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New Year New Start Army January 2021

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    Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

    Morning and waves to the world,a nice nana nap sorted yesterday.
    Actually been up for a while. Trying to get my head around the poop 💩 in the corridor situation and I can't. Its just so bizarre.
    Mr JC been into the office twice this week.........its rather odd as I'd got used to the new regime of him in the back bedroom.
    [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION]............I actually think January is a year all by itself.

    The pupper search goes on. The house is so empty without Bess............the structure of my day has gone so even after four months I find myself floundering about the house. I'm now on anti-depressants.
    We've been approved for adopting from abroad so its a wait and see at the moment.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

      Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
      Morning and waves to the world,a nice nana nap sorted yesterday.
      Actually been up for a while. Trying to get my head around the poop �� in the corridor situation and I can't. Its just so bizarre.
      Mr JC been into the office twice this week.........its rather odd as I'd got used to the new regime of him in the back bedroom.
      [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION]............I actually think January is a year all by itself.

      The pupper search goes on. The house is so empty without Bess............the structure of my day has gone so even after four months I find myself floundering about the house. I'm now on anti-depressants.
      We've been approved for adopting from abroad so its a wait and see at the moment.
      Can't understand how there's no dogs? It appeared to be a world wide problem that people got dogs in the first lockdown period and then they couldn't manage them when they went back to work and the rescue places were overrun... doesn't make any sense --- specially if you're happy to take one with any sort of a 'problem' --- back when we were looking we weren't suitable for loads of dogs cos there are always young children around (well there were... not now! poxy covid) and lots of dogs weren't good with kids - but you wouldn't have that problem -- bit mad?!
      I'm guessing you and half the world need anti-depressants at the moment JC -- no harm for sure..
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

        I dont understand either. Especially as the bulldog was rehomed so they must be rehoming? Have they said why you have not been successful Jax? Such a shame. Yep I was on ADs for about 7 years and they really helped me.


          Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

          My friend is also looking for a dog and is finding it very difficult. There's also a serious amount of dog napping going on I believe.

          What is going on with the poo!! Is that in work? people are mad :haha:

          Virtual race today, was a bit of craic. Everyone's posting pics of their 'well deserved' glasses of wine' Thankfully, it does not bother me now and ill be looking forward to my well deserved, hangover free, sleep on in the morning.
          AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


            Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

            Good morning everyone
            Hope you enjoyed your hangover free sleep Mary. Absolutely lashing rain here so no walk. Fire on in the stove, feet up with coffee and crochet and no one else up. Bliss. Have book club on zoom later and that’s about it for the day.


              Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

              Just past noon so its waves to the world.
              [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]...........gone missing now.

              More dog first dog we just went to the local Cat & Dog Shelter and pointed to the one we wanted. That's how I had Bonnie for 12 years.

              Although we've got an ongoing adoption with bringing one from abroad...............Mr. JC's ex-secretary has Stan brought in from Cyprus. We're letting our application to adopt from abroad carry on and its ticking along nicely.
              However, we've also seen a beautiful lurcher with Dogs Trust and we've applied for a meeting. They now bring the dog to the home rather than us visit the kennels. After Mr JC filled in the application we've been told that if we haven't heard in five working days we have to assume that we're not getting him. Being know how understanding, kind, generous I am .........I hit the fecking roof while using the f-bomb (I'm now the world champion f-bomb champion) and just said how much time would it take for someone just to give us a quick phone call to tell us.

              I heard the other day that a woman walking her dog on the beach was attacked and they tried to grab her dog. She was hanging on to him for dear life..................luckily there were two even bigger men who managed to protect her and her dog and the dog-nappers did a runner.

              My FB page is inundated with messages from various animal charities telling us they need money as they're overrun by strays and those that need re-homing. We actually have a donation to the dogs trust and have had one for donkey's years.

              Like I said yesterday I'm very low and Mr. JC will be going back to full-time in the office soon (no date decided yet). I can't go back to the library a) its still shut b) until I get the other cataract done its awfully hard to read anything so I can't go back. c) I don't watch Loose Women.

              Whinge over.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                Whinge away. Would any of the veterinary practices have some nurses who help rehome. My daughters practice is the only one in their group who do it as they have one nurse who is a complete softie. Now the dogs are never designer, mainly come from our ethnic community but all need good homes. Know dogs Trust are wonderful and lots of these charities have to have rules and regulations but sometimes common sense needs to be applied. My daughter rehomed a little fella with a girl who had been turned down as they live on a farm and don’t have a fenced in garden. She absolutely loves animals, we knew her years ago and that puppy got a 5 star home.

                Fostering might help as a stop gap, remember the puppy I helped bottle feed, he’s now nearly a full sized lurched. These charities are bound to need some help. Just a few ideas, in the meantime take care of yourself.


                  Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                  [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION].........its lovely to hear what happened to that young 'un. Will she adopt me.............I should have had my jabs by then. I'm now in the next tier for the covid vaccine which will start this week for us second tier oldies and I'm fully trained and can be let off the leash and walk to heel unless I'm in the chocolate aisle.

                  Didn't get the big shop done today so it'll be done tomorrow.

                  Nighty night from me. Just one more day left of January ...........can't wait for the daffodils to start poking their heads out.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                    There are people nicking dogs. You are shitting me? That's actually my worst nightmare.

                    A nice quiet Sunday here. Just about to hit YouTube gardening channels. Drenched with rain. It's wither that or drought and 40 degrees. No half measures here.

                    I started to watch Bridgerton as well. It is a bit compulsive, isn't it? I just wish they'd be true to the time setting - music, language and so on.

                    I will deal, or more to the point refuse to deal, with the canine poo issue next week. probably via resignation. A group of us went to see Penguin Bloom at the cinema yesterday and I told them about poo-gate. We laughed our heads of. Some suggestions were made as well, as you can imagine...
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                      I will deal, or more to the point refuse to deal, with the canine poo issue next week. probably via resignation. A group of us went to see Penguin Bloom at the cinema yesterday and I told them about poo-gate.
                      Just tell them you are not paid enough to deal with that shite Bridge !!
                      Are you in HR ?

                      Morning all. Just a pop in before I go to work.


                        Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                        Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                        Just tell them you are not paid enough to deal with that shite Bridge !!
                        Are you in HR ?

                        Morning all. Just a pop in before I go to work.
                        Good morning everyone. Have a good day at work Satz, how are Mr Satz and your Mom?

                        Pelting sleet here this morning. Will be so glad to see the back if this month. Grateful for unhungover Sunday mornings, only bright light in this dark month.


                          Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                          [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION].......there you are. Was beginning to worry you'd got stuck in the toilet booster seat.

                          Running late as one of the heaters is playing up and we've started shopping on Sunday's.

                          Shag all going on here.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                            Arvo all. Yep nowt going on round here either. i am doing a challenge to walk 152 miles this month. I have another 2.1 miles that I have to do before the end of the day. Done bloody 6 already today. Oh and I have done the housework :haha: desperate times


                              Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                              Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                              Just tell them you are not paid enough to deal with that shite Bridge !!
                              Are you in HR ?
                              Oh Christ, no. Research. Research about poo apparently.

                              Jeez, Starty. That's a lot of miles. Great idea joining a challenge though. They really are very motivating, aren't they?

                              Still working from home for the time being this week.
                              JC any more pupper news?
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                Re: New Year New Start Army January 2021

                                Originally posted by starty View Post
                                Arvo all. Yep nowt going on round here either. i am doing a challenge to walk 152 miles this month. I have another 2.1 miles that I have to do before the end of the day. Done bloody 6 already today. Oh and I have done the housework :haha: desperate times
                                That's nearly 9k a day (I did that in my head :haha, thats some challenge! not a bother to you.

                                Wet gloomy day, but got the shopping done.

                                Good bye January 2021 :butt:
                                AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:

