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Army garrison - February 2021

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    Re: Army garrison - February 2021

    Thats great Tabbers!

    Busy day.. we put down a floor in the den. I was pretty handy with a mallet so I am.

    That makes a lot of sense Molly. My mate is quadriplegia, shes a saint. I have no reason to moan (but I still manage it!).
    AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


      Re: Army garrison - February 2021

      Good morning - still having stinking drinking dreams. Last night's I best not talk about on a family page.

      Tabbs. Fingers crossed the stars will align & you get to retire with some icing on the cake.
      You can set up as a Market Gardener & I'll buy your organic produce.

      I believe with the UK / EU 'border' nonsense there is now room for us Irish to become self-sufficient especially when it comes to food. In season fruit & veg - nothing like it.
      There will be entrepreneurs popping up everywhere to fill a need. Small things we took for granted - we should be able to produce ourselves.

      We can't get printing paper in work from our usual supplier - small order - still waiting after 4 weeks. In the end we went to a local place - 100% Irish.
      Last edited by satz123; February 15, 2021, 04:18 AM.


        Re: Army garrison - February 2021

        Originally posted by satz123 View Post
        Good morning - still having stinking drinking dreams. Last night's I best not talk about on a family page.

        Tabbs. Fingers crossed the stars will align & you get to retire with some icing on the cake.
        You can set up as a Market Gardener & I'll buy your organic produce.

        I believe with the UK / EU 'border' nonsense there is now room for us Irish to become self-sufficient especially when it comes to food. In season fruit & veg - nothing like it.
        There will be entrepreneurs popping up everywhere to fill a need. Small things we took for granted - we should be able to produce ourselves.

        We can't get printing paper in work from our usual supplier - small order - still waiting after 4 weeks. In the end we went to a local place - 100% Irish.
        Omg you are preaching to the converted there Benjy!! Buy local....and I will point the finger at younger folks...they don't give a fiddlers where stuff mum and dad were so loyal to our own producers...we have the best the world...why oh feckin WHY would we import potatoes from the UK???? Absolutely errant nonsense! It truly makes my blood boil!
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Re: Army garrison - February 2021

          I've just made Mr. JC have a look where our potatoes are.........UK. Couldn't agree more.
          Watching TV at the moment and they're 'discussing' bringing back the high street. On the whole, our High Streets are now charity shops, betting shops, pubs and banks/building societies.
          I remember being told to stand by my brother's pram outside while my mum disappeared inside the butchers, the bakers, greengrocer, the general grocery store.

          May I add bring back cookery in schools. My DIL couldn't boil an egg. Because the S&H and Jenny were taught (by me & his Dad) to cook from scratch she is actually cooking proper meals not just filling a pot noodle.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Re: Army garrison - February 2021

            Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
            I've just made Mr. JC have a look where our potatoes are.........UK. Couldn't agree more.
            Watching TV at the moment and they're 'discussing' bringing back the high street. On the whole, our High Streets are now charity shops, betting shops, pubs and banks/building societies.
            I remember being told to stand by my brother's pram outside while my mum disappeared inside the butchers, the bakers, greengrocer, the general grocery store.

            May I add bring back cookery in schools. My DIL couldn't boil an egg. Because the S&H and Jenny were taught (by me & his Dad) to cook from scratch she is actually cooking proper meals not just filling a pot noodle.
            And I agree with all of that...I have to admit to laziness sometimes and #1 buying meat in Tesco #2 buying ANYTHING in Tesco.. it's a UK chain and they've taken the heart and soul out of our main street...but that's all going to change...I find it insulting that Tesco ireland think we eat ready made meals of toad in the hole and many more UK dishes...we have our own cuisine and it's pretty good...yup made up my mind...Tesco....gone!
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Re: Army garrison - February 2021

              We rarely use Tesco these days and after being treated like two kids caught behind the bike shed having a sneaky smoke with the one person per household with the trolley it holds even less allure.
              We use Aldi or Lidl these days (German ) I know at the till its like a game show getting all your stuff through but we've saved a fortune.
              We've got Premier Meats a proper butcher. We do the payday thing and buy monthly and put it in the freezer and work around what we've got.

              I bought DIL the Bero Book. Toad in the Hole was her first try. It was better than any I have made in my entire life.

              I'm still going to get my undies from Marks and Spencer......I refuse to lower my standards.....which we have teeny branch up the road just near the opticians that Satz went to.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Re: Army garrison - February 2021

                oh I do like M&S undies -- I'll give you that!! Yes I have used Lidl a fair bit - but our local Supervalu is just fine - there's only two of us in the house now PTL -- so shopping is not a big thing... at the moment I'm not even going to the shop after Mary's story bout her in-laws -- twould be some irony if I bring Joe back into the hospital next week with a case of Covid!!!!

                Lovely day here - got out for a wee walk with the dog.. nice bit of fresh air and relieves the guilts..

                no other news really
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Re: Army garrison - February 2021

                  Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                  oh I do like M&S undies -- I'll give you that!! Yes I have used Lidl a fair bit - but our local Supervalu is just fine - there's only two of us in the house now PTL -- so shopping is not a big thing... at the moment I'm not even going to the shop after Mary's story bout her in-laws -- twould be some irony if I bring Joe back into the hospital next week with a case of Covid!!!!

