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New Year New Start Army January 2021

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    Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

    All the best to Joe for the next leg of the journey.

    The [MENTION=22365]rus[/MENTION]top

    It seems we are being frog-marched back to the workplace at the beginning of February for at least 2/3rds of our work time. We will be expected, I assume, to lug a desktop computer and dual monitor in and out of the office for our WFH days. Where we can't physically distance we will be wearing masks all day. There is no thermal control in my building and the next 6-8 weeks are the hottest and most humid of the year - up to 40 degrees C with at least 88% humidity. The rationale is to build team and organisational spirit. I really can't see it myself. It is about control and is very thinly disguised. I don't want to leave my dog, or my house :sad:
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19


      Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

      Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post
      All the best to Joe for the next leg of the journey.

      The [MENTION=22365]rus[/MENTION]top

      It seems we are being frog-marched back to the workplace at the beginning of February for at least 2/3rds of our work time. We will be expected, I assume, to lug a desktop computer and dual monitor in and out of the office for our WFH days. Where we can't physically distance we will be wearing masks all day. There is no thermal control in my building and the next 6-8 weeks are the hottest and most humid of the year - up to 40 degrees C with at least 88% humidity. The rationale is to build team and organisational spirit. I really can't see it myself. It is about control and is very thinly disguised. I don't want to leave my dog, or my house :sad:
      That doesnt make sense at all Bridge. Why have they picked 2/3rds of your time rather than full time if they are not doing it for social distancing ? And lugging a desktop every day is utter madness! No air con? That surely is against some law! Any chance of finding another job for you?


        Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

        [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION]............ah Bridgeeeeeeeee I've honestly thought for a good half hour but I'll shorten it to 'WTF are they thinking' The only thing I could come up with is..............make life so awkward and hazardous that'll you'll just up and leave meaning they won't have to pay out anything.

        I made a little promise to myself the other day that I would stop looking at Dog Rescue places for a few weeks. But just before I went to bed I'd left the laptop on and thought one little peek wouldn't do any harm at our local dog rescue was open.......and would you believe it they have a two-year-old English Bulldog looking to be rehomed. He's gorgeous so Mr JC & I were filling in the initial form online at 1am.
        Perfect dog for this house, doesn't mind having walks but prefers lying on the settee, slobbering and eating snacks most of the time. A bulldog was my first dog when I was 5.

        [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION].....thinking of you and Joe today.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

          Good morning everyone. Just back from lovely walk and feel the better of it. Agree Bridget, does not make sense. Anything else coming up that you are interested in? Was listening to radio on walk and my God New Zealand put us to shame. 25 deaths and about 2,500 cases of covid since March. We had 2,500 cases yesterday! Unlike them we have had no controls on who is coming or going or haven't had up to Christmas. I arranged zoom call with my crochet group last night, a few of the ladies are feeling very down. I am lucky as I get out of the house to work two days and usually walk in the woods with a friend a few other mornings. Also I am living with people. They are finding this lockdown the hardest and I can see why. Think we are going to do a dress up zoom where we all put make up and nice clothes on. Bit of diversion if nothing else.

          Hope the patients continue to improve. Delighted your good eye is so good. Roll on getting the other one done. Off now to paint nesting boxes for himself.


            Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

            Cross posted there JC. Keeping everything crossed that you get him. Forgot Joe was going into hospital again today Molly, good luck.
            Last edited by rustop59; January 22, 2021, 06:47 AM.


              Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

              We are being throttled on our wifi every night as we pass the daily limit with all of us online all day (it's for people in the sticks, so a bit limited).
              How did Joe get on today Molly?
              [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION], did you hear any more on the bulldog :fingers:

              Totally get that [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION], how people are struggling. Getting a bit sick of it all now.. and it's just doom and gloom on the news.

              Bridge, thats ridiculous. Can you come up with a reason to stay put? Supporting your parents so cant increase risk???

