Morning and hi MrG'ster Bridge..not sure we need to cancel those things completely but with age I find comes to come to terms with what might be the case then if they ARE doable it's a bonus..we'll hang onto the bike for this year anyway and moving house wouldn't be till I can retire anyway so no decision needed there!
How's everyone? Did you get out for your run MrsA? I'm sure you haven't had much opportunity for running for a while so the aul muscles might need a bit of reviving!
According to a friend who knows about these things all over 50's should have the two doses of vaccine in the next 8 weeks...we'll see..not going to be much use I fear with new dangerous variants popping up in non-
vaccinated countries but who knows!
Getting my new work laptop and phone delivered this week...I have NO IDEA what I'm sposed to do with them...think it will not be good...'digital presence ' was mentioned in one of the team meetings......right