                  Lovely day here - got out for a wee walk with the dog.. nice bit of fresh air and relieves the guilts..

                  no other news really

                  Afternoon everyone. Completely agree with all the sentiments expressed above. Typing from phone so this has to be short.

                  Lovely to see a bit of sun and was delighted to get out on a walk this morning. It really sets me up for the day. It even seemed a little bit brighter when I was coming in at 7am. Roll on spring. I think we all need the light. How is Mikey? Well done on the DIY Mary. Hope Joe continues to improve. Waves to everyone else.


                    Re: Army garrison - February 2021

                    Pupate......He's just made himself very comfortable in Mr. JC's upstairs office............... formally known as the back bedroom.
                    I'm about to have my first walk with him. Mr JC's done it all weekend. First things first I've got to learn how to put his harness on. We may be some time.

                    And I just remembered we got a refund (in vouchers) for last year's holiday to be used within two years so I've been looking at cottage holidays in Scotland or North Yorkshire for later this year.

                    And its 50 years today the UK converted to decimalization. I've got a few coins and pound notes. Remember showing the kids and they just looked at me as if we all lived in a cave when we were younger.
                    Gawd I'm going to start sounding like one of those people that could go to the cinema, buy ice cream and fish and chips on the way home for 20p.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Re: Army garrison - February 2021

                      Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                      Pupate......He's just made himself very comfortable in Mr. JC's upstairs office............... formally known as the back bedroom.
                      I'm about to have my first walk with him. Mr JC's done it all weekend. First things first I've got to learn how to put his harness on. We may be some time.

                      And I just remembered we got a refund (in vouchers) for last year's holiday to be used within two years so I've been looking at cottage holidays in Scotland or North Yorkshire for later this year.

                      And its 50 years today the UK converted to decimalization. I've got a few coins and pound notes. Remember showing the kids and they just looked at me as if we all lived in a cave when we were younger.
                      Gawd I'm going to start sounding like one of those people that could go to the cinema, buy ice cream and fish and chips on the way home for 20p.
                      I'll go one better...I got 2/6 pocket money when bought me a big bottle Taylor Keith lemonade..a block of icecream and a big bag sweets
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Re: Army garrison - February 2021

                        Jesus Molls - I can remember getting 6p piece on a Friday ( does that sound right) ? Either I'm wrong or yous were filthy rich.
                        Over to the sweet shop & bought crap. That was it till next week.


                          Re: Army garrison - February 2021

                          I find it insulting that Tesco ireland think we eat ready made meals of toad in the hole and many more UK dishes...we have our own cuisine and it's pretty good...yup made up my mind...Tesco....gone!
                          I agree. So I am going to follow both your leads & stop shopping in Tesco.
                          Also stopped buying O'Carroll's meat - they are the Meat factories that had slave labour - that only came to light last April. Minimum wage - that the mostly immigrant employees were afraid not to go to work. They were housed in terrible conditions too.
                          Don't need anyone to cook a chicken , pump it with water & chemicals & slice it for me - even for the dog.

                          We're really like 3 old biddies :harhar:


                            Re: Army garrison - February 2021

                            I haven't bought their meat since then...and now I have Joe completely at my mercy food wise I'm spending less than half what I used to and twice as good for us...fruit and veg out our ears!!

                            6p is much more recent than half a crown...but I can't work out the differ haha!!

                            God I'm tired😁 this nursing lark is exhausting
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Re: Army garrison - February 2021

                              Originally posted by mollyka View Post

                              God I'm tired this nursing lark is exhausting
                              You're playing a blinder Molls ! :welldone:

                              My 'patient' is back to normal - he & YS sat from Fri - Sun on their arses while I worked the 3 days. Only moved to eat, walk the dog, feed her rubbish.
                              I came home last night shattered at 6.30 and automatically started sorting washing, and tidying the kitchen while still in my coat ........

                              This morning I was still exhausted but had to walk the dog for an hour, clean the house, then go for big shop, then cook the poxy food.
                              Had a lightbulb moment after I heard a woman on the radio ( long story about work done at home is not classed as work) and the husband leaving her after 25 years.

                              So WTF am I doing ? If the 'breadwinner' is the person who leaves the house to go to work - why isn't he doing what I used to do when I was at home he was 'breadwinner'. FFS !!!

                              I know he has his new hip - but FFS - he was well able to drive at the weekend..... that's healed in my book.

                              AND ye know what ? this is the legacy of drinking - guilt and still self doubt - I always assume I'm in the wrong, being selfish and lazy. I'M NOT !!!

                              This concludes this evening's rant..... :victorious: thanks for listening y'all.


                                Re: Army garrison - February 2021

                                Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                                You're playing a blinder Molls ! :welldone:

                                Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                                AND ye know what ? this is the legacy of drinking - guilt and still self doubt - I always assume I'm in the wrong, being selfish and lazy. I'M NOT !!!
                                This concludes this evening's rant..... :victorious: thanks for listening y'all.
                                And a fabulous rant and you know I still do it.

                                Actually just called in to say good night but you've now given us a great talking point for tomorrow.

                                And have one of these while I'm on :hug:
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

