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im on the 2 getting somewhere!

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    im on the 2 getting somewhere!

    gee thanks!! when she moves bk im hoping well get a cheapy holiday once they get there house!!! im not doin 2 bad i feel like ive been the most honest in yrs an yrs, got a real real long way to go but im starting, i know i cant keep it up, i dont think body will let me!! thanks again, an well done, glad u r doin well, like the new pic!!
    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


      im on the 2 getting somewhere!


      I have to tell you (as an English major), I can see the difference in your posts. As you taper down and get more committed, you are becoming a great communicator and a valued part of MYO. Keep it up lady! You are doing great!


        im on the 2 getting somewhere!

        u mean u can tell when im not drunk!!!! i should of been good at english, i pretty much dropped out of school at 14, they all had such high hopes!!! maths well not a hope in hell!!! thanks , i hope to make much more sense as the weeks go on, xxxxxxxxx
        :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


          im on the 2 getting somewhere!

          Woops, I didn't mean it that way. I just mean that you have become more articulate as the days go by. I think you communicate very well and are very bright. But your posts seem to have taken on a different quality. You are doing great.


            im on the 2 getting somewhere!

            Hope I did not offend. I am a poor writer for an English major, lol...


              im on the 2 getting somewhere!

              Ok, off to bed for me. Rachel, I hope I did not say something to upset you. I admire your courage and look forward to reading your posts every day.


                im on the 2 getting somewhere!

                no i have read some past posts an dont i ramble,u r right, i did nt take offence, i hope 2morr i el bit better body wise, weekend tho, bf will without a doubt have 36 tins in fridge, no kids this weekend, he may suprise me lol!! after drs an tests im gonna do this proper , if he cant support me then, ill vno meds or supervision, id b setting myself up to fail, got 2 go bed, bf is up, moaning, its 2,30 all but, cheers night xx
                :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                  im on the 2 getting somewhere!

                  I don't think you ramble at all. I guess because I am old enough to be your mom you use a different lingo but I love reading your posts and think you are doing such a great job. Go to bed! You really amaze all of us.


                    im on the 2 getting somewhere!

                    i think i should a gone bed sooner!!! 3 hrs sleep, its 7am now, u never know ducky, i may even start to write whole words in whole sentances soon, an maybe use the correct punctuation, ive spent to many years texting, and you forget how to write whole words, !!! i have still got some roaring pains all through my stomach, well everywhere i think, i got cyattica ,nerve in my hip, tendonitius in my feet, OR GOUT, can any 1 explain if that is related to drinking, i forgot to ask the dr, i spent ages rubbing me liver trying to decide if its swolen or not, i did give up, i havent a clue!! i know im experiencing some pretty sharp,dull strange pains in that area, have been a while, ill get dr to give me liver a good grope on monday, !!!!
                    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                      im on the 2 getting somewhere!

                      Good morning Rachael - not much sleep for you last night Eh. Just been reading your posts from around two thirty in the morning, then here you are again at seven o'clock. I agree with ducky's comments, your posts have taken on a new direction, more possitiveness and much less self loathing. I don't know if you are aware of it yourself, but since your trip to the doc's, your posts are coming over with more confidence that there is in deed a way out of this for you. I had no idea that you are down in Cornwall, I used to live near Looe !! (but that was another life time).
                      Rachael, you are such a wonderfully expressive person, no bullsh*t, you have opened your life to us. I so look forward to reading your posts each day, it's a sort of "What Rachael did next"
                      Keep being strong, and keep moving I feel sure, are going to amaze us all with this struggle to achieve the common goal we all have.

                      Gonnabee not Wannabee


                        im on the 2 getting somewhere!

                        cheers bud, im not 2 far from looe, got to kids of an b back xx
                        :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                          im on the 2 getting somewhere!

                          hey thanks 4 that luc, nice 2 hear,2 b honest i didnt realise any of what u said b4 or ducky before i read it, hey im even starting to write proper words, not txt, i may get half my brain back or just a quarter, id b happy!!! bloody dangerous but happy, half the reason i get me words wrong is cos i keep thinking im a touch typist !! lol obviously im not !!!! as its fri i know it prob wont b a very moderated weekend, we got no kids in house, my anphetamine dealer is my next door neighbour, he s just got bk of holiday, so my 5 week stint at giving that up may b in jeapordy, he s already popped his head over the fence 4 my order! oh i need some will power!!! if i screw up this weekend, im just gonna say to myself, i know i can reduce, i know im gonna have to stop when all is sorted wiv dr, i may as well have a normal weekend an give dr an accurate reading of my "NORMAL" consumption when i have blood test, then i cant really lie about the amount, DOES THAT SOUND LIKE A N EXCUSE ! just cos im gonna mess up the weekend dosent mean im quitting quitting tho, u can look forward to the expeditions of rach, or aka TROUBLE xx
                          :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                            im on the 2 getting somewhere!

                            LOL i just thought if i start thinking really really hard u may all get a poem u will b lol then xx
                            :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                              im on the 2 getting somewhere!

                              Hi Rachel

                              I have just seen all these messages.

                              I am so glad you went to the doctor and hope that he will help you get through this. you do sound better already.

                              It sounds like detox needs to be handled carefully so listen to all the advice and write things down. or can you take a tape recorder? sounds like the addictive medicines are just taken for a brief period and might help.

                              Also, I am wondering about your boyfriend. does he have a drinking problem too? you mention he is bringing you beers so I was just wondering, sorry if you already addressed this in one of your other threads and I missed it.

                              This is a hard thing to confront and be honest about so I think you are dong really well.