              Think I'm a bit of a Fen [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION]. Really feeling the cold today but that's cos I didnt get out for a run..
              Mr M shouting at the telly here.. I should apply to that gogglebox show, the ads are particularly animated.
              Last edited by IamMary; January 22, 2021, 04:59 PM.
              AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021


                [QUOTE] There is no thermal control in my building and the next 6-8 weeks are the hottest and most humid of the year - up to 40 degrees C with at least 88% humidity. The rationale is to build team and organisational spirit. I really can't see it myself. It is about control and is very thinly disguised. I don't want to leave my dog, or my house

                Tell them you are no prepared to work under these Health & Safety breaches:
                • virus breeds in hot humid places - potential for transmission with all those sweaty bodies in one place.
                • your dog needs you
                • your house needs you
                • People you work with are wankers

                Last resort get a note from your doctor to say you are stressed due to them insisting you have to physically go into work under above conditions.


                  Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                  Molls Hug::hug:
                  I hope all went well today.


                    Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                    Good morning everyone.

                    Molls how did Joe get on?

                    Mary, wifi problems are the devils work. I get so stressed if it doesnt work properly. Can you get fibre in your area?

                    Yes, I would like to hear about the bulldog too. Is he ready to go? I do feel for those brachycephalic dogs and wish breeders would think before breeding them. It really is so cruel to breed a dog that cannot breath properly.

                    3 mile walk in the frosty fog which was lovely and half an hour of pilates. Ready to go or ready to drop :haha:


                      Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                      [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION]..........rescue centre had only just opened for that evening for letting dogs be adopted. So it'll be weeks. There's a note on the application to say we won't be informed if we're unsuccessful. The only way we can find out is if he's taken off their website.
                      I have to agree with you. I used to love Crufts. Now it makes me very uncomfortable that many are just show dogs. I was naive enough to think they just very good-looking family pets until about 4 years ago.

                      Hugs going out to our Molls and our Whizzy.:hug:
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                        Ah thats shite JC. I am sorry. Yep breeders have so much to answer for and thoughtless owners who cannot cope with their pets who give them up. I know not all are in there because of that but it does seem to be the majority. I hope they open soon and you can get an answer and hopefully get him home


                          Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                          Originally posted by starty View Post
                          Good morning everyone.

                          Molls how did Joe get on?

                          Mary, wifi problems are the devils work. I get so stressed if it doesnt work properly. Can you get fibre in your area?

                          Yes, I would like to hear about the bulldog too. Is he ready to go? I do feel for those brachycephalic dogs and wish breeders would think before breeding them. It really is so cruel to breed a dog that cannot breath properly.

                          3 mile walk in the frosty fog which was lovely and half an hour of pilates. Ready to go or ready to drop :haha:
                          'Brachycephalic' --- that's what they call all pug faced dogs isn't it - we were well warned not to get one of those - tho if one is already born and needs a kind home - that's a different thing altogether -- you'd imagine it'd be against the law tho wouldn't you ---

                          anyway -- thanks for the well wishes for Joe - they didn't operate because he was very frail and ill and sore when I brought him over yesterday morning - and they think he has an infection - so he's on an intravenous antibiotic and hopefully he'll be alright - so they have to get him okay and then send him home and see is he okay and then take him in again and do the op. I'm sorry folks - if I'd known this was going to be an epic I wouldn't have mentioned it here,,, everyone has enough of their own problems..
                          How's you Whizzy? Are they giving you the 'hour a day' they promised you? Not a lot but better than nothing I s'pose -- I do not know how you do it.. amazing woman xxx

                          This business of your company not wanting you to WFH permanently Bridge -- I truly believe it is a 'power' thing with petty small minded mid manager cretins -- that's what it is in our organisation anyway. I know I can't possibly work from home and I've no problem with that - but so many in the organisation could -- but oh no --- they'd rather put people at risk and heat and light ENORMOUS buildings - staff them with security and cleaners -- purely to 'show' people that they are in charge -- pathetic
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                            There you are our,Molls :hug: and I hope Joe heals quickly.
                            Will you stop apologizing. If you can't say it here where can you? Might not have an answer but we can listen and we won't stop listening.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                              Night everyone. Thanks for the update Molly and best wishes to Joe for a speedy recovery. Please don’t ever feel that you cannot come on here and vent if you need to. Nothing too exciting happening here. Spent the day putting away a load of logs. Need them tonight it is Baltic here.


                                Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                                Don't be apologising Molls, you've a lot on your plate. How are you doing?

                                No Fibre [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION]. We are about 3k from nearest town, covered with fibre, but we are to wait a little longer apparently.

                                Lovely run on the beach today, roads were too icy. Reset my head.
                                AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:

