I have a big request for you: I am studying psychology in the Bachelor's program at the University of Munich and would like to find out for a seminar paper on the topic of "Craving", whether the craving for drinking changes in affected individuals while answering the "Obsessive Compulsive Drinking Scale" (OCDS, a questionnaire with 14 alcohol-related questions).
Actually, I should have finished this work last year, but due to Covid-19, it was almost impossible for me to conduct face-to-face interviews. Somehow you are my last hope. I also wanted to try a German forum, but there seems to be very little going on.
Maybe one or the other of you has a few minutes to fill out my questionnaire online. It takes less than 10 minutes. The survey is anonymous. You can withdraw your willingness to participate at any time without giving a reason. You will find more information about this in the questionnaire itself.
You would really help me a lot. Thank you in advance!
I wish you all a happy and especially healthy year 2021!
Very dear greetings,
Here's the link to my questionnaire: