army,

                    I am grateful to the Satzstar for suggesting to write something i'm grateful for. I'm grateful for my relative good health, optimism, the gentle morning sunshine, my band.

                    Correct Starty, the science is in. Writing down something we're thankful for everyday combined with the mental exercise to make the effort to search for something will reprogramme the mind in most cases. Trick is do it everyday to install the new habit/software. Like anything. make a regular consistent B line for al & drugs, we git it. Make a regular, consistent B line to eat veggies and work out, we git it. - and look like it. Focusing on what i want, instead of what i don't want might be a big game changer.

                    The Research on Gratitude and Its Link with Love and Happiness

                    Thanks Techie for that interesting info. Glad it's helping u bro.

                    Good to see u back JC. Pardon the pun.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                      Mevening everyone (morning/evening)

                      Gratitude = the boy is out for the day and dog and I have got the house to ourselves.

                      What is a Dáil ? Is it like a shithead?

                      Patience JC. It's almost over! Once you get that hair wash you'll feel so much better.

                      A couple of announcements this morning. They have the new strain up in Queensland-only one case so far. I won't call it the UK strain because it sounds a bit blamey to me. None of this is anyone's fault. Except for the Dails who go to hot spots and have a lovely time doing exactly what they want. The other thing is that we are rolling out the vaccine mid to late february and ramping it up into March. I think it will be March before anyone around me gets it except the parents. That's OK though. I don't want to go back to the workplace.

                      Thank you so much for the arthritis advice everyone. I really appreciate it. Two days on anti-inflammatories and I feel like a new person now. It won't last but what I experience as fatigue and lack of motivation/laziness is really just pain. I see that now. I began nursing in the 'old days' so there was no fancy lifting equipment or devices. It was just two 50 kilo nurses lifting one hundred kilo men, sometimes with their arms swinging at us trying to thump us one. Although I had no incident or injury, it is repeated stress as well as genetics. Mr G - you are turning out to be a wealth of information there!! I'll have a look at the
                      Egoscue method. It does sound a bit like what I do in the morning before getting up to get rid of the overnight stiffs.

                      Anyway, I'm tottering around, a bit of painting here, and tidying there. No Dáils in sight. I'm going to go like the clappers until the arthritis comes back.

                      By the way lockdowners-if you haven't already seen The Undoing it's good. It's got Hugh Grant in it. I really like him even though he once got up to shenanigans in a carpark. Paid shenanigans. Little grub.
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                        Morning all!

                        Techie, thats interesting about Naltrexone? That is a drug for addiction as well isnt it?

                        Mary, Love your gratitude coming from a shitty situation. Its so easy to see it all as a huge downer but really we can turn most things into a positive if we look hard enough . Yes you are right about overthinking the vax. Need to stop until it becomes a necessity. Thanks.

                        Thanks for the link Mr G. I have started writing it down in journal I started writing on and off at the end of 2017. I am going to ask myself 3 questions each day for 30 days. 1. I am happy about....2. I am grateful for...3.I am looking forward to....
                        I had a quick flick through the journal which was started at a really tough point in my addiction cycle. I was withdrawing from a 32 tablet a day opiate addiction and al. It was horrible. I was on and off for the following 2 years and it really was pitiful to read. to kick the day off "I am sooo grateful I am not there any more"

                        Bridge that is a bummer about the new strain. Thanks for not blaming the UK Re the anti inflams my doc recommended taking them for a month to see how I felt after that. If pain not manageable then other treatment needed. Might be worth going back for some proper answers?

                        I would love to see the Undoing but cant get it as its on Sky and we cancelled our membership on our expense culling drive. Hopefully it will come up on Netflix or Amazon soon


                          Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                          [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION] Yes Naltrexone in large dose 50+ mg is used for drug addiction. However, off label at low dose 05-4.5 mg it is a miracle for folks suffering from arthritis and fibromyalgia. Also. It seems to have some anti tumor aspects as well!
                          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                            Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                            Morning folks, I am grateful that I am in a good place at this very moment in time. Make the best you can of today, for it won’t come by again.
                            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                              Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                              Good morning everyone.

                              Thanks for all the information Techie and Gman. I’ll start off by saying I am thankful for my relative good health and not having to go through the pain that many of you have had to go through.

                              Dáil Éireann is our parliament Bridget. I want a front seat on that bus Satz. Heard about the Undoing but it is not on Netflix. Watching Bridgerton at the moment. Nothing much planned for today, the grocery shop, that’s it.


                                Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                                Morning all !!
                                Had this typed last night but fell asleep - so if I repea
                                t something already said !oopsbubble:!! [MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION] - very interesting. Every day's a school day in the Army.
                                Naltrexone has been used by many on MWO to get sober with great success. I think it's called the Sinclair Method.
                                MS Ireland seem to recommend it. But it is not yet licenced to treat MS.
                                is available for prescription in general, so more enlightened GP’s here have to prescribe it ‘off label’ to treat symptoms of MS.

